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Supplemental Material to
‘Cross Modulation of Two Laser Beams at the Individual-Photon Level’
Kristin M. Beck,1 Wenlan Chen,1 Qian Lin,1 Michael Gullans,2, 3 Mikhail D. Lukin,2 and Vladan Vuletić1
Department of Physics and Research Laboratory of Electronics,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Joint Quantum Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
(Dated: August 13, 2014)
The system consists of atoms with a four-state N -type level structure |f i ↔ |di ↔ |ci ↔ |ei as described in the
text. Including the decay, the effective Hamiltonian for this system can be written as
Hef f /~ =
c |k| a†k ak + (ωc − iκ/2)b† b + iE(b† − b)
+ (ωf d − iΓ/2)
|dij hd| + (ωce − iΓ/2)
|eij he| + (ωf c − iγ/2)
|cij hc|
Ω/2 eiωdc t |cix hd| + gg a† (x) |f ix hd| + gs b† |cix he| + h.c.
Here, c is the speed of light, k is the wavenumber of the signal (free-space) field, ωc is the cavity frequency and κ is
the decayqrate of the cavity. The
signal (free-space) and cavity fields can be written as
q electric field operators for the
P ikx
Ês (x) =
ak and b are bosonic annihilation operators, ck0
0 V a(x) and Êc =
0 V b, where a(x) = N
is the center frequency of the signal field, and V is the quantization volume. Additionally, E is the amplitude of the
cavity input field, ωµν is the atomic transition energy between states µ and ν, Ω is the classical Rabi frequency for
the coupling field, Γ is the linewidth of the excited states |di and |ei, γ is decoherence rate of two stable ground states
|f i and |ci, and gs , gc are the bare couplings of the atomic transition to the two fields. We take the gate and signal
fields to be resonant with the atoms so that ck0 = ωf d and ωc = ωce .
The use of this effective Hamiltonian is sufficient to describe the steady state for the case of weak coherent state
input fields gs hai Ω2 /Γ and gc hbi κ. In this limit, we can take the approach of [Ref. [1]] to calculate the
two-time correlation function between the fields
g (2) (x, τ ) =
hb† (t)a† (x, t + τ )a(x, t + τ )b(t)i
ha† (x, t)a(x, t)ihb† (t)b(t)i
In this limit, we also can write the density matrix as a product state ρ = |χ(τ )i hχ(τ )| and truncate the available
states in the system at the level of two excitations from the state with zero photons and all atoms in |f i, which we refer
to as |f, 0, 0i. The one-excitation states are |f, 1x , 0i = a† (x) |f, 0, 0i, |f, 0, 1i = b† |f, 0, 0i, |cx , 0, 0i ≡ σcf
|f, 0, 0i,
and |dx , 0, 0i ≡ σdf |f, 0, 0i, where σµν ≡ |µix hν|. The two-excitation states that are relevant for g are |f, 1x , 1i ≡
a† (x) |f, 0, 1i, |cx , 0, 1i ≡ b† |cx , 0, 0i, |dx , 0, 1i ≡ b† |dx , 0, 0i, and |ex , 0, 0i ≡ σec
|cx , 0, 0i.
We then expand |χ(t)i in these states and find the evolution according to i dt = Hef f |χi applying the boundary
condition that the free space input field is a weak coherent state. The only terms in Hef f which create excitations are
the driving fields, which are perturbative implying that the amplitude of the one-excitation states are proportional to
E and the two-excitation amplitudes are proportional to E 2 .
To calculate g (2) (τ ) we take the picture where the detection corresponds to a quantum jump from the steady state
|χss i into the state a(x, t) |χss i for τ < 0 and b(t) |χss i for τ > 0 [Ref. [1]]. To find g (2) (τ ) we can then simply evolve
the operator ns (t) or nc (x, t) for a time τ under Hef f starting from the jump state.
To find the steady state we expand |χ(t)i in the zero-, one- and two- excitation states
|χ(x, t)i = |f, 0, 0i + A10 (x) |f, 1x , 0i + A11 (x) |cx , 0, 0i + A12 (x) |dx , 0, 0i + A13 |f, 0, 1i
+ A21 (x) |f, 1x , 1i + A22 (x) |cx , 0, 1i + A23 (x) |dx , 0, 1i + A24 (x) |ex , 0, 0i
where we neglect the one- and two- excitation states in the normalization because they are perturbative. The equations
of motion are for the Aji are found from i d|χi
dt = Hef f |χi.
