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N. 23/2009
INFOSYLVA is an information service of news clippings provided by the FAO Forestry Information
Centre with news on forestry in English, French and Spanish.
INFOSYLVA est un service d'information à partir de coupures de presse, mis à disposition par le
Centre d'Information sur les Forêts de la FAO et qui fait le point de l'actualité dans ce secteur, en
anglais, français et espagnol.
INFOSYLVA es el servicio de información de recortes de prensa suministrado por el Centro de
Informacion Forestal de la FAO con noticias sobre las actividades forestales, en inglés, francés y
Forthcoming Events
Taking stock of smallholder and community forestry: Where do we go from here?
24 - 26 March 2010 - Montpellier, France
Guyana hailed for forest preservation efforts
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations today hailed Guyana’s pioneering
efforts in the climate change fight as laudable during a two-day workshop held to discuss concerns
regarding financial reward for countries with high forest cover.
Press review/ Revue de presse/ Informe de prensa:
01 – 15 December/Décembre/Diciembre 2009
Deal on forests likely
As debate ratchets up ahead of working out a climate change deal, a Dutch study says emissions from
deforestation and land degradation are far lower than has been assumed. Will this have an impact on
a deal to protect forests in Africa?
Palm oil production making limited progress toward sustainability
When the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) released its Palm Oil Buyers' Scorecard on 28 October
2009, a stark situation was brought to the world's attention: despite the availability of safe, earthfriendly palm oil options, Western companies were not meeting commitments to purchase those
Poor countries could be paid to plant trees
A proposal at the UN climate talks in Copenhagen that poor countries be paid for planting trees could
spur Kenya's efforts to reclaim her forests. The agreement to cut carbon emissions by paying
developing countries to maintain their forests has the potential to reverse the decline in the world's
forests, according to an analysis of national policy options to reduce deforestation. It was released
yesterday by the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
West African coastline erosion tackled by UN project
Considering that 80 percent of West African countries live near the coastline, the increasing erosion of
said coast poses critical problems for the homes and livelihoods of locals. The United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has launched a project to reverse
diminishment of the coast due to climate change, called the Adaptation to Climate Change in Coastal
Zones of West Africa (ACCC) program.
Lauriente planteó que la lucha contra la desertificación debe ser “una cuestión de Estado”
Con el objetivo de avanzar en la construcción de un programa provincial de lucha contra la
desertificación de los campos, el legislador del bloque de la Concertación, Rubén Lauriente participó
de una reunión en la que también estuvieron diferentes organizaciones no gubernamentales y
oficiales de la provincia.
Enfrenta Bolivia retos por cambio climático
Bolivia enfrenta retos en seguridad alimentaria, escasez de agua, frecuentes e intensos desastres
naturales, incremento de enfermedades e incendios como consecuencia del cambio climático.
Glacier threat to Bolivia capital
Fears are growing for the future of water supplies in one of Latin America's fastest-growing urban
areas - Bolivia's sprawling capital of La Paz and its twin El Alto.
Bushmen’s land ‘should be reserved for wildlife’ claims Botswana official
One of Botswana’s senior officials has argued that the Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR), the
ancestral home of the Gana and Gwi Bushmen, ‘should be reserved for wildlife’, despite the fact that
the country’s High Court has ruled that the Bushmen have the right to live there.
A Copenhague, l'attitude volontariste de la diplomatie brésilienne
Le Brésil propose à Copenhague un plan de réduction de ses émissions qui correspond à un recul de
la déforestation de 80% à l’horizon 2020.
Amazon cattle ranching accounts for half of Brazil's CO2 emissions
Cattle ranching accounts for half of Brazil's greenhouse gas emissions according to a new study led
by scientists from Brazil's National Space Institute for Space Research (INPE).
Amazon mega dam delayed following protests
The go-ahead to build the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam, planned for the Xingu river in the Brazilian
Amazon, has been delayed following protests by Indians and objections by local and international
Amazon projects undercut Brazil's new green path
Straddling one the Amazon's main tributaries and flanked by dense jungle, a construction pit the size
of a small town bustles with bulldozers and nearly 10,000 workers blasting huge slabs of rock off the
river bank.
Au Brésil, la déforestation a fait long feu
Voilà une bonne nouvelle qui ne devrait pas gâcher la fête des Brésiliens à Copenhague. La
déforestation de l'Amazonie est en recul. L'Inpe (Institut National de Recherches Spatiales) a présenté
les résultats de son monitoring annuel. Les chiffres sont en chute libre. En 2007/2008, les émissions
sont tombées à 500 millions de tonnes de CO2 par an.
Brasil puede mejorar meta de reducción de deforestación en Amazonía
El ministro de Medio Ambiente Carlos Minc afirmó hoy que Brasil puede mejorar aún más el
compromiso de reducir en 80 por ciento la deforestación en la Amazonía hasta 2020 y llegar hasta 90
por ciento de disminución.
Brasil puede perder hasta 2,05 billones de dólares por el cambio climático
Brasil podría perder unos 2,05 billones de dólares de su PIB hasta 2050 a consecuencia del cambio
climático, estimó un estudio reciente del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas Aplicadas (IPEA).
Las regiones más vulnerables a estos cambios serían el norte y el nordeste, las más pobres del país,
y en particular la Amazonia, que podría enfrentarse a un avance de la sabana si continúa la
deforestación, indica el reporte.
Brasil tardará años en saber cuánto contamina la deforestación de la Amazonía
Brasil va a tardar años en saber a ciencia cierta qué volumen de emisiones de dióxido de carbono
(CO2) produce la tala descontrolada de la selva amazónica, factor que centrará su propuesta para la
Conferencia del Clima de Copenhague.
Brazil allocates first funds under plan to save the Amazon
Brazil's development bank BNDES has announced the first five recipients of grants under the South
American country's ambitious Amazon Fund, which aims to reduce deforestation by 70 percent over
the next decade.
Brazil could halt Amazon deforestation within a decade
Payments from U.S. cap-and-trade, a carbon tax, or a proposed climate change mitigation mechanism
could help end Amazon deforestation in Brazil, reducing CO2 emissions 2-5%, by 2020. But Brazil's
window to act is only 2-3 years, say scientists.
