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Unit 6, Part 2 (Ch. 11) Study
Test Wednesday, April 29
Mr. Davis
Warrior Social Studies
1. If you were to visit Rome in 70 BC…
• Rome was chaotic and dangerous
• Generals fighting for power
2. What did Cicero want?
• Limit power of generals
• Restore power of Senators
• Have rich make Rome better
3. What did Caesar conquer 58-50 BC?
• Gaul
4. Why did Caesar write his own
• So people would remember his greatness
5. Who made up Rome’s First
• Julius Caesar
• Pompey
• Marcus Crassus
6. How was Caesar killed?
• There were many conspiracies, but it was
decided to stab him in the Senate.
7. How did Caesar’s killers think they
would be treated? What happened?
• They thought they’d be treated like heroes,
but were chased out of Rome and killed by
Antony and Octavian’s forces.
8. What happened that led to a civil
war between Antony and Octavian?
• Marc Antony divorced Octavian’s sister and
married Cleopatra.
9. What does Augustus mean?
• “Revered one” = respected one
10. What helped expand Roman
• The Romans developed currency in the form
of coins nearly everyone accepted.
11. Pax Romana
• A 200 year period of peace and prosperity
12. The aqueduct
• Brought water from highlands to Rome
• Use of arches made it structurally sound
13. Describe Roman art
• Realistic sculptures and paintings
14. Roman architecture
• Large, strong buildings
• Columns and open spaces
• Domes, arches, and vaults
15. Roman engineering
Excellent, durable roads
Strong bridges
Aqueducts move water
Building designs inspired later societies
16. Roman languages
• Developed from Latin, the language of Rome
17. Accomplishments of Roman
engineering and architecture
• Road construction in layers
• Use of arches and vaults
• Invention of aqueducts to carry water
18. Define civil law
• A legal system based on a written code of laws
19. What influenced the food Romans
• How rich they were/Their social class
20. How were men valued above
women in Rome?
• Between 14-18 a boy celebrated becoming a
man in a special ceremony.
• Father’s word was law in his home
• If fathers did not approve of a newborn, they
made the decision to leave it outside to die.
21. Describe the homes of rich and
poor Romans
• Rich people lived in large estate homes with
baths and atriums
• Poor people lived in small, filthy, rat-infested
apartments that had a great fire danger
because of grills.
22. How women did have value…
• They were educated to become dentists, real
estate agents, tutors, and midwives
23. “Bread and Circuses”
Keeps the poor busy and happy:
Gladiator games
Chariot races
24. “He who does not work shall not
• Refers to the poor country dwellers in the
Roman Empire
25. Why did the Romans worship
many gods?
• They didn’t know which ones existed, so they
worshipped all of them.
26. How did Jews feel under Roman
• They resented Roman rule because their
religious practices were banned and they were
taxed heavily
27. What marks the shift from BC 
• The birth of Jesus of Nazareth
28. What happened that led to Jesus’
arrest and crucifixion?
• The Romans feared Jesus’ charisma (being
well-liked) made him a threat to the empire.
29. Which apostle… spread
• Paul
30. Describe the extent of Roman
Empire at its height
Centered on Mediterranean
North: Brittania
South: North Africa/Egypt/Nile River
East: Judea/Caspian Sea
West: Spain/Atlantic Ocean
31. Diocletian
• Divided Roman Empire into East and West in
the late 200s BC
32. Constantine
• Baptized in the 300s AD and was first Christian
• Moved center of Roman Empire to
• Ruled Eastern Empire after Diocletian
33. Reasons for the fall of Roman
Empire too large
Difficult to communicate
Wealthy people flee cities/build up armies
Population decreases
Schools close
Inflation: taxes and prices soar
34. What is corruption?
• Corruption is the decay of people’s values
• Corrupt officials used threats and bribes to
achieve their goals
35. Attila the Hun
• Fierce, ruthless battle tactics
36. Describe the Huns, who they
were, military style
• Huns were a vicious tribe from Central Asia.
They traveled a great distance to Europe
where they chased the Goths out of Hungary
and into Italy
37. Describe the role the Goths played
in decline of Rome
• The Goths were fleeing from invading Huns
and had to expand into Roman territory
38. Justinian
• Wanted to reunite parts of the Old Empire
• Guarantee fair treatment for all people
• Maintain peace in the empire by stopping
39. Focus of Byzantine art
• Christianity