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Rome Becomes an Empire
Now you will learn
Rome evolved from a republic, into an empire led by
Augustus, the first Roman emperor.
Essential Questions:
1. What led to conflict in Rome?
2. What were some of Caesar’s
3. What happened to Rome after Caesar’s
Rome Becomes an Empire
Vocabulary – Define the following terms.
• Civil War
• Julius Caesar
• Cicero
• Augustus
• Civil Service
• Pax Romana
Conflicts at Home
Conflicts at Home
• As Rome expanded, the distance between the rich
and poor grew and the poor resented the power of the
• Reform fails because wealthy were opposed to
• The patricians win after years of fighting and a man
named Sulla becomes dictator.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Julius Caesar
• Caesar was born into a wealthy family in 100 B.C.
• He was a general, politician, writer and dictator
• Caesar’s military victories over the Gauls earned
Caesar fame and power
• Wrote a memoir about his war campaigns
• He was a generous leader who gained support from
the plebeians
• Cicero distrusted Caesar and his lust for power
• After fighting for control over Rome for many years,
Caesar emerged victorious and was named dictator of
Rome in 44 B.C.
The Life and Times of Julius Caesar
Caesar’s Reforms
• Caesar expanded the Senate by including politicians
from other regions
• Enforced laws and created jobs for the poor
• The biggest fear people had was that Caesar would
make himself king and then his family would rule
• The Senate resented his power
• He was assassinated in 44 B.C. by Senators with
• Some say Caesar tried to improved the lives of the
• Some say Caesar was a power-hungry tyrant
Emperors Rule Rome
• After Caesar’s death, there was civil war and his greatnephew and adopted son Octavian becomes ruler and
takes the name Augustus (exalted one)
• Augustus began a civil service that collected taxes,
managed the grain and ran the postal service
• He rebuilt and beautified Rome (lots of marble)
• This began the “Pax Romana”
• He built roads, bridges, tunnels and aqueducts
• Farming was the basis of the Roman economy
• Augustus introduced a common currency and a coin
called a denarius