Brazil defends biofuels at Copenhagen summit
As the world's largest producer and exporter of ethanol, it's no surprise the Brazilian government
advocates biofuels as the only real alternative to fossil fuels. But in Brazil environmentalists have
pointed to biofuel production as one of the key reasons for the steady deforestation of the Amazon
Brazil moves to cut Amazon destruction by ranchers
Brazil took a step forward in protecting the Amazon rainforest, starting satellite surveillance of the
cattle ranches that are among the chief culprits in the forest's destruction.
Brazil rejects 2050 climate target without 2020 goal
Brazil's climate change ambassador said that the country will not sign up for a long-term goal of
halving global emissions by 2050 unless rich nations take on tougher mid-term targets for 2020. He
also said that a deal to tackle climate change by preserving swathes of forest could only be sealed as
part of a wider financial pact to help poorer nations fight warming.
Brazil unveils first foreign-funded Amazon projects
Brazil has announced its first projects from a new foreign-financed fund to help protect the Amazon
forest and fight climate change, days before developing nations seek more aid at a U.N. climate
Brazilian tribe owns carbon rights to Amazon rainforest land
A rainforest tribe fighting to save their territory from loggers owns the carbon-trading rights to their
land, according to a legal opinion released today by Baker & McKenzie, one of the world’s largest law
Carreteras e hidoreléctricas amenazan indígenas amazónicos
La construcción de grandes obras de infraestructura en la Amazonia brasileña, como carreteras y
plantas hidroeléctricas, amenazan los ríos y territorios de indígenas que habitan en la región, advirtió
el miércoles una organización ambientalista.
Climate change in Brazil: follow the meat
While high-profile police raids targeting illegal ranchers and loggers in the Amazon grab more
headlines, these scientists may produce a more important solution in the long fight to save the
greatest rainforest. Their aim is to reduce the pressure for forest destruction by raising the productivity
of pastures through fertilization, better choice of grass, and planting trees.
Copenhagen and Brazilian Megalomania
When people think about preserving the Amazon rainforest, captivating animals may come to mind
such as the jaguar, toucan or manatee. But while wildlife must be safeguarded there are now other
urgent reasons to protect the jungle. The seriousness of the problem was recently brought home to
me when I visited the Amazonian city of Manaus.
El pulmón del mundo enferma
La sequía deja aisladas a comunidades indígenas y convierte el Amazonas en un vertedero de peces.
Brasil pide ayuda para frenar el calentamiento.
Faces of the Amazon
This might come as a shock, but I am going to say it anyway: The story of the Brazilian Amazon is not
one of giant trees, rainforests, rivers, exotic reptiles, carbon emissions, or deforestation. The story of
the Amazon in Brazil is one of people.
Ganaderia: el depredador ignorado
El ganado bovino debería tener en el debate mundial la misma prioridad que las armas nucleares, las
guerras y en especial que el cambio climático, por su incidencia, pero no está en la pauta, lamenta el
activista brasileño João Meirelles Filho, autor de dos libros sobre la ocupación amazónica.
Gilberto Gil destaca el ahorro de emisiones por deforestación en Brasil
El músico y político brasileño Gilberto Gil considera que el ahorro de emisiones de dióxido de carbono
(CO2) alcanzado en los últimos años por el descenso de deforestación de bosques tropicales en
Brasil corresponde a la reciente oferta de reducción de este gas por EEUU.
Hasta 18.000 millones dólares para frenar deforestación de Amazonia
Brasil está en condiciones de frenar totalmente el proceso de deforestación de la Amazonia hasta
2020, pero para ello necesitará recursos adicionales por entre 6.500 y $18.000 millones, revela un
estudio de expertos brasileños y estadounidenses publicado hoy en la revista “Science”.
Last survivor of uncontacted Amazon tribe attacked
The last survivor of an unknown and uncontacted Amazon tribe has been targeted by gunmen. The
incident took place last month in Tanarú, an indigenous territory in the Amazon state of Rondônia,
Brazil, but the news has only just emerged.
Paying to keep the rainforests standing
An UN-backed scheme to reduce carbon emissions from the burning of forests could be one of the big
winners of the Copenhagen climate summit, with the possibility of a big injection of funds.
Policía ambiental en la Amazonía: la titánica tarea de proteger la selva
Cientos de policías ambientales sobrevuelan cada día la inmensa Amazonía brasileña, con imágenes
tomadas por satélite, en busca de los responsables de las salvajes quemas que hacen avanzar la
deforestación de este pulmón del planeta.
Surveillance par satellite des fermes d'élevage en Amazonie
Le Brésil a entamé la surveillance par satellite des fermes d'élevage, qui comptent parmi les
principaux coupables de la destruction de la forêt amazonienne.
The end of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon?
A new article addresses how the combined efforts of government commitments and market transition
could save forest and reduce carbon emissions in Brazil.
Carbon and oxygen in tree rings can reveal past climate information
The analysis of carbon and oxygen isotopes embedded in tree rings may shed new light on past
climate events in the Mackenzie Delta region of northern Canada.
Bosques de China reducen más de 5.000 millones de toneladas de emisiones de dióxido de carbono
Los bosques de China ayudaron a reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono en más de 5.000
millones de toneladas entre 1980 y el 2005, declaró el día 9 un alto funcionario silvícola de China.
Colombia buscará un acuerdo global para financiar la lucha contra la deforestación
Colombia buscará en la cumbre sobre cambio climático que se inició hoy en Copenhague la
suscripción de un acuerdo global para financiar la lucha contra la deforestación de los bosques
tropicales, dijo a Efe el ministro de Medio Ambiente, Vivienda y Desarrollo Territorial, Carlos Costa.
Colombia dice que no tala bosques para sembrar palma y busca aval para los biocombustibles
Colombia "no tumba bosque" para sembrar palma de aceite, tiene hoy unas 360.000 hectáreas
cultivadas que producen cerca de 800.000 toneladas anuales y busca su certificación internacional
para biocombustibles, dijo el ministro de Ambiente de ese país.