(∂t + c ∂x )A10 (x) = −igs N A12 (x),
∂t A12 (x) = −Γ/2A12 (x) − igs N A10 (x) − iΩ/2A11 (x),
∂t A11 (x) = −γ/2A11 (x) − iΩ/2A12 (x),
∂t A13
(∂t +
c ∂x )A21 (x)
+ E,
EA10 (x)
−κ/2A21 (x)
−(κ + γ)/2A22 (x) − igc A24 (x)
−Γ/2 A24 (x) − igc A22 (x)
N A23 (x),
− igs
∂t A23 (x) = −(Γ + κ)/2A23 (x) − igs N A21 (x) − iΩ/2A22 (x) + EA12 (x),
∂t A22 (x)
∂t A24 (x)
iΩ/2A23 (x)
EA11 (x),
These eight equations are the only ones relevant for g (2) (t), they give the steady state
2gs2 N x
Ā0 (x) = α exp −
Γ + Ω2 /γ c
2(1 + Ω2 /γΓ) L
2gs N Ω 1
Ā11 (x) = − 2
Ā (x),
Ω + γΓ 0
i2gs N 1
Ā (x),
Ā12 (x) = −
Γ + Ω2 /γ 0
Ā13 =
Ā21 (x)
N x
+ O(κ/Γ)
1+η 1+η
2ζ L
Ā10 (x)Ā13
where α is the amplitude of the input coherent state, N is the number of atoms, N = 4gs2 N L/cΓ is the optical depth,
L is the length of the medium, η = 4gc2 /κΓ is the cooperativity, and we have defined
Ω2 /κΓ + γ/κ
ζ = 1+ 2
a correction factor that accounts for finite γ and cooperativity η.
When τ < 0 the free space photon is detected first leading to a quantum jump into the state
|χJ i = p
a(L, τ ) |χss i
hχss | a† (L, τ )a(L, τ ) |χss i
= |f, 0, 0i +
Ā21 (L)
|f, 0, 1i
Ā10 (L)
|Ã1 (t)|2
hχJ (t)| b† (τ )b(τ ) |χJ (t)i
= 3 2
hχss | b (τ )b(τ ) |χss i
Ā1 3
η −κ< |τ |/2
−N /2ζ
= 1− 1−e
g (2) (τ ) =
where κ< = κ and Ã13 (t) is found from Eq. 7 with the initial condition Ã13 (0) = Ā21 (L)/Ā10 (L).
For τ > 0 the procedure is the same, except we have to evolve Eqs. 4-6 starting from the initial conditions
A10 (x, τ ) = Ā21 (x), A11 (x, τ ) = Ā22 (x), and A12 (x, τ ) = Ā23 (x). This corresponds to the state |χJ i ∝ b |χss i. The result
can be expressed in the same form as Eq. 19 with κ< replaced by κ> = Ω2 /Γ + γ.
Continuous entanglement of two light beams can be achieved in the following way: prepare the atomic ensemble in
the |F = 3, mF = 3i and |F = 3, mF = −3i states with equal population in a small magnetic field oriented at small
angle to the cavity mode, and apply the signal beam along the magnetic field. The scheme we demonstrate in the
manuscript then works independently for both circular polarizations, so that |σ+ is |σ+ ic (the subscript indicates the
signal and cavity mode, respectively, and σ± indicates circular photon polarization) becomes |σ+ is |0ic or |0is |σ+ ic ,
|σ− is |σ− ic becomes |σ− is |0ic or |0is |σ− ic , and the states |σ+ is |σ− ic and |σ− is |σ+ ic are unchanged. When linearly
polarized beams are sent into both the signal and cavity paths and we post-select for detecting a photon in each mode,
the output is the entangled (Bell) state √12 (|σ− is |σ+ ic + |σ+ is |σ− ic ).
[1] H. J. Carmichael, R. J. Brecha, and P. R. Rice, Optics Communications 82, 73 (1991).