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Unit 1 Biology – Introduction to Cells
Minds On . . . What are cells? What do they do? Where are they found? What are they made up of?
Brainstorm the answer to some of these questions:
What do cells look like? Use the microviewers to observe some basic cell structure including cells of your body!
Set 58 Microviewer slide – CELL STRUCTURE (read through the slide pamphlet as you observe the slide and fill in
the blanks below):
In the early part of the 19th century, scientists concluded that _____________________________________________.
These slides have been selected for you to notice that cells of different plants and animals have variations in their
structure adapted to their __________________________. A knowledge of basic ____________________ of the cell
is necessary for _____________________ all ______________ _______________. A magnification of 300x means
___________________ and that the picture that you are looking at is _________________________ than the object.
1) Cork – Mag: ______x. What are the “dark-walled” boxes called that you are looking at? __________________.
Are they “real” cells? Explain.
2) Onion Skin – Mag: ______x. What was this layer stained with and why?
What is inside the cell wall? What does it look like?
What isC and D pointing at?
What structure can you see that is unique to plant cells?
3) Green Leaf – Mag: ______x. What are some structures that you can see in A?
What is B, C, D, and E pointing at?
4) Cheek cells – Mag: ______x. Can you identify the 3 parts that make up almost all cells? What are they?
What are the oval granules seen near the head of the arrow?
5) Blood Cells – Mag: ______x. What is neat about the structure of A?
How is the cell at B identified? What is unique about it?
What is different about the cell at C?
What is D pointing at and what does it look like?
6) Nerve Cells – Mag: ______x. Where was this slide made from?
Describe the structure of a nerve cell. Why can an entire brain cell not be seen here?
7) Bacteria – Mag: ______x. Where are these bacteria from?
How is their structure and cell parts different from other cells?
8) Virus – Mag: ______x. Describe what is seen in this slide.
What was used to take this photo?
Do you think viruses are cells? Why or why not?
Set 10 Microviewer slide – CELLS OF YOUR BODY (read through the slide pamphlet as you observe the slide and
fill in the blanks below):
We have all heard the common phrase, “____________________________________________________________.”
The human body is NOT like a __________ which can be made of a single kind of ____________ ____________.
What are some different kinds of cells in the body? _________________________________________________. A
magnification of 900x means ___________________ and that the picture that you are looking at is
_________________________ than the object.
1) Cheek Cells– Mag: ______x. Describe what you can see including the dark spot.
2) Blood Cells – Mag: ______x. What are some interesting facts about red blood cells?
White blood cells?
3) Lymph Gland cells – Mag: ______x. Where are lymph glands located?
What other cell type are lymph gland cells similar to and why? Describe how they’re similar.
4) Bone cells – Mag: ______x. Is bone alive? _______________________________________________________
Describe the structure of bone including what it is made up of.
5) Voluntary muscle cells – Mag: ______x. Describe these cells including the structures you can see.
6) Involuntary muscle cells – Mag: ______x. This slide was made from a piece of ______________________.
How are these cells different from Voluntary Muscle Cells?
Where are Involuntary muscle cells located?
Where are Voluntary muscle cells located?
7) Nerve Cells – Mag: ______x. What is A and B pointing to?
8) Gland Cells – Mag: ______x. Where are these cells from? ____________________ What can you see at A and B?
2.1 Plant and Animal Cells (Pages 29 – 32)
Biology is a science is built on three simple but very important ideas. These three ideas form the cell theory. The cell
theory states that
All living things are made up of cells, but these cells may be very ______________ or very
____________. The simplest organisms are ____________ and ____________. These simple, singlecelled life forms are called _______________. The cells do not have a ______________. More complex
cells can exist as single-celled organisms or multicellular organisms. The cells of these organisms, knows
as _______________, have a more complex internal organization, including a nucleus. Eukaryotes include
all ___________, __________, __________, and _________, from the tiniest Amoeba to the longest whale
and the tallest tree. The cells of eukaryotes are much ____________ than the cells of prokaryotes: tens to
thousands of times ________.
Cell Structure
Your body is made up of many specialized organs that carry out all the processes needed to live. In
the same way, a _______________ cell also has specialized parts, called ______________, carry out
specific functions necessary for life.
Label the parts of the Plant and Animal Cells
Based on how a cell functions, create an analogy to compare the structure (cell parts) and function of a cell
to something else you know (like a factory or school, etc).
**If the ribosomes make protein, what do proteins do in a cell?
Organelles in Plant Cells Only