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Do Now
 Please answer the following question:
 List everything you know or think you know about
Ancient Rome:
Learning Outcomes
 1) Students should know the difference between
patricians and plebeians.
 2) Students should know what a republic is.
The Geography of Rome
 Rome=center of Italian peninsula
 Midway point of the Mediterranean Sea.
 Built near 7 rolling hills and the Tiber River.
The Mythical Founding of
Romulus & Remus
Italy in 750 BCE
Influence of the Etruscans
 Writing and alphabet
 Religion
 The Arch
Roman Republic
 Early Rome- ruled by kings.
 509 B.C. Romans started a republic.
 Republic- is a form of government in which power
rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their
 Only free-born male citizens could vote.
 Question: How is a republic similar and different to a
Two groups in Rome
 Patricians –wealthy landowners who held most of the
 Plebeians - common farmers, artisans, and merchants.
Made up the majority of the population.
 Both battled for power.
 Patricians- held most of gov’t positions.
 They allowed the plebeians to have own assembly
called tribunes.
 Tribunes protected the rights of the plebeians.
 GD question: Is a republic fair to both the poor and
the rich? Why
The Law of the Twelve Tables
(450 BC)
Provided political & social rights for Plebeians- became
basis for most of our laws- Constitution, Bill of Rights
Republican Government
2 Consuls
(Rulers of Rome 1 year term)
Controlled the army and directed the government
(Representative body for patricians) aristocrats.
Domestic and foreign policy. 300 members from the rich.
Tribal Assembly
(Representative body for plebeians)
Democratic part of gov’t. Made laws for the common
man and later the republic.
Dictator (only in times of crisis)
Leader who had absolute power. Control army and make
laws. 6 months only
Do Now
 Please answer the following questions:
 Who “founded” Rome?
 What is a republic?
 Define the following terms:
 Republic
 Patricians
 Plebeians
 The Twelve tables
Learning Outcomes
 1) Students should know key terms (Hannibal, legion
Punic Wars)
 2) Students will comprehend the outcome of the
Punic Wars and its effect on Rome.
Essential Question
 What effect did the Punic Wars have on the future of
Roman Army
 All landowners must serve in military.
 Legions- large military units.
 The Roman army lead to its rise to greatness.
 265 B.C. controlled all of Italy.
Trade and War
 Used the Mediterranean Sea as a way to trade goods.
 This led to conflict with Carthage.
 264 B.C. Rome and Carthage go to war.
Carthaginian Empire
Punic Wars
 264-146 B.C. they fight three wars.
 First war- Rome wins
 Second Punic War (218 B.C.) Hannibal leader of
 He wanted to avenge their early defeat.
 Hannibal had 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry and 60
 Went over the Alps (mountains).
 For more than a decade he marched up and down
Rome defeating Rome.
 Eventually he was defeated by Scipio in 202 B.C.
Hannibal’s Route
 Third Punic War- Rome lays siege to Carthage.
 The city was burned and 50,000 inhabitants sold into
 Rome was now in complete control of the
Mediterranean and lands from Spain to Greece.
 Complete vocabulary words (blue words)--terms,
people and places starting on page 150-160—17 words
 Worksheets- Sections 1 and 2
 Homework: Greece DBQ essay due tomorrow
Do Now
 You have 5 minutes to complete the following
questions in your notebook.
 1) Who was Hannibal?
 2) Who were the plebeians and patricians ?
 3) What is a republic?
Essential Question
Understand the concept of the Roman Empire and its
key figures and terms.
 Your job is to outline Chapter 6 Section 2, starting on
page 157-160.
 1) Write down the key points and terms.(Julius Caesar
and rise to power, Augustus and Pax Romana
 2) Make sure you are writing down the important
information because you will be tested on this. (vocab/
 After finishing the outline complete the Report Card
Do Now and Essential Question
 Do Now: In notes for a grade
 Would you have enjoyed being a gladiator. Why or
why not?
 Essential Question:
 What is Christianity and how did it spread?
The Greatest Extent of the
Roman Empire – 14 CE
 Romans were polytheistic but not central (important).
 As the empire grew, a new religion grew out of
Judaism, Christianity.
 63 B.C., Rome took over Judea, home of the Jews
 Born around 6 to 4 B.C. in Bethlehem.
 At age 30 began his ministry and preached for three
 Apostles- 12 men who were closest to Jesus.
 Why was Jesus Killed?
 Growing popularity---was a threat to the Roman and
Jewish leaders.
 Was viewed as a king
 Pontius Pilate puts him to death (to be crucified).
 Christianity comes from the word Christ.
The Rise of Christianity
Christianity Spreads
 First followers were Jewish.
 At first it spreads slowly.
 The apostle, Paul, at first persecuted Christians.
 Then was converted and taught Jesus’ word
throughout the Roman empire.
 The Pax Romana (peace) allowed the teachings to
 Common language- Greek and Latin
Pax Romana (30-BC - 180AD)
Era of peace & prosperity which was based on
reform policies of Caesar & Octavian (Augustus).