Colombia ratificará en Copenhague su disposición de proteger los bosques
La Coordinadora del Grupo Ambiental de la Cancillería, Carolina Díaz, invitará a la comunidad
internacional a que se una a los esfuerzos de Colombia por preservar las zonas selváticas y promover
investigaciones en este campo. Además, destacará las ventajas de trabajar con comunidades
campesinas, indígenas y afrocolombianas en la preservación del patrimonio ambiental.
Consumo de un gramo de cocaína destruye cuatro metros de bosque, según Colombia
El vicepresidente de Colombia, Francisco Santos, dijo hoy que su país mostrará en la Cumbre del
Cambio Climático de Copenhague los efectos nocivos del narcotráfico en el medioambiente, pues por
cada gramo de cocaína que se consume en el mundo se talan cuatro metros cuadrados de bosque.
Costa Rica
How tree communities respond to distance to edges and canopy openness
Tropical forests frequently experience the opening and closing of canopy gaps as part of their natural
dynamics. When an edge is created, and the area outside the boundary is a disturbed or unnatural
system, forests can be seriously affected even at some distance from the fragmented edge, since
sunlight and wind penetrate to a much greater extent. This increases tree mortality and, consequently,
canopy openness close to the edge. Thus, canopy openness can be both part of a natural gapdynamics cycle and the direct manifestation of human edge effects.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
RDC: des déplacés appellent à l'aide
"Nous sommes des déplacés de guerre. Il faut nous aider": comme Jean, les habitants de Bobito,
dans le nord-ouest de la RD Congo vivent caché depuis une semaine dans la forêt, par peur des
combats entre armée et insurgés mais aussi de certains soldats congolais indisciplinés.
Consumers do not know the options of forest use
According to a recent study, the European public is clearly worried about the condition of forests. This
may affect the license to operate of the forest sector.
Value of carbon storages in wood products is over a billion euros in Finland
If the current consumption of sawn timber continues, carbon storages will nearly double by 2050. Each
year, 0.7 million tonnes of carbon is stored in timber products.
Climat: clash franco-européen autour des émissions des forêts
La France s'est durement heurtée à ses partenaires européens sur la prise en compte des émissions
liées aux forêts des pays industrialisés dans le futur accord contre le réchauffement climatique.
Des forestiers manifestent devant l'ONF: "sauvons la forêt pour nos enfants"
Environ deux cents forestiers se sont rassemblés lundi devant le siège de l'Office national des forêts
(ONF) à Paris, selon les syndicats, pour dénoncer une gestion de la forêt française qu'ils jugent trop
comptable et à court terme, à la veille de la conférence de Copenhague.
La France part sauver les forêts européennes à Bruxelles
La vie au centre de conférence des Nations Unies n’est jamais facile, encore moins lorsqu’il s’agit de
la conférence de Copenhague et que nous sommes entrés dans le vif et le dur des négociations. Hier,
Brice Lalonde, ambassadeur de France chargé des négociations sur le climat a accepté de recevoir
un certain nombre d’ONG et de médias pour discuter des négociations en cours à Copenhague. Cette
rencontre était vraiment exceptionnelle parce que pour la première fois, il a appelé les ONG et les
médias présents “à l’aide”.
Le coup de sang de la France à Copenhague
Grosse tension jeudi au sommet sur le climat où négociateurs français et européens se sont écharpés
sur la lutte contre la déforestation.
Les ONG félicitent la France sur les forêts
La France vient de lancer un pavé dans la marre au sein de l'Union Européenne à propos de la
comptabilisation des émissions des forêts. Ce sujet, un peu technique mérite qu'on s'y attarde un peu.
L’opération séduction des forêts
Une charte qui vient d’être signée permettra de dresser un état des lieux des forêts du département.
Objectif : mieux les protéger et les ouvrir davantage aux promeneurs.
Quelle forêt pour nos enfants?
À quelques mètres des antinucléaires, les gardes forestiers de l'Office national des forêts (ONF) sont
là aussi. Ils ont expliqué à la population que la forêt est en danger.
Un Clochemerle vert
Dans le sillage du Grenelle de l'environnement, le maire PS d'une petite commune du Parc naturel
régional du Vercors veut installer une centrale photovoltaïque en déboisant vingt hectares de forêt.
Ses opposants dénoncent une "hérésie écologique".
Niani chief urges communities to protect the forest
Pierre Bah, the chief of Niani, has called on his people to protect the forest against bush fires, clean
their environment and pay their rate and taxes on time.
Guyana offers a model to save rain forest
In Guyana, where pristine rain forest still covers 75 percent of the land, and barely 750,000 people live
in a country roughly the size of Britain, a young economist-turned-president is pushing a development
model based on conservation that has earned his government international recognition in the United
Nations talks on a climate treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol.
New tree species discovered in Guyana is rich source of oil
Botanists working have described a new species of tree with commercial significance in Guyana. The
new species, Carapa akuri, had long been mistaken for Carapa guianensis, a tree widely dispersed
across the Amazon and commonly logged for the furniture industry.
UK-based financier invests in Guyana’s rain forest
Approaching the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen, Guyana has offered to conserve
all of its pristine rain forests — 75 percent of its territory — as part of a national economic
development plan. It hopes to earn income from the international community for carbon storage under
a section of the treaty called Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation, or REDD.
Invasores queman los bosques en aldea Santa Rosa
Los habitantes de la aldea Santa Rosa se encuentran preocupados por la presencia de unos tres mil
invasores que se han tomado a la fuerza un terreno que era propiedad del desaparecido Instituto
Nacional de la Vivienda (INVA).
One killed in Mumbai water shortage protests
One man was killed and about a dozen injured in a violent protest against water cuts in India's largest
city after the worst monsoon in nearly four decades left Mumbai authorities scrambling to ration
supplies. Mumbai is facing an estimated water shortfall of about 400 million liters of the 4,300 million
liters needed daily.
Tigers endangered in half of Indian reserves
Tigers are in a "very, very precarious" state and could disappear altogether in nearly half of India's
tiger reserves, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said.
