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Apply marketing communication
strategies across a convergent industry
 Emergency procedures
 Ground rules, mobiles and security issues
 Break times and smoking policy
 This course is interactive – ask questions
 Practise respect and confidentiality
 Assessment timetable
 Assessor SBTA email
 Printing facilities for students (level 2 & 6)
 No food or drink in classrooms
 Discover how to identify the convergent
 Know how to prepare cross sector marketing tools
and techniques
 Learn how to apply convergent marketing
 Gain the skills and knowledge required for this unit
Identify the convergent
1.1 Review and identify
the role of the
traditional siloed sectors
to client requirements
Siloed sectors vs. convergent
 Siloed sectors:
Departments/sectors that work
independently from each other,
often with separate systems of
communication, work practices
and objectives
 Convergent industry:
Collaboration between
departments/sectors, most
often driven by client-centric
Reviewing and identifying the role
of traditional siloed sectors
 Organisational charts/structures
 Identifying functions/roles of each sector.
Client requirements
For example:
 Deliverables
 Services
 Timelines
 Cost
 Communication, etc.
Identify the convergent
1.2 Identify the
potential points of
Potential points of integration
For example:
 Marketing and IT: The Marketing department may
have envisioned the branding of the campaign, but IT
has the skills to convert this into a social media drive
and/or convey marketing objectives on the
organisation’s website, for example.
Identifying business processes to
identify points of integration
Identifying business processes may require:
 Looking at organisational structure/organisational
 Looking at the business plan.
Identify the convergent
1.3 Establish the role of
the customer within the
convergent environment
The role of the customer within
the convergent environment
 Value of consumer activity
 Consumer feedback
 Interaction
 Brand recognition
 Consumer data.
Convergence analytics
Convergence analytics may draw on data from sources
such as:
 Web usage
 Call centres
 Campaign data
 Sales figures, etc.
Identify the convergent
1.4 Confirm and ensure
that messages can be
unified across an
integrated offering
Integrated marketing
Integrated marketing is a marketing strategy that uses
multiple methods to reach its consumers and uses the
results of its effort to feedback into all sectors of its
For example:
 One-to-one marketing
 Mass marketing
 Online/digital marketing
 Promotions, etc.
Unified communications
Communications might include:
 Instant messengers
 Web and video conferencing
 Social media
 Television
 Desktop sharing
 Mobility features.
Unified messaging
Unified messaging can make it possible to receive all
messages through one portal.
Messaging may include:
 Phone calls
 Emails
 Social media posts
and comments
 IM (Instant Messaging).
Confirming viability of unified
In order for unified messaging to be viable, an
organisation requires:
 The technical capacity
 The budget
 Willingness of departments
to intercommunicate
 Ability to maintain systems
 Adequate security and
privacy provisions
 Ease of use.
Identify the convergent
1.5 Identify relevant and
current legislation,
regulations and policies
that may impact on
marketing within the
convergent environment
ACMA (Australian Communications
and Media Authority)
Guidelines provided by the ACMA
 Regulatory guide No. 1-5
 Enforceable undertakings:
Guidelines for accepting
enforceable undertakings—
telecommunications obligations
 Reform of the broadcasting
regulator’s enforcement powers.
Other resources
 ComLaw
 ‘OECD Policy Guidance on
Convergence and Next
Generation Networks’,
Organisation for Economic CoOperation and Development,
June 2008
 Lawyers and/or legal
 Regulatory bodies for media,
marketing and/or your
organisation’s sector(s).
Impact of legislation and
Legislation and regulation might
impact on:
 What can be communicated
 How often information can be
 At what times information can be
 How personal information can be
used to reach consumers.
Prepare cross sector marketing
tools and techniques
2.1 Identify and
evaluate tools and
techniques from
traditional sectors to the
integrated marketing
Siloed sectors tools and
Tools and techniques might include:
 Printed marketing materials
 Social networking
 Promotions
 One-on-one marketing
 Mass marketing
 Inter- and intra-organisational
systems of communication, etc.
Identifying tools and techniques
This may include:
 Consulting with members of staff, representatives
and stakeholders
 Observation
 Customer feedback
 Analysis of statistical data
 Review of the separate policies
and procedures documents of each sector.
Prepare cross sector marketing
tools and techniques
2.2 Create convergent
tools and techniques
suitable for use within a
divergent media
Tools and techniques of marketing
 Personal selling
 Web promotions
 Brochures
 Adverts
 Mailshots
 Publicity campaigns
 Social media, etc.
London Eye case study
In this campaign, the following divergent medias were
 Promotion – ticket and meal
 Thames Cruise
 Production of guidebooks
 Re-launch of website
 Promotion through
student unions for student
Creating suitable convergent tools
and techniques for divergent
For example:
 QI codes on posters which
lead to websites
 Apps which lead to sales
 Television adverts with
promotional codes for
online use.
Prepare cross sector marketing
tools and techniques
2.3 Create tools and
techniques suitable for
use within a customercentric environment
Customer-centric tools and
 Examples include:
 Social media sites
 Apps which facilitate interaction
with the organisation
 Use of a core interface across
 Targeted marketing
 User Generated Content (UGC),
User Generated Content
 Customers are
encouraged to participate
in marketing campaigns,
often through the use of
social media
 For example,
Independent Lens’
marketing campaign
Prepare cross sector marketing
tools and techniques
2.4 Review and confirm
the fit-for-purpose and
cost effectiveness of
relevant tools and
Desired outcomes of tools and techniques might
 Increased brand recognition
 Boost in sales
 Launching a new product
 Increased user interaction
and engagement, etc.
Cost effectiveness
 Cost Benefit Analysis
(CBA) – evaluating
numerical results, e.g.
sales, number of visitors
on website, etc.
 Cost Effectiveness Analysis
(CEA) – evaluating nonnumerical results, e.g.
brand recognition,
customer satisfaction, etc.
Apply convergent marketing
3.1 Select and utilise
integrated, cross sector
and media divergent
solutions to meet client
Marketing communications
 Traditional and modern means used in combination
to create one consistent and fluid campaign.
Meeting client requirements
Client requirements may include any of the following
 Objective
 Budget
 Brand promotion/
image placement
 Ease-of-use for customers
 Level of integration
 Timeline.
Apply convergent marketing
3.2 Identify and engage
the use of sector and
technology specific
experts where
Sector specific experts
Sector specific experts may be
required to:
 Better word the
features/benefits/unique selling
points of specialist
 Identify the target audience
 Refine branding/image/message
for target audience
 Act as a consultant to clarify
client requirements, etc.
Technology specific experts
Technology specific experts
may be required to:
 Develop apps/features of
online technologies
 Link devices/create one
 Maximise efficiency and easeof-use of online/digital tools
 Monitor performance
Apply convergent marketing
3.3 Establish channels to
empower and respond
rapidly to customer
Potential channels
These may include:
 Social media
 Television
 Radio
 Websites
 Blogs
 Smart phone apps
 In-person sales
 Brochures/coupons/fliers
 Mail shots, etc.
Empowering customers
Channels that promote customer
empowerment include:
 Social media sites – these allow
the customer to voice their
concerns and to like and share
content that they like.
 Apps – these allow the user to
interact with organisational
content and engage with the
Apply convergent marketing
3.4 Establish and
maintain expert and
business networks
relevant to marketing
Establish and maintain expert and
business networks
Expert networks:
 Sector specialists
 Technical specialists.
Business networks:
 Collaborators.
Written and oral updates
When preparing written updates, information must
 Appropriate to context
 Informed by organisational
 Suitable for audience.
Final tasks checks and discussions
Summary and Feedback
 Did we meet our objectives?
 How did you find this session?
 Any questions?
 What are the assessment process and due dates?
 What is the trainer’s and assessor’s SBTA email?
 How can I print and use the student photocopiers on
levels 2 & 6?
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‘Apply marketing communication strategies across a
convergent industry’