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From Republic to Empire
Geography and People
Italian peninsula which looks like a boot, juts out into
the middle of the Mediterranean Sea
Its capitol, Rome, lies in the middle of the Italy
• This central location allowed it to have easy
communication, unification and expansion
• Many Romans were Greek colonists, which shared
Greek Culture
Roman Republic
• Romans set up a republic after they threw out their
totalitarian ruler
• the Republic was made up of two branches
Made up of
upper class
Made up of
Middle and Lower
Comparing Greece and
• Direct Democracy vs. Republic; both would be used
as role models for the United States government
• Veto, Senate, Jury, checks on political power to name
a few
• Roman women played a larger role in Roman society
owning businesses, supporting the arts, and political
Education and Religion
• Both girls and boys learned to read and write.
• Every class was educated, and Greek philosophers
were hired as tutors
• Roman religion was a mirror of Greek mythology
with the same gods with different names for each
Roman Legion
• Highly skilled soldiers
• Fought without pay and with own weapons
• Valued loyalty, courage, and respect for authority
• Conquered people were treated with justice and allowed
to keep their own customs, but had to swear allegiance
to Rome and protect it.
• Senatus populusque Romanus
• Senate and people Rome
Julius Caesar’s Rise to
• Caesar led the legions to defend and expand Rome
coming up with the phrase “Veni, vidi, vici”
• after he was victorious, the Senate demanded Caesar
disband his army and return power to the people.
• He refused, and crossed the Rubicon River and
declared himself dictator
• The Senate planned an assassination and stabbed
him to death.
Bad & Good Emperors and Pax Romana
Caligula and Nero - Evil and insane,
appointing a horse to the council, setting a
fire that burned down much of Rome, killed
Christians in the colosseum. It was even
said that they would have group orgies with
Pax Romana or Roman Peace, was height
of Rome with peace throughout, trade and
• Bread & Circus - by giving away free grain
and performing public gladiator battles, the
emperors kept the masses happy even
though times were getting tougher for
Art, Architecture, and Engineering
• Stressed realism in art
• Architecture modeled after greek architecture, but
improved upon it.
• Used engineering to improve systems of public works
• Vesuvius erupts
• ash was thrown in the air causing darkness and rain
• suffocating and burying its victims
Roman Law
• Innocent till proven guilty
• right to face accuser
• clearer then daylight or without a reasonable
Signs of Decline
• decline of values and use of “centers of learning”
• abuse of wine and gambling
• reality shows aka gladiators
• increase of taxes and debt
Constantine and foreign invasion
• Divided Rome into two separate
• grated toleration to christians
• Northern germanic people invade
(Huns, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, and
• Attila the Hun destroyed much of
Causes of the fall of
• Hired Mercenaries vs volunteer army
• corruption of government officials
• High taxes and inflation
• decline of patriotism, devotion to duty and citizenship
• Rome falls, but will continue with Byzantine Empire
and into middle ages.
• “Free Fallen” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers