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Relationship Marketing: a Choice for Enterprises to Challenge
the Operating Environment
SUN Huimin, OUYANG Xiaozhen
School of Economics and Management,Wuhan University, Hubei, Wuhan, 430072,china
[email protected]
The changes in marketing environment bring about constantly changes and progresses in
marketing theory and practice. According to the views of Christopher Martin, the processes of marketing
development can be summarized as period of consumer marketing, period of industrial marketing
strategy, period of the non-profit department and social marketing, period of service marketing, period
of relationship marketing and the management the relationship between customers. Based on the work
of clearing out the theory of relationship marketing and the definition of relationship marketing, the
viewpoint of this paper is that relationship marketing is a choice for enterprises to meet the challenges of
the marketing environment. The changes from the marketing environment require enterprises to transfer
the strategies from transaction to relationship, from the satisfaction and loyalty of customers to the
values of customers, from attracting new customers to attracting new customers and retaining old
customers simultaneously, from the limit of customers’ markets to concerning the internal as well as
external marketing, from the quantity of sale to the quality, customer service and marketing.
Key words
marketing environment, relationship marketing, value of customers, challenges of
In the development of marketing theory, people found that each step of the development of
marketing theory is directed related with the dynamic development of environment. The facts of the
development of marketing theory are all based on the practice activities.
The marketing practice is a positive behavior that enterprises have adopted since the changes of
marketing environment brought about pressures to the enterprises. The development of the Relationship
Marketing theory is just growing up under the pressures of this turbulent marketing environment, so
relationship marketing is considered to be a result of the changes of marketing environment in this
1 Introduction
Marketing Theory developed from the period of consumer marketing to industrial marketing, to the
non-profit sector and social marketing, and then services marketing and the development of the
management of customers’ relationship, now it comes to Relationship marketing theory. The essential
change is the management of attaching importance on the success of transaction to the relationship,
focusing on enhancing the value of relationship. All these marketing practices and the development of
theory have been an impact on the researches of relations in and after the 1990s. “During this period,
there is a diversification in marketing theory and a development in relationship marketing theory. ” [9]
(2005 John Egan, P6), [11] (Christopher, 2005, the foreword), see figure 1. As the professor in Texas &
M University, the former President of American Marketing Association, Leonard L. Berry once said in
one of his articles which is about the history and status quo of relationship marketing that “Relationship
marketing, had been sealed in the mass concept of marketing, has become the main trend of marketing
studies, more and more scholars have studied this issue.” [11] (Christopher, 2005, the foreword)
changes of Relationship marketing
The focus of marketing strategy
The development of consumer marketing strategy
The development of industrial marketing strategy
The development of the marketing strategy of the non-profit and social service institution
The development of service marketing
The produce and the development of CRM
: Paynen,1998,2003; Christopher ,2005; John Egan 2005)
2 Relationship Marketing and Service Marketing
Entering the 1980s, it is not a problem for enterprises to improve the technology of product, to
develop economics and to manufacture the products on mass scale, however, the market has become
increasingly sophisticated and competitive, and customers demand for diversification. In the goods
market, the most important instrument, portfolio management strategy and its 4P’s model, for
enterprises to open the market has showed its limitations. New marketing ideas like social marketing
concepts and service marketing have emerged in this environment. Lots of enterprises have gradually
shifted the emphasis of marketing from simply to increase market share to “the quality of the market
share”. Concept of marketing has changed to “the establishment of a profitable and lasting relationship
with selected customers”. [11] (Christopher, 2005, pp2)Leading by this new ideas, one major work of
marketing is to provide the suitable products and services to each customer, in another word is the
market-oriented marketing which is pursued by enterprises.
The concept of relationship marketing appeared in the marketing theory of industrial and service
enterprises. The first use of relationship marketing is a Harvard professor namely Theodore Levitt who
use it in one of his early articles called “AFTER THE SALE IS OVER” that is about the marketing
strategy of industrial enterprises. He once suggested that “the real value of the relationships between
clients and suppliers should be reflected after sale”. He also believes that”suppliers need to shift the
focus from the works of sales to the provision of longingly satisfied services to customers”. [4]
(Theodore Levitt, 1983) Therefore, this article is considered to be a landmark one in the field of
relationship marketing [11] (Christopher, 2005, the foreword).The Scholars from the Texas Agricultural
University represented by Leonard L. Berry do researches about relationship marketing from the
perspective of service. Berry defined the relationship marketing in his symbolic article (“relationship
marketing" is also a landmark work) as that “relationship marketing is to attract, maintain customers and
to improve the relations with them in agencies provides various kinds of services.” [5] (Adrian Payne,
2003, pp29) believed that to attract customers is only the first step in the process of marketing. Besides,
to consolidate relations, to form the general customers into loyal ones and to provide good service to
each clients are all parts of marketing. His article has aroused people to realize that it would have
positive reflect on enterprises’ external marketing if they had the internal business culture to attach
importance to the relations with customers. It has given several strategic proposals about how to build
the good relationship with customers and believed that the essence of relationship marketing is “to
maintain and improve the relations with existing customers”.
Jackson, Barbara Bund emphasized the importance of “Winning and Keeping Industrial Customers:
The Dynamics of Customer Relations” in her article, and discussed for the enterprises how to strengthen
the relationship with customers sustained after sales [2] (Jackson, Barbara Bund, 1985, pp195). It
believed that relationship marketing lead the relations between products and customers in the value
chain. It attached importance to the relationship management with a view to providing higher-value to
customers. Furthermore, it had been emphasized to establish, maintain and consolidate a sustainable
relationship between enterprises and other stakeholders, and to cultivate and maintain good relationships
with customers has become the basic guarantee for success of marketing.
3 Three mainstream of Relationship Marketing Theory
In an increasingly complex and mature marketing environment, the various relationships have an
incremental impact on sales. A large number of scholars widely concern for relationship marketing
including Christopher Martin, Adrian Payne, David Ballantyne and Christian Grönroos. Philip Kotler
advocated that the relations between enterprises and public should also be included in the area of
marketing [12] (Philip Kotler, 2001, clones). Meanwhile, Evert Gummesson had summarized 30
different types of marketing [1] (Evert Gummesson, 1994, pp5~20). A variety of models have been
designed by scholars from Britain and America to expound multiple market relations from different
It has been divided by the research results of relationship marketing into three mainstreams: Britain
and Australia (UK-Australia) Schools, the Nordic School and the North American Schools. [11]
(Christopher, 2005, the preamble) UK-Australia Schools are mainly based on the studies of Martin •
Christopher, Adrian Paynen and David Ballantyne, and emphasize that the management of quality and
concepts of service marketing should be closely linked to economics of customers’ relationship, do
researches on strategy alliances and partnerships as well as the essence of relationships in marketing.
The research of the IMB has a colossal impact on the relationship marketing. The members have
composed massively specialized article and the books related with the industrial market. And the most
representative work are: P.W.Turnbull and M.T.Cunnigham-"International Marketing and Purchase";
h.Hakansson- "Manufactured products International Marketing and Purchase"; D.Ford- "commercial
market analysis: Interaction, relations and network"; B.Axelsson and G.Easton-"industry network: The
reality new viewpoint"; D.Ford et al-"Commercial relation Management" and so on. America school
advocated that carries on the strengthened education interior of enterprise to enhance managerial and
administrative expertise. The research by Leonard Berry and the Theodore Levitt has the representation.
In brief, the relationship marketing is doomed to become a global research idea.
In the late 90s, the relationship marketing's theory also unceasingly developing, has formed perfect
system, Christian Grönroos make more comprehensive limit in the fundament of the Professor Berry
defines. He believed that “the relational marketing's goal needs to discover, establish and maintain with
customer. Certainly, in some situations, if needed, we will also interrupt relations with certain customer,
in order to satisfy other customer's economy or other needs well. This goal will be realized through the
pledge and the fulfillment process” [7] Grönroos 2002 pp18 . Gummesson believed that the relational
marketing core's characteristic is to build the relationship marketing on the relationship, the network and
the interaction, moreover the relational marketing exists in the kind of widespread network containing
the sales enterprise, the market and the society. The relational marketing's goal is to establish the
win-win relations between the enterprise and the customer, moreover to create the value together, which
has surmounted the traditional special function and the criterion boundary” [7] Grönroos 2002 pp28 .
Around The 21st century's, electronic commerce is mature and popular day after day because of the
convenience, the efficiency, the selectivity, the personalization, the informationization, which are more
inferior than other any kind of marketing pattern. In 1999 Philip Kotler proposed a different method. He
thought that “the marketing combination has represented the seller viewpoint, and simultaneously
suggested that the marketing should take the consumer as the guidance to understand 4Ps. Therefore,
4Ps turning to 4Cs, request company satisfies the need of consumer's efficiency, the conveniences and
the communication convenient.” [9] John Egan 2005 pp18 .4C is composed by Customer’s wants and
needs, Cost to satisfy wants and needs, Convenience to buy, Communication. The price turned into the
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cost (consumer's cost), retailing turned into the convenience, the product and the service turns into the
consumer to need with the desire, the promotion turn into the communication. .in 2002 Christopher et al.
revise their own authority works "the relational marketing: The product quality, the customer service
and the market marketing merge into one organic whole", and have given the new limitation by "the
relational marketing: For benefit related side creation value". In that period massive relationship
marketing work has been published and has formed a complete theoretical system. The business also
realizes the value of the relationship marketing and considers from the custom relationship management
to the relationship marketing idea
4 The changes of relationship marketing and marketing environment
The relational marketing, formed in the 1980s, was not accidental. It is a kind of marketing theory
which it was summarized through analysis by enterprise's marketing thought, the marketing strategy and
the marketing motion. It has happen to agreed with modern enterprise's marketing practice, as soon as its
passing through, it has obtained widespread and the swift development. Along with the change of the
marketing environment, the marketing theory brings the marketing key change to urge the marketing
theory unceasing development. Just as John Egan describes in the book "the Relationship Marketing - Analysis Marketing's Relational Strategy”, the environment actuate the marketing, which have been
changed or is changing, simultaneously, in the future will undoubtedly be changed. [9] John Egan
2005 pp31 The marketing environment urged three shifts of the marketing center: Namely from core
product center to human resources center, again to service center[7] Grönroos 2002 pp20 . The
enterprise must make the response to the marketing environment change, which is a strategy choice to
deal with the marketing environment challenge, who early proposed to pay equal attention to the seller
and buyer simultaneously, which obtained acknowledgment and the support of the international
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4.1 The changes of marketing environment request the enterprises’ marketing shift from the
enterprise transaction marketing to relationship marketing
As previously stated, the traditional mode of marketing, referring primarily to Marketing
Portfolio Management Strategy and 4P's model, whose core is the transaction, stressed the one-time
transactions, only considering the short-term interests and the market share of the enterprises. To assert
that the product value is created by suppliers and only worth through buyer’s exchange can be
recognized. Only focusing on trading relations of the customers’ target market, the traditional mode
from static perspective analyze and investigate market in order to meet the market. In the fierce market
competition, in the face of increasingly picky customers, the demand for diversity and individuality, less
customer loyalty, economic globalization, the rapid development of information technology, the
popularity of network technology and so on, The traditional mode of marketing lose its past charm.
Relationship marketing theory building on the basis of interactive relationship among service
providers (goods provider), industry buyers, and customs replace that of the micro-economics of the
marketing mix and 4P's theoretical model. Every aspect has not been fully taken account of by its
interpretation of the traditional concept of the "4Ps" marketing portfolio theory, containing the
establishing and maintaining the enterprises, customer relations and the relations to other parties.
Relationship Marketing have reflected the fact that it represents a fundamental change in the way of
thinking: the marketing is a phenomenon. In a complex and mature market, the influence of various
relationships is getting bigger in the Performance Marketing. It is the core that the relationship of the
marketing is, “the focus shift from transaction between the supplier and customer”
Adrian Payne
2002 pp5 . Enterprise must concern the focus from on the successful transaction to on the building
long-term, the interests of the customer relationship, that is, the enterprise and other parties establish the
ties on the economic, technical and social aspects. Moreover, enterprise pay more attention to the
maintenance and consolidation of consumers’ relationship, the concerns of the long-term customer
relations and customer loyalty, also to create value with consumers and obtain stable value with key
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members in order to maintain the long-term marketing and operational performance. Marketers,
through constant commitment and giving each other high-quality products, excellent service and fair
prices, achieve the relationship marketing. Relationship marketing can also reduce transaction costs and
time. Relationship marketing can also reduce transaction costs and time. [12](Philip Kotler,2001,pp17).
Similarly, in Kotler’s review, relationship marketing, that the ultimate result is building the company's
unique assets, is a marketing networks. Network marketing establish the mutually beneficial business
relations by the company and all of its interests - customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, retailers,
advertising agents, academics and others. This is not in competition between companies, but between
the entire network. Changes in the global economy resulted to a certain extent the conflicting nature in
relationship marketing: To become effective global economic competitors, must become a trusted
partner in the enterprise network. Therefore, competition and cooperation is no longer opposite, in order
to be competitive, the cooperation is needed; Effective cooperation can enhance our competitiveness.
Hence, Tim Ambler suggests that, relationship marketing emphasis on cooperation rather than
competition, the core task of the marketing is the parties to cooperation, cooperation is a win-win
situation, the relationship is brand and a network which composed by sellers, buyers and concerned
users, while competitors is involved with the relation network, or with a part of the relation network. [13]
Deichang Han Fei Yao 2006 pp48
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4.2 The changes of marketing environment require enterprises to transfer their attention from the
customer satisfaction and the customers’ loyalty to the customer value
The customer constitutes one of marketing environment important attributes, in fact, no matter is
the marketing practice or the marketing theory revolves the customer to write an essay. Since the 1970s,
the scholar and the enterprise superintendents has sought unceasingly the new marketing method
complied with the situation change. In order to win customers' favor, from taking the product as the
center which purely pays great attention the product quality to taking the customer as the guidance
which strives for customer's satisfaction and loyalty, until the 90s, the statement of value concept, has
pushed marketing idea to a brand-new altitude.
Enterprise who pays great attention to the customer satisfactory regard how to make the customer
satisfied when purchase oneself product and the service, but pay less attention to the competitor and the
customer. This relation between enterprise and customer is static and unilateral, the folk remedy “tries to
please”, through which to gain product loyalty of the existing customer; but the enterprise who pays
great attention on both the customer value and the competitive power is based on own value localization,
providing the goal customers the surpassing value. Simultaneity, the customer prefers to maintain the
interactive relation with the enterprise in order to obtain the biggest sensation value. Therefore, in the
enterprise, winning over the customer’s satisfaction and loyalty is a merely marketing tactical question,
but creating the customer value to gains the lasting competitive is an advantage strategic question. To
pay great attention on the customer value is not denial to the, customer's satisfaction and loyalty, but to
expand and develop the customer's satisfaction and loyalty under the new marketing environment, which
provide a brand-new idea and the method to carry on the strategic choice f and promoted own
competitive power or the enterprise. This is a new origin the enterprise to gain the competitive
advantage.” [11] Xuefeng Ren et al 2001
Philip Kotler calls the customer value (CV) as the Customer Demisable Value. “The Customer
Demisable Value refers to difference between the total customer value and the total customer cost. The
total customer value is a series of benefits which obtains from some specific product or the service. But
the total customer cost is the customer's estimate expense which this product or the service causes from
time to time in the appraisal, obtaining and use.” [12](Philip Kotler,2001,pp43) Thereinto, the total
customer value has included the product value, the service value, the personnel value and the vivid value;
The total customer cost has included the monetary value, the time cost, the energy cost and the physical
strength cost and so on. 30 years ago Peter Drucker observes that, company's most important task is
“creating the customer”, thought that “the ideal marketing will produce the customer who already
prepares to purchase and the lef is how advantageous for the customer to obtain these products or the
service.”[3](Peter Drucker,1973,pp65) To implement the customer relation management and to regard
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the marketing as integer of the customer life cycle where to maintain it cause the enterprise and the
customer benefit satisfied. According to the relational idea, the enterprise marketing's core goal is to
creates and supports the customer expense and the process of using product (service)in the interactive
relations, namely for the customer creating the sensation value process. The customer relation
management emphasize the thoroughly understanding about customer's demand, the hope and the
anticipation value. The elementary object of relation marketing to enhance the customer “lifelong the
value”. [11] Christopher et al 2005 pp5 “lifelong the value” will be possibly currency formal of
money, after the enterprise transform between the net profit and the net present value in the future. The
relational marketing's key point lies in making the related customer and the client realize the
maximization value from beginning to end.
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4.3 The changes of marketing environment request enterprises from attracting the new customers
to attracting the new customers as long as retaining the old customers simultaneously
In the past, the enterprise often paid great attention in the new customer's gain, hoping that the
growth of the market share could provide stable passenger flow for the enterprise. even if in the high
growth rate of population, in the high profession growth or in the less intense competition marketing
environment, along with the substitute appearance, the buyer strength strengthen, the new competitor to
join and the potential market development difficulty to enlarge, the customer's gain will become more
difficult. Grönroos who analyzes the customer loyalty and enterprise's profit ability relations said that:”
it is a basic rule that the cost of striving for a new customer is 5~6 times than that of maintain an old
customer. The loyal customer will bring to the enterprise very obvious profit.” [7] Christian Grönroos
2002 pp96 But further research discoveries by Heskett, Sesser, Schlesinger et al, the customer loyalty
rises five percentage points, enterprise's profit has the increase rate of 25%~85%.[8] James L.Heskett
W.Earl Sesser Leonard A.Schlesinger 2001 pp65 . After the empirical study, Karl Albrecht and Ron
Zemke draw the important conclusion:”the value to detain a customer must be higher than the
expenditure to processes a Complaint.” [10] Karl Albrecht 2004 pp18 We also knew that not all
customers can bring the similar profit for the enterprise, according to the different customer’s different
characteristic, the enterprise need nimbly design and the develop the relationship marketing strategy,
even establishes “one to one” marketing. The relationship marketing fully considered economic
efficiency by detaining the customer, which causes the enterprise to mix the fund and the resources
balanced in the operative activity so as to attract and detain the customer. Then the relationship
marketing strategy's gravity by originally pays great attention to win the customer and detain the
customer simultaneously.
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4.4 The changes of marketing environment request enterprises to transfer their focus from only
the customer market to both the internal and the external marketing
The relationship marketing emphasized that the internal marketing is significant to the success of
the exterior marketing. The internal marketing is one kind of essential relational marketing strategy [6]
Adrian Payne 2002 pp105 . The internal marketing's beginning admit that the staff is organization's
internal market and the customer, which are enterprise's a kind of strategic resources[7] Grönroos
2002 pp253 . Their manner and the enthusiasm have direct or the indirect influence to the customer
relations. In consumption environment, staff's performance is the sale performance, the marketing duty
not only needs to encourage the customer of the exterior market to purchase, but also must encourage
the achievement performance of the internal personnel. When internal customers have good
performance, the exterior market's customer will increase the possibility to purchase. Therefore, the
internal marketing is the premise to the success of managing the customer relationship; the staff is the
important attribute of enterprise success management, enterprise's exterior marketing realizes through
the success of the internal marketing. The relationship marketing stressed that to regard the marketing
activity as the overall behavior is the enterprise multi-departments coordination and cooperation. The
marketing activity completed from the past by the sole department to by the trans-departmental
coordination and cooperation, which had reflected that the traditional multistep pattern depending
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enterprises' marketing department to complete the method now had already met troublesome. what new
relational marketing theory emphasis is that multi-department of enterprise carry on overall marketing
plan, while no longer relied on some or several departments to carry on the marketing activity
independently. The relational marketing strategy takes seriously with keys “market” to establish and to
expand the relations, It regard the interior market the, simultaneously also takes seriously with external
relation, containing the customer, the supplier, to retail the channel, the influent market, to advertise for
the market establishment widespread[6] Adrian Payne 2002 pp5 . Thus it has greatly developed
implication and the scope of the traditional marketing, which requests the enterprise to carry on widely
the definition and the attention t of entire condition’s various factors.
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4.5 The changes of marketing environment request enterprise from increase the turnover of the
market to enhancing the quality, the customer service and the marketing relationship closely.
In the traditional consumable market, the market scale is very magnitude. It is impossible to
establish the long-term interactive relations between the producer and the customer. But along with
development of the information technology and data bank technology, the limitation of the interactive
long-term relations between the enterprise and the customer eliminates gradually. It is very essential
reality possible to maintain the long-time good relations with the customer. The market marketing
activity precisely manifested “the value exchange relations” between the enterprise and the customer[11]
Christopher et al 2005 pp9 . The product quality and the customer service are the primary factor to
maintain the relationship. With service economy's arrival, the relationship becomes focus of the
marketing model and the concept development, which obtained the widespread approval. The
relationship marketing theory believed that the customer exchanges for corresponding value by his
loyalty, this kind of value not only includes the tangible value which the product itself has, but also
includes each kind of relatively intangible value related with the customer service quality. Therefore, we
must stress that “the product quality, the customer service as well as the market marketing activity
merges into an integer” [6] Adrian Payne 2002 pp6 , which is the basic policy of the relationship
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5 Conclusion
In sum, the marketing environment's change has had the huge influence to enterprise's marketing
activity and the marketing theory. The relational marketing, no matter in the practice or in the theoretics,
is the marketing environment product, which has represented the modern marketing theory progress and
the important idea of the enterprise marketing strategy. The enterprise can obtain from this with the
customer win-win result through the relational marketing, the recognition, the establishment, the
maintenance and the consolidated the relationship with enterprise and the customer with other
stakeholders, thus to form and gain the competitive advantages. The enterprise must create value
maximization through the management of the customer relation. The relationship marketing theory
advocated the brand-new management method that the enterprise should participate in the market
competition as a whole, to thoroughly explore the relationship in the internal and external market.
Therefore, the product quality, the customer service and the market marketing can be merged into an
organic one. Certainly, the marketing environment will also bring about the new challenge for the
marketing theory and the practice. The development and the progress of marketing theory can give the
people a more optimistic prospect.
[1]Evert Gummesson Making Relationship Marketing Operational International Journal of
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[2]Jackson, Barbara Bund Winning and Keeping Industrial Customers The Dynamics of Customer
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[3]Peter Drucker, Management: Tasks Resposibilitis, Practices[M],New York:Harper&Row,1973
[4]Theodore Levitt“AFTER THE SALE IS OVER” [J]Harvard Business Review, SeptemberOctober,1983,87 93
[5]Adrian Payne , Zheng Wei translate, The Essence of Services Marketing [M] China Citic
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[6]Adrian Payne, Martin Christopher, Helen Pec,et al. Liang Qin translate Relationship Marketing
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[7]Christian Grönroos Han JingLun translate, Service Management and Marketing : A Customer
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[8]James L.Heskett W.Earl Sesser Leonard A.Schlesinger Niu Haipeng translate, The Service
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[9]John Egan Lin Hong translate, Relationship Marketing—Exploring Relational Strategies in
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[10]Karl Albrecht, Ron Zemke Tang Guo translate Service American: Doing Business in the New
Economy [M] China Social Science Press,2004:18
[11]Martin Christopher, Adrian Payne David Ballantyne Yi Wen translate Relationship Marketing:
Creating Stakeholder Value [M] China Financial and Economic Publishing House,2005: 1~9
[12]Philip Kotler Mei Ruhe translate Marketing Management [M] China Renmin University
Press New millennium version 2001:3~43
[13]Han Dechang, Yao fei, “Effect of Relationship on Relationship Marketing ”.Economic
[14] Ren Xuefeng, Li Kun, Gu Peiliang “Customer Value Strategy and Enterprise
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