Greenpeace pide a presidente indonesio prohibir deforestación
La organización de conservación de la naturaleza Greenpeace pidió hoy al presidente de Indonesia,
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, antes de su partida hacia Copenghague para la cumbre de cambio
climático, detener la operación de las compañías involucradas en la deforestación masiva en el país.
Indonesia: Kalimantan's lowland peat forests explained
Earth's tropical rainforests are a critical component of the world's carbon cycle yet cover only about
12% of its terrestrial land. Accounting for 40% of the world's terrestrial carbon and 50% of the world's
gross primary productivity, the production of organic compounds primarily through photosynthesis,
tropical rainforests also are one of the engines driving Earth's atmospheric circulation patterns.
Preserving the forests of Indonesia's Aceh province
With aid from the Department for International Development, the World Bank is working with NGOs to
train local people to protect and expand Indonesia's Aceh province. A Purba ranger explains why the
work to conserve Indonesia's forests is vital in battling climate change.
Donors won't pay for Mau settlers
One of the main donors expected to fund the restoration of the Mau Forests Complex has vetoed the
use of its money to compensate settlers. Head of the European Delegation in Kenya Eric van der
Linden said the Nairobi mission has already set aside Sh257 million, which would be made available
once approved by the headquarters. More is expected once the Kenyan situation is discussed
Fake 'evictees' flock to Mau camps
People masquerading as Mau forest evictees are still trickling into transitional camps even after the
completion of a profiling exercise by the government.
If Mau will cost Raila heavily, so be it - it's called patriotism
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga has always been my political father. I miss his courage, patriotism, his love
for the wretched of Kenya and his consistent resistance against oppression, exploitation and foreign
Mau crisis to determine next crop of leaders
But the focus must not be lost. The focus is the Mau Forest Complex. The issue must not be lost. It is
the depletion of the complex by human activity. It is the damage human activity has inflicted, and
continues to inflict, on a water tower, and the result of failure to stop the diminution of the forest.
Mau evictees to get supplies this week
The money raised by ministers and MPs in Nairobi a fortnight ago to help Mau forest evictees will be
given out starting this week. This announcement was made as the humanitarian crisis in their
makeshift structures escalates.
Squatter Moi's restraint over Mau is simply superhuman
Former President Daniel Moi is a man of deep compassion. For more than a year, he has been
restraining himself even as his hormones have raged for action over the Mau Forest controversy. He
has watched in quiet dismay as political upstarts picked apart his handiwork in Mau Forest, that wild
bush he tamed by settling landless squatters to slash and burn it.
Echange forêt contre crédit-carbone?
Blaise regarde son ancien champ de manioc, transformé en zone de reboisement, en espérant que
l'eau reviendra. Ce paysan d'Ampitabe, au centre de Madagascar, a cédé le terrain qu'il cultivait à sa
communauté. A vrai dire, le sol épuisé ne donnait plus rien. Pour planter, la forêt qui recouvrait sa
parcelle a été brûlée depuis longtemps. Les arbres n'ont plus joué leur rôle d'éponge naturelle de l'eau
de pluie. La petite rizière située en contrebas s'assèche désormais à vue d'œil.
REDD in Madagascar
Despite damage from ongoing illegal logging, Madagascar's remaining forests are poised to benefit
from the proposed REDD mechanism, a U.N.-backed scheme that would compensate tropical
developing countries for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation, reports a new paper
that analyzes efforts to use carbon finance to protect the Indian Ocean island's remaining forests.
Malaysian land minister attacks credibility of young indigenous rape victims
James Masing, Sarawak Minister for Land Development, dismissed claims by Penan girls and women
who said they had been sexually abused and raped by logging workers in a remote jungle area.
‘Penan tribe must stop living in the jungles’ says Malaysian politician
A Malaysian politician has said that the Penan tribe of Borneo must ‘stop living in the jungles’. A
cabinet minister has also dismissed claims by Penan women that they have been raped by loggers.
Rainforest tribe sues the Malaysian government for enabling deforestation
Five Penan rainforest communities are suing the Sarawak state government and the Malaysian timber
giant Samling for violation of their native customary rights, reports the Bruno Manser Fund, a group
that works on behalf of indigenous groups in Malaysia.
Mali villagers fight back against Sahara
Towards the end of an illustrious career in the Malian police force - during which he has battled locust
swarms, chased drug traffickers and dabbled in some coup plotting - Col Tidiani Ascofare, bald, burly
and unflappable, has taken on his most daunting opponent, the Sahara desert.
Es ilegal al menos la mitad de la producción forestal en México
Según estimaciones de la Procuraduría Federal de Protección al Ambiente el suelo del bosque es
vital y cuando se sustrae para su venta como tierra de monte, afecta gravemente a este sector.
Three deaths and vandalism in Nepal clash
After three people died in clashes between police officers and illegal forest settlers, hundreds of
protesters burned vehicles and vandalized shops in western Nepal.
Desert encroachment may wipe away Northern region - NGOs
A coalition of non-governmental organisations, Civil Rights Congress (CRC) and Climate Change
West Africa Region Network (CLICWAN), have stated that the Northern Nigeria is under a serious
environmental challenge with the possibility of severe environmental denigration, following the
persistent desert encroachment of the region which the groups added, is not receiving attention along
with other environmental negative effects to the well-being of the region.
Erosion - Abia communities at the brink of extinction
During the retreat by the Senate in Enugu, the capital of Enugu State last November, the South-east
governors were unanimous in their call on the federal government to declare the eastern zone as an
emergency for erosion intervention measures. The governors of the five eastern states who spoke at
the second day of the Senate retreat, specifically proposed massive forestation projects in the zone to
provide for sustainable land as well as comprehensive water channelisation master plan to cater for
future channelisation.
Imo - Orlu residents lament erosion disaster
The people of Ihioma in Orlu local government area of Imo State have lamented the harm done to
their area by erosion, saying if nothing is done quickly, they will be forced to relocate to another place.
Yobe moves to fight bush burning
The Yobe state government is poised to enforce the law against bush burning and will ensure that
offenders are punished apropriately, the Commissioner for Environment, Alhaji Wakil Sarki, has said.
