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Name: ______________________
Date: ___________ Period: _____
Political Revolutions
Unit 5, Section 2
A. In the late 1700’s and early 1800’s revolutions hit ____________ & the
1. 1776 - ______________________
2. 1789 - ______________________
A. Declaration of Independence - _________________________________
B. Estates General - ___________________________________________
C. National Assembly - _________________________________________
D. Maximilien Robespierre - ____________________________________
E. Napoleon Bonaparte - _______________________________________
F. Coup d’etat - _______________________________________________
G. Napoleonic Code - __________________________________________
H. Toussaint L’Ouverture - ______________________________________
I. Simon Bolivar - ____________________________________________
J. Jose de SanMartin - _________________________________________
A. The colonists were inspired by the ____________________ and by the
traditions of ____________________
1. They established a new nation based on ___________________
government and a guarantee of __________ and
B. Influence of British Traditions
1. Magna Carta and Parliament
a. The _____________________ limited the power of
_______________ monarchs.
2. The English Bill of Rights
C. Influence of the Enlightenment
1. Common Sense
a. Written by : _____________________________
b. It discussed a _________________, ________________
- he appealed to _______________ & _____________
in his arguments
2. The Declaration of Independence
a. Written by: _______________________________
b. He was influenced by ________________________
c. Jefferson said that governments should rule with the
___________ of the governed
d. People have the right to ___________________ that are
unjust and do not ________________ their citizens.
3. The Constitution
a. __________________________ - this is an agreement
with the governed.
b. __________________________ - refers to the idea that
power is divided between state and federal governments.
- initiated by the philosopher
c. ____________________________ - the _______________
was added to protect basic rights.
D. Impact of the American Revolution on the World
1. America stood as a symbol of __________________ to Europe
and Latin America
2. The ___________________ created the most liberal government
of its time.
3. The success of the Am Rev. would inspire major changes and also
to challenge the power of _________________
A. Causes of the Revolution
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________
B. Stages of the Revolution
1. The Revolution Begins
a. _______________________ They were made up of
members of the __________ Estate.
b. _______________________ Working class people stormed
the Bastille on ________________________. This
sparked a period of rioting in the city and countryside
called ______________________
c. _________________________
2. A Limited Monarchy
- The Constitution of 1791 dfined the purpose of the new
government as:
a. _______________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________
3. Radicals in Power
a. 1792- The radicals declared France a _________________
- Their slogan was " _____________, _____________,
___________________. "
b. 1793 – The king was executed for ____________________
- This event started the _________________________
which was led by ________________________
- The Reign of Terror lasted ____ year.
4. Moderates Return
a. 1795 – A five-man " ____________" held power in France.
b. This government was ___________ & ________________
V. Napoleon Bonaparte in Power
A. 1799 – He overthrew the weak Directory in a _____________________
or revolt by military leaders.
B. 1802 – He called himself " ___________________________________"
C. Napoleon's Successes
1. Economic – he controlled _____________, supported new
____________ and built ___________ & ____________
2. Education – he developed a ____________ school system
3. The Napoleonic Code – It included ___________________ ideas
such as legal _____________ of citizens and
_______________ toleration.
D. The Empire of Napoleon (1804-1814)
1. He conquered much of _____________________ and replaced
defeated monarchs with ____________ and _____________
2. Only 2 nations were not conquered by Napoleon: _____________
& ___________________.
E. The Fall of Napoleon
1. People across Europe, inspired by feelings of ________________
began to revolt against French rule.
2. The Invasion of Russia (1812)
a. This invasion failed because the Russians followed a
"_________________" policy where they burned
crops and supplies as they retreated taking supplies
away from the French.
3. The Battle of Waterloo (1815)
a. Napoleon was defeated by the _______________ &
VI. The Effects of the French Revolution
A. Democratic Ideals
1. Describe how people in Europe tried to achieve the goals of the
French Revolution:
a. "Liberty" - ______________________________________
b. "Equality" - _____________________________________
c. " Fraternity" - ____________________________________
B. Nationalism
1. Napoleons conquests played a part in the unification of
_________ & __________________
VII. Latin American Independence Movements
A. Describe the 3 ways Enlightenment and revolutionary ideas spread from
Europe and the US to Latin America.
1. _____________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________
B. Toussaint L'Ouverture
1. ______________ was the first Latin American colony to revolt.
2. Toussaint L'Ouverture led the revolt in ________.
3. They finally gained their independence in ______.
C. Simon Bolivar
1. He was known as "the ______________"
2. He joined forces with _________________________ in the effort
for independence.
3. He failed in his ultimate goal of ___________________________
VIII. Summary
A. The ___________________ ideas of ____________________ and
rejection of _______________________ began revolutions in the
1700's and 1800's.
1. 1776 – Colonists in America declared independence from
a. They created a government based on the ideas of
_______________ & ________________
2. 1789 – The ______________________________
a. Revolutionaries overturned the ______________________
and created a new social order.
3. Both the American and French Revolutions touched off
revolutions in ________________________