Download Aerobic Life Mag 07 Recommendations

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Pure Vegan Mag 07 Recommendations
How much should I use and how do I use it?
Begin with 2 to 6 capsules depending on the need of your body.
Some may need more for the first several days. Once you receive good results, reduce
the amount. It is recommended to be consistent. Do not make changes (switching
amounts such as taking 6, then 1 or none, then back to 6). Taper up or down gradually as
Always take Mag 07 with water on an empty stomach. Depending on the meal, this may
mean 2 to 4 hrs after eating. Never take other supplements or medications at the time of
taking Mag 07. You can take other supplements 20 to 30 minutes after taking Mag 07.
The best time to take Mag 07 is at bedtime. Though if you do not have an empty stomach
at that time, take it either in the middle of the night or first thing in morning.
It can be tricky to find the right dose at first, but well worth the trial and error. Eventually
you will find exactly what your body needs.
How do I know if I am using enough?
The right dose is when you are having at least one easy, full, well-formed bowel
movement every day. Over time you will need less Mag 07 to receive the same results.
Overtime reduce by one capsule at a time, as needed. And there may be times you may
need to add an extra capsule or two if you get constipated again.
Mag O7 is a fantastic product for constipation, sluggish bowels, and mild cleansing of the
bowels. I believe this product to be far superior to any other product or supplement used
for these purposes.
I already take magnesium, isn’t that enough?
Be aware, Mag 07 is a large magnesium molecule that does not dissolve in your blood
stream nor adds to the body’s need for magnesium. It simply stays in your intestine and
absorbs and holds water to form and move your stools. Additionally, Mag 07 releases
oxygen to cleanse the bowels and encourage healthy bacteria.
Any dietary or nutritional recommendations?
In addition to Mag 07, I highly encourage everyone to take a supplement with
magnesium. Regular magnesium will not only add additional help in creating healthy
bowels (and decreasing the need for Mag 07), it will support the entire body’s need for
magnesium. Magnesium is one of the most important and necessary nutrients, and very
often found deficient in people today.
Our number one recommendation for magnesium is the natural liquid mineral concentrate
form from BioNativus, An average of 40 drops is used spread throughout the days
drinking water. We also have available capsules of Magnesium Taurate
Additionally, it is important to have a healthy diet. For healthy digestion and elimination,
be certain you are eating a mix of both cooked and raw vegetables. Also, be certain you
are eating adequate healthy fats and oils: these include Olive Oil, Coconut Oil and Sweet
Unsalted Butter.
Too many bread products, nuts and seeds, cheese, and other foods consumed in excess
can contribute to an increased occurrence of constipation. It is best to soak all nuts and
seeds in water first, and to eat them in moderation.
Anyone experiencing continued sluggish bowels or constipation should consider our 24
Hour Urinalysis to evaluate how your digestion is functioning. Being on the correct
digestive enzymes and perhaps Betaine HCL with Activator can be crucial to your health.
Natural forms of Vitamin C are also important to maintaining healthy bowel function and