Cattle company bulldozing UNESCO site, threatening uncontacted natives
A Brazilian ranching company is bulldozing land within UNESCO Chaco Biosphere Reserve in
Paraguay, home to the only uncontacted natives outside of the Amazon in South America. While the
UNESCO status provides no legal protections to the area, it is meant as an international marker to
protect the tribe of the Ayoreo-Totobiegosode and the forest they inhabit.
Crean isla ecológica con 60 mil árboles nativos
La Isla Pulmón se denomina el proyecto conjunto presentado ayer entre el Yacht y Golf Club y A todo
pulmón, Paraguay respira, que consiste en plantar más de 60 mil árboles nativos para enriquecer la
flora de esta isla que se encuentra frente al Yacht.
Etnia silvícola pide a UNESCO que verifique destrucción de su hábitat
Una etnia silvícola de la región del Chaco paraguayo solicitó a la Cancillería de Paraguay que tramite
ante la UNESCO la verificación de la destrucción de sus bosques por parte de terratenientes
brasileños, anunció hoy la organización Survival.
Plea for UNESCO to witness uncontacted tribe’s forest destruction
Relatives of one of the world’s last uncontacted tribes have urged UNESCO officials to see ‘with their
own eyes’ how their traditional territory is being illegally and rapidly destroyed. The land of the tribe,
the Ayoreo-Totobiegosode, is situated in a UNESCO biosphere reserve. It is home to the last
uncontacted Indians in South America outside of the Amazon, and thousands of hectares have been
destroyed by Brazilian ranchers who want the land to graze cattle for beef.
Perú apostará por la conservación de los bosques en la cumbre de Copenhague
El Gobierno peruano centrará sus esfuerzos para combatir el cambio climático en la conservación de
sus bosques y en la necesaria cooperación internacional para lograr este objetivo, destacó hoy el
ministro del Ambiente, Antonio Brack.
Philippine deforestation: A national Spoliarium
Filipinos worldwide are shocked and saddened by recent devastating floods and landslides, by the
death, suffering, and economic problems brought upon their countrymen by recent typhoons. Distant
memories of the roar of chainsaws and the crashing of trees resurface in my mind. It was the summer
of 1973. We heard these while camped for a month on Mt. Apo in an area designated as a National
Russian Federation
Rusia destaca importancia de bosques para contener cambio climático
El mundo debe conceder mayor importancia a los bosques como factor para contener el cambio
climático, aunque el incremento de los incendios los convierte en los últimos tiempos en
contaminantes, declaró hoy un asesor del presidente ruso.
Bosques a salvo del hacha
La Diputación de Girona protege 44 arboledas, que no se podrán talar en 25 años - El proyecto prevé
librar 340.800 árboles de las talas.
Más pinares que bosques autóctonos en O Courel
En las montañas de O Courel, los pinares superan ya en extensión a los bosques auctóctonos de
roble o castaño. Según denuncia la asociación ecológico-cultural SOS-Courel, la Xunta iniciará en
breve la plantación de 28 nuevas hectáreas.
El bosque de Europa se queda en dos años sin sus árboles
El PSPV denuncia que 20 de los 27 ejemplares plantados en el río durante 2007 en homenaje a la UE
se han secado.
Poor vendors worried by 'Flora protection law'
For close to three decades, Jeremiah Mkhonta has earned a living by selling firewood by the roadside.
It's not exactly lucrative: the father of 15 often goes for a fortnight without even selling a single four
dollar bundle of firewood. But slow business is not what is bothering this ex-miner right now. He lives
in fear that one day soon, he and his peers across the country, could be arrested.
Sommet de Copenhague: sauver le lac Tchad !
Entre 1910 et cette année 2009, la lac Tchad aurait perdu près de 80% de sa superficie. Sur les
cartes, le lac qui constituait une large tache bleu caractéristique des points d’eau de grande
envergure, est aujourd’hui une simple tache, où se distingues de minces filets de bleu. En vrai, le
spectacle est plus désolant. Le lac est envahi par une légère végétation et les pirogues se frayent
difficilement un passage dans un chenal pour atteindre des eaux libres.
Country to extract biodiesel from 'wonder plant' Jatropha
The National Forestry Research Institute has embarked on a project to test the viability of biodiesel
from jatropha, a drought resistant crop.
Four million trees to be planted in North
Denmark has donated sh1.8b to support tree planting and create public awareness of climate change
in northern Uganda. The programme is to be implemented for three years by the Straight Talk
Foundation under the Tree Talk Plus-Greening project. It will include planting 4.4 million trees and
training 2,600 people in conservation and climate adaptation.
Leaders defy Museveni on wetlands
A section of local leaders in Kabale District have opposed President Museveni's proposal to
compensate people occupying wetlands as a way of restoring the degraded environment.
The leaders argue that if the low lands are taken away, residents will not have anywhere else to
practice agriculture because soils on the hill tops are exhausted.
Quality of Kampala water deteriorating
Scientists have revealed that the quality of water supplied to Kampala is deteriorating. A team of
professors and scientists from Makerere University and the University of Bergen in Norway, reveals in
a report after a four-year-study, that consumption of Lake Victoria water is disastrous.
United Kingdom
Increase in water meters use urged by review
A huge increase in the use of water meters to encourage people to use water more efficiently has
been called for by an independent review.
Waitrose makes sustainable palm oil pledge
Waitrose is to switch its own-brand foods to "sustainable" palm oil in a move intended to help prevent
deforestation, climate change and other problems caused by the world's cheapest vegetable oil.
Where can I find the greenest Christmas tree?
Plastic trees are coated in vinyl, but you still need to tread carefully through the forest of firs
United Republic of Tanzania
Deforestation threatens Kilimanjaro ice cap
At the foot of Africa's snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro, images of the mountain adorn the sides of
rusting zinc shacks and beer bottle labels, but the fate of the real version hangs in the balance.
United States of America
Cap-and-trade means plant-a-tree for U.S. farms
The lion's share of revenue earned by U.S. farmers for controlling greenhouse gases under a Housepassed climate bill would be paid for growing trees.
