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R-1 due tomorrow
Next current events article due Friday, January 15.
 For this article you MUST find an article that touches
on an issue/problem you have already written about
(for example, ISIS activities in the Middle East,
refugee crisis in Europe, environmental problems in
China, etc.)
In your predictions section, you MUST have a few
sentences discussing if your predictions from a
previous assignment have changed. If they have,
explain how. If they have not, explain why.
On air pollution in Beijing, China:
“Reflecting back to my last article about China’s
air pollution, my opinions remain the same. Many
companies are still hiding the real amount of coal
they burn. Government officials are also keeping
information about PM 2.5 a secret from their
citizens. They are running away from the
problems the country is facing because they are
scared of being questioned by the rest of the
Migrant Crisis in Europe:
“Since the last migrant article I looked at, the
situation has escalated into a rather large
problem. My prediction from the last article has so
far been accurate, which was that so many
migrants would surge into Europe that the crisis
would be left at a standstill. I predict soon that
migrants from the non-war torn countries will soon
be forced to no longer remain on the border, but
rather return back home unless other parts of the
world are willing to take them in.”
Aim #1: How was the Roman Republic formed?
Do Now: Read “Rome’s Perfect Location” by Cicero.
Answer the question at the end of the reading
I. Rise of the Roman Republic
Rome was founded in 753
B.C. by Romulus. It became a
republic after the overthrow of
the Etruscans in 509 B.C.
I. Rise of the Roman Republic
B. Republic: Power rests with citizens who
have the right to vote for their leaders.
Only free-born men could vote.
How is this different from the direct
democracy in Athens?
Why was the creation of a republic an
achievement that still influences our lives
II. Roman Society
A. Society was divided → Different groups
struggled for power.
Patricians: Wealthy landowners. Held most
of the land and all government positions in
Plebeians: Common farmers, artisans and
merchants. Majority of the population. Could
vote, but not serve in government.
III. Rise of the Roman Government
Establishment of the Twelve Tables (451 B.C.)
First written code of laws in Roman history. All
patricians and plebeians were expected to follow it,
and it provided rights and protections for all Roman
Hung up in the Forum → Center of Roman politics
Westboro Baptist Church
The Roman Republic would believe that these
individuals should be punished for their actions. The U.S.
Supreme Court claims this behavior is protected by the
1st Amendment. Who is right, and why?