Throughout the Roman empire borders were
secure; roadways were safe; the poor were provided
for; morality and law & order were checked with
propaganda and legislation.
St. Paul:
Apostle to the Gentiles
The Spread of Christianity
Jews revolt
 Two times (70 A.D. and 132 A.D.) the Jews tried to
revolt against Rome.
 Both times they are defeated.
 Diaspora- Jews driven from their homeland
 As the time of peace ended, persecution increased.
 Christians were used as scapegoats for political and
economic problems.
 Thousands were crucified, burned, executed or thrown
to the lions.
 Martyr=someone who gives their life for their beliefs.
Why so Popular?
 1) Embraced all people
 2)Gave hope to the powerless
 3)Mad at the extravagances of Rome
 4) Gave a relationship with a loving God
 5) Promised eternal life after death
 Emperor Constantine was fighting for total control of
Rome, he used the cross as a symbol.
 He won the battle.
 313A.D. he ended the per suction of the Christians and
made it one of the religions of the empire.
Constantine: 312 - 337
Journal Entries
 Pretend you are a gladiator in Rome.
 Write down at least 5 journal entries about what you
see, your life, fears, family, how did you get there etc.
 Each entry must be at least 6 sentences .
 You can use your notes from Gladiator as a guide.
 This will be graded.
Do Now
 Name the emperor who converted to Christianity after
he won a battle?
 Name two reasons Christianity spread/became
 Who spread Jesus’ teaching throughout the empire?
 What is a martyr?
Do Now
 Please answer the following questions:
 Who was Julius Caesar?
 Who was Cleopatra?
 Who won the civil war between Augustus and Marc
 Instead of a republic, Rome was ruled by who?
Essential Question
 Why did Rome fall/decline?
Reason #1
 Rome’s economy weakens
-trade declines
-lack of gold/silver= must raise taxes
- made more money = inflation= drop in the value of
money with an increase in prices.
- Poor harvest overuse and war= land not good
- Widening gap of rich and poor
Reason #2
 Military
 -Generals less discipline and loyal (wanted power)
 -Soldiers loyalty to Generals not Rome
 - Hired mercenaries-foreign soldiers who fought for
money. No loyalty.
 Decline of patriotism.
 Threat from invaders
Reason #3
 Social /Political
 Decline interest in public affairs
 No confidence in emperor/empire
 Decline in population…WHY ?
 Decline of patriotism.
Reason #4
 Social /Political
 Military generals interfere for power.
 Civil War
 Division of empire
 New capital in Byzantium
 He divided the Roman empire into two halves
- East (Greece, Egypt and Syria)-West (Italy, Britain, Spain)
 Four emperors fought for control
 312 A.D. Constantine wins and moves the capital from
Rome to the east (Constantinople).
 The eastern part would survivor but the west
would decline
Constantinople: “The 2nd
Rome” (Founded in 330)
Group Discussion
 GD question- What does your group believe is the
biggest reason for the fall of Rome?
 Please complete the following work:
 IN:
 Reading Guide: pages 51-53, 55-58, 61-65
 Regents Prep Books: pages 34-36 1.18-1.22
 Textbook: page 165 #1,3,4,5
page 176# 1,3, 4,5
 Please hand in your Greek multiple choice exam
from Friday!!!
Western Empire Crumbles
 Germanic Invasions
-The Huns attack Germanic lands which causes.
(Attila the Hun=leader of the Huns)
-Other Germanic tribes “barbarians” (non-Roman) to
flee into Rome.
410 A.D. Rome is plundered in three days
Barbarian Invasions: 4c-5c
Barbarian Invasions
Barbarian Invasions
261Barbarian Map
Attila the Hun:
“The Scourge of God”
End in the West
 476 A.D. the last Roman emperor leaves the thrown in
the west
 In the east, Byzantine, would thrive and prosper until
The Eastern Roman Empire
The Byzantine Empire
During the Reign of Justinian
Do Now
 Please answer the following questions:
 List three reasons why Rome’s power decreased?
 True or False: The Roman empire was spilt into TWO
 What part would survive?
 What factor DO YOU believe was the biggest reason
why Rome fell?
The Legacy of Rome
 Republic Government (USA)
 Roman Law- help citizens (The
12 Tables)
 Latin Language
 Roman Catholic Church
Legacy cont.
 City Planning- ROADS!!
 Romanesque Architectural Style
 Roman Engineering
Sewage systems
Rome’s Early Road System
Hadrian’s wall in N. England, 127 AD
Roman Roads:
The Appian Way
Roman Aqueducts
151Great Bath in England
Roman Bath in England
100Roman Forum
Roman Forum
The Roman Colosseum
The Colosseum Interior
Circus Maximus for chariot racing
115Circus Maximus
Do Now
 Please answer the following question:
 List two achievements of Rome AND their impact on
today’s world:
Do Now
 Please answer the following question:
 How was ancient warfare (Romans) similar and
different to today’s warfare?
 DBQ with essay due tomorrow!!!!!