Copenhagen: Barack Obama backs Norway-Brazil forest protection plan
US president endorses scheme proposed by Norway and Brazil that would protect the world's
rainforests with funding from rich countries which cannot cut their emissions at home.
Learning to love forest fires in Yosemite National Park
When southern California is consumed by fire, the state employs an arsenal of equipment and
manpower to battle the inferno. The key priority is to save lives and homes.
Obama on global warming and forest protection
President of the United States, Barack Obama, was in Oslo, Norway this morning accepting the Nobel
Peace Prize, which he won in part for promising to bring the United States to the negotiating table on
climate change—something he has recently done.
U.S. cap-and-trade payments could help end Amazon deforestation, reduce CO2 emissions 2-5%
Funds generated under a U.S. cap-and-trade or a broader U.N.-supported scheme to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation ("REDD") could play a critical role in
bringing deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon to a halt, reports a team writing in the journal Science.
But the window of opportunity is short — Brazil has a two to three year window to take actions that
would end Amazon deforestation within a decade.
U.S. forests and soils store equivalent of 50 years of nation's CO2 emissions, new estimates find
The first phase of a groundbreaking national assessment estimates that U.S. forests and soils could
remove additional quantities of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere as a means to mitigate
climate change.
Adopt tree-planting culture - Nhema
Environment and Natural Resources Minister Francis Nhema yesterday urged all Zimbabweans to
continually plant trees and not only wait to plant trees on the annual tree planting day.
President plants tree of the year
President Mugabe yesterday officially launched the National Tree Planting programme at the Midlands
State University in the Vungu District just outside Gweru.
Trees are life - let's green the Nation
Throughout Zimbabwe, trees have been reduced to ash on the hearth or fireplace as they are being
used for energy for cooking and heating. While rural dwellers used to use firewood for cooking, their
urban counterparts have joined the fray due to the power outages that were being experienced.
A climate change journey from the mountains to the sea
On a climate change journey from the Himalayan glaciers of Nepal to the Bay of Bengal.
Agricultura es responsable del 75 por ciento de la deforestación mundial, dice experto en
Colombia y otros países en desarrollo negocian entre US$15 y 25 mil millones anuales por cuidar
Ancient Amazon civilisation laid bare by felled forest
Signs of what could be a previously unknown ancient civilisation are emerging from beneath the felled
trees of the Amazon. Some 260 giant avenues, ditches and enclosures have been spotted from the air
in a region straddling Brazil's border with Bolivia.
Biodiversity loss can increase infectious diseases in humans
The extinction of plant and animal species can be likened to emptying a museum of its collection, or
dumping a cabinet full of potential medicines into the trash, or replacing every local cuisine with
McDonald's burgers.
Breakthrough in monitoring tropical deforestation announced in Copenhagen
Tropical forest destruction accounts for some 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions. But
quantifying these emissions has not been easy, particularly for tropical nations. New technology,
developed by a team of scientists at Carnegie's Department of Global Ecology, is revolutionizing forest
monitoring by marrying free satellite imagery and powerful analytical methods in an easy-to-use,
desktop software package called CLASlite.
Changing drivers of deforestation provide new opportunities for conservation
Tropical deforestation claimed roughly 13 million hectares of forest per year during the first half of this
decade, about the same rate of loss as the 1990s. But while the overall numbers have remained
relatively constant, they mask a transition of great significance: a shift from poverty-driven to industrydriven deforestation and geographic consolidation of where deforestation occurs.
Cheap REDD isn't the best conservation strategy for biodiversity
The lowest-cost approach to compensating reductions in emissions from deforestation and
degradation under a proposed UN program (REDD) isn't necessarily the best approach for biodiversity
conservation, report researchers writing in the journal Science.
Climat: WWF va plaider la cause de la faune à Copenhague
L’urgence liée au réchauffement climatique ne concerne pas que les hommes. Chaque jour, jusqu‘à
130 espèces animales et végétales disparaissent de la surface de la terre. Jim Leap, directeur général
du Worldwide Fund for Nature, est allé plaider leur cause à Copenhague.
Climate spotlight: deforestation
As the biggest climate talks in history are held in Copenhagen, here's a look at deforestation and its
Copenhague: déforestation, climat, marché du carbone
Faut-il et comment rémunérer les pays pauvres des tropiques contre une "déforestation évitée"? A
Copenhague c'est l'un des sujets de négociation les plus chauds. En particulier autour de la
rémunération des pays pour une «non déforestation» future… relativement à ce qu’ils auraient fait s’ils
n’écoutaient que leurs besoins immédiats.
Copenhagen summit: How climate change will shape these lives
Five babies, all born in the last month, will face different challenges on different continents as they
grow up, but they have one thing in common: their fate as adults will be dominated by the shifting
weather patterns their parents are starting to confront.
Déforestation: quand la Norvège parie sur le Guyana
La lutte contre la déforestation, responsable d'autant d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre que l'Union
européenne, sera au coeur des discussions de Copenhague. La Norvège mise sur la nécessité de
payer les Etats pour protéger leurs forêts.
Degradación forestal se monitoreará por Internet
La empresa de servicios de Internet Google presentó el prototipo de una nueva herramienta que
permite a los científicos y a los defensores del medio ambiente controlar la evolución de la
deforestación en el mundo.
Désertification : l'agriculture au pied du mur
Menacée par la désertification comme en Australie ou, au contraire, servie par la hausse des
températures dans les zones tempérées, l'agriculture va devoir adapter ses modèles au changement
Destruction of old-growth forests looms over climate talks
Destruction of old-growth or primary forests looms large in discussions in Copenhagen over a scheme
to compensate tropical countries for reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD).
Some environmental groups are pressing for conservation of old-growth forests — the most carbondense, and biologically-rich state of forests — to be the centerpiece of REDD, while industry and other
actors are pushing for "sustainable forest management" or logging using reduced-impact techniques to
be the primary focus of REDD.
Developed countries plan to hide emissions from logging
While developing countries in the tropics have received a lot of attention for their deforestation
emissions (one thinks of Brazil, Indonesia, and Malaysia), emissions from logging—considered forest
cover change—in wealthy northern countries has been largely overlooked by the media. It seems
industrialized countries prefer it this way: a new study reveals just how these countries are planning to
hide forestry-related emissions, allowing nations such as Canada, Russia, and the EU to contribute to
climate change without penalty.
Disagreement over what constitutes a forest may be Achilles' heel of REDD plan
Disagreement over what constitutes a forest could undermine an agreement to protect forests, which
is expected to be one of the bright spots at the UN climate change meeting in Copenhagen, according
to an analysis by the Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB) Partnership for Tropical Forest Margins.
Drought-related shrinking processes detected in living roots in the soil for the first time
Plant roots can shrink as a result of water deficit and lose contact with the surrounding soil. This effect
has been suspected for a long time, but has only now been demonstrated for a fact with the help of xray tomography. The formation of an air gap could initially help plants prevent impending water losses
when the soil dries out.
Ecosia debuts 'world's greenest search engine'
New search engine based on Bing and Yahoo functionality to donate 80% of sponsored-link income to
WWF rainforest protection projects.
Ecosia search engine fights climate change
An Ecosia search engine is counting on the world's fascination with the Internet to help save Brazilian
rainforests and battle global warming.
Eco-label for rainforest products could boost sustainability
Tropical forests around the world continue to fall, largely the result of logging and conversion to
agriculture. But new hope for forests has emerged under a scheme that would reward countries for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and degradation. Some variations of the
concept, which is known as REDD, would allow for "sustainable forest management" (SFM), that is,
reduced impact logging of forests, as well as harvesting of non-wood forest products (NWFPs) like
seeds, fruit, and game. But the extent to which this harvesting affects forest ecology, and therefore
carbon sequestration, is still poorly understood.
EE UU ofrece compensar sus emisiones evitando la deforestación
Estados Unidos "ha puesto sobre la mesa la posibilidad de aumentar su objetivo de reducción de
emisiones con sistemas de compensación, principalmente mediante programas contra la
deforestación en terceros países", según la directora de la Oficina Española de Cambio Climático,
Alicia Montalvo.
EU climate cash pledge 'not enough' say small nations
EU leaders ended a Brussels summit with a three-year deal to pay 7.2bn euros (£6.5bn; $10.6bn) to
help poorer nations cope with climate change. The money could help them boost coastal protection,
deal with droughts, prevent deforestation and use more solar and wind energy.
EU demand scant for non-rain forest palm oil
Europe's food industry is proving slow to buy palm oil certified under a new scheme as produced
without destroying tropical rain forests, the head of Germany's edible oil industry association OVID
First phase of pan-tropical forest mapping debuts
Tropical forest loss accounts for an estimated 17% of global emissions of carbon dioxide. As part of a
strategy to reduce these greenhouse gas fluxes to the atmosphere, the UNFCCC's Conference of the
Parties 15 in Copenhagen is working to adopt a strategy for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
and Forest Degradation (REDD) in the post-Kyoto climate treaty. For tropical nations to be effective in
tracking and reporting their emissions reductions from forest management and conservation, baseline
data sets enabling wall-to-wall forest mapping and monitoring are invaluable.
Forest communities said key to climate fight
Saving tropical forests is crucial to fighting climate change but efforts to halt deforestation could go
awry without safeguards to protect and compensate local communities, officials and academics said.
Forest-CO2 scheme needs cash to save species: study
A U.N. carbon-payment scheme aimed at saving forests in poorer nations could push some species to
extinction unless it is designed to spread investment across many countries.
Forest deal at Copenhagen must avoid creating 'carbon refugees,' scientists urge
Forest dwellers must be included in the design of the upcoming forest deal at Copenhagen in order to
avoid a humanitarian crisis.
Forestry carbon market on cards
Irrespective of the outcome of the climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, the stage is set for
creation a forestry carbon market.
Forests recover faster from slash-and-burn when near intact forest reserves
Areas cleared for slash-and-burn agriculture recover faster when adjacent to a large block of
untouched forest, but may take decades to regain a majority of their biodiversity after tree-felling,
according to a new review of ecological studies.
Global forest map moves forward
A plan to create a pan-tropical map of forest cover and carbon stocks is moving ahead with data now
available on Google Earth, reports the Woods Hole Research Center.
Google Earth to monitor deforestation
It what could be a critical development in helping tropical countries monitor deforestation, Google has
unveiled a partnership with scientists using advanced remote sensing technology to rapidly analyze
and map forest cover in extremely high resolution. The effort could help countries detect deforestation
shortly after it occurs making it easier to prevent further forest clearing.
Google unveils breakthrough technology to monitor deforestation
The software can processes satellite images to extract scientific and tracking information about how
much forests have changed.
Google veut aider à surveiller la déforestation
Google a dévoilé jeudi un service qui permet aux scientifiques et aux défenseurs de l'environnement
d'utiliser internet pour surveiller l'évolution de la déforestation à travers le monde.
How to invest in water
A global water crisis is looming, but the path to profits is a muddy mess of regulated industries, giant
companies with small water operations, and start-up technologies.
How tree communities respond to distance to edges and canopy openness
Tropical forests frequently experience the opening and closing of canopy gaps as part of their natural
dynamics. When an edge is created, and the area outside the boundary is a disturbed or unnatural
system, forests can be seriously affected even at some distance from the fragmented edge, since
sunlight and wind penetrate to a much greater extent. This increases tree mortality and, consequently,
canopy openness close to the edge. Thus, canopy openness can be both part of a natural gapdynamics cycle and the direct manifestation of human edge effects.
Indigenous delegates to UN talks in Copenhagen debut video evidence, accounts of climate change
A delegation of more than 20 indigenous teens, women, elders and shaman heading to historic
Copenhagen climate talks today offered the world self-created video evidence and testimonials of
climate change problems in their far-flung home communities.
La protection des forêts au coeur des débats de Copenhague
La sauvegarde des forêts primaires est au coeur de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, mais
les initiatives en ce sens pourraient se révéler vaines si les populations locales n'y sont pas associées,
estiment experts et diplomates réunis à Copenhague.
Les Indiens d'Amazonie ont droit aux crédits carbone
"Les crédits carbone aux Amérindiens", tel est en substance l’avis juridique du cabinet Baker &
McKenzie. Une bonne nouvelle pour les populations indigènes qui cherchent une reconnaissance et
des compensations financières pour la préservation des forêts qu’ils habitent et exploitent.
Logging effects vary based on a forest's history, climate
A Smoky Mountain forest's woodland herb population has shown that climate may play a role in how
forest understories recover from logging.
Most comprehensive analysis to date of national policy options to reduce deforestation
An agreement at this week's UN Climate Change talks in Copenhagen to cut carbon emissions by
paying developing countries to maintain their forests has the potential to reverse the decline in the
world's forests, according to a comprehensive analysis of national policy options to reduce
New REDD text is weak, say activists
Activist group have condemned the latest draft text of an agreement that aims to protect rainforests as
a means to mitigate climate change.
Planned city “Rawabi” draws on Palestinian enterprise and Israeli experience
For many Palestinians, the norm is tight-quartered living with barely a garden in sight, no defined
sidewalks and a poor water system. But this is about to change with an ambitious plan for a new way
of living. Just six miles north of Ramallah, Palestinians have begun planting thousands of evergreen
tree saplings as part of a major greening project to grow a forest to hug the edges of what will be the
first planned Palestinian city.
Recomiendan pagar a los países menos desarrollados para que protejan sus bosques
Un informe del Centro Internacional para la Investigación Forestal sostiene que así se reducirá la
producción de dióxido de carbono.
REDD+ could turn deforesters into forest protectors
Payments for conservation and sustainable management of forests could turn agents of forest
destruction into forest protectors, according to a comprehensive analysis of national policy options to
reduce deforestation released in Copenhagen by the Center for International Forestry Research
REDD may miss up to 80 percent of land use change emissions
The political definition of 'forest' used in REDD (Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and forest
Degradation) threatens to undermine the program's objective to conserve ecosystems for their ability
to sequester carbon, according to a new analysis by the Alternatives to Slash and Burn (ASB)
Partnership for Tropical Forest Margins.
REDD: more than a developing country issue
REDD is the term given to the concept of conserving the world's remaining forests and ensuring
sustainable livelihoods for forest-dependent peoples, while avoiding the greenhouse gas emissions
that would have been generated from deforestation. Incorporating REDD into a future international
climate agreement is a main theme of COP-15.
Redd - preserving forests to tackle climate change
One concrete agreement expected from the Copenhagen climate change conference is a deal on
finance for a programme to preserve the world's forests – Redd.
REDD... ¿Qué es y con qué se come?
Deforestación y emisiones de gases de invernadero van de la mano. El establecimiento de
mecanismos que permitan frenar esta tendencia -la denominada Reducción de las Emisiones debidas
a la Deforestación y la Degradación en los países en desarrollo o, simplemente, REDD- es uno de los
debates más polémicos de Copenhague.
Signs of change in the Himalayas as Copenhagen summit begins
On a 1,000-mile journey from the Himalayas to the Bay of Bengal, the Guardian finds clear evidence
of the terrible threat that global warming now poses to the millions who rely on water from the roof of
the world.
Soros unveils $150bn climate plan
Billionaire investor George Soros has unveiled a proposal to provide up to $150bn of cash for poor
countries to get clean technology. He says it will help developing nations halt deforestation, adapt to
climate change and have low-carbon energy.
Supermarkets get slippery over green palm oil promises
Food manufacturers in Europe called for greener palm oil. The growers supplied it. So why aren't
supermarkets buying it?
Tropical forests affected by habitat fragmentation store less biomass and carbon dioxide
Deforestation in tropical rain forests could have an even greater impact on climate change than has
previously been thought. The combined biomass of a large number of small forest fragments left over
after habitat fragmentation can be up to 40 per cent less than in a continuous natural forest of the
same overall size.
UN climate talks open, deal "within reach"
The biggest climate talks in history opened with a stark U.N. warning about risks of rising seas and
desertification and a prediction by hosts Denmark that a deal to combat climate change was "within
Une chance à saisir pour les forêts tropicales
Lutter contre la déforestation est l'un des moyens dont disposent les Etats pour réduire les émissions
de gaz à effet de serre. Ce mécanisme, nommé REDD, est en discussion au sommet de
Copenhague. Une fois de plus il met face à face pays riches et pays en développement.
Unilever cuts palm oil supplier ties after report
Consumer goods company Unilever, the world's largest user of palm oil, has suspended purchases of
edible oil from Indonesian group Sinar Mas on concerns over rain forest destruction.
Unilever frena contrato aceite de palma tras reporte Greenpeace
Unilever, el gigante de alimentos y bienes de consumo que es el mayor importador mundial de aceite
de palma, ha suspendido sus compras al grupo indonesio Sinar Mas por reportes que indicaron que
está destruyendo el bosque tropical.
Unilever nourri à la déforestation illégale
Alimentaire, hygiène, produits d’entretien: le géant Unilever - propriétaire notamment des marques
Persil, Amora et Dove - est le premier consommateur mondial d’huile de palme. Vous savez, cette
culture qui ravage les forêts d’Indonésie et a fait du pays le 3e émetteur mondial de CO2. Oui, mais
Unilever siège à la Table ronde sur l’huile de palme durable, "un organisme d’auto-régulation qui vise
à empêcher les coupes illégales", tout comme l’un de ses fournisseurs, Sinar Mas, la 1ère compagnie
indonésienne du secteur.
Unilever suspends palm oil contract after supplier found to be destroying rainforests
The world's largest user of palm oil, Unilever, has suspended its $32.6 million contract with the
Indonesian group Sinar Mas after an independent audit proved that Sinar Mas is involved in the
destruction of rainforest.
What types of primates are most prone to extinction in small forest fragments?
According to the most recent IUCN assessment, 48 percent of primates are threatened with extinction.
Major threats to primates include habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting, and the wildlife trade.
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