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Becoming a Republic
Romans, Greeks, &
• The Latins, who spoke Latin, mostly settled on the plain of Latium (LAY
shee uhm), but between 800 and 700 BCE, a group settled on the hills. This
is considered the birth of Rome. These people became known as Romans.
After 800 BCE, other groups moved
into the region where the Romans
were living. Two of these
groups, the Greeks and Etruscans,
would greatly influence Roman
Greek Influences
• From c. 750 BCE –
500 BCE, Greeks
settled in farming
villages in southern
Italy. The Greeks
introduced grape and
olive farming to the
region. They also
passed on the Greek
alphabet to the
• Later, the Romans
modeled their
buildings, sculpture,
and literature after
those of the
Stop to Jot…
• List at least 2 ways the Greeks influenced
Roman civilization.
Copy this in your Notes:
Greek’s Influences on Rome: 1.
Etruscan Influences
The Etruscans settled north of Rome
in Etruria (ih TROOR ee uh). After
650 BCE , they moved south. The
Etruscans eventually took control of
Rome and its surrounding area.
Skilled Etruscans worked with many
metals. Etruscan painters portrayed
the lives of people in their colorful
Etruscans taught the Romans to
build with brick and to roof their
homes with tiles. They drained the
water from marshes, laid out city
streets, built temples, and passed
on many religious rituals.
Roman men adopted the Etruscan
fashion of wearing short cloaks and
Stop to Jot…
• List at least 3 ways the Etruscans influenced the
Copy this in your Notes:
Etruscan’s Influences on Rome: 1.
Becoming a Republic
The Romans grew weary of
Etruscan rulers.
In 509 BCE the Romans
overthrew Tarquin the Proud,
the Etruscan king.
The Romans established a
republic. This is a form of
government in which citizens
elect their leaders. This began
a new era in Rome’s history.
Rome was still a small city
when it established its republic,
and surrounded by different
groups of people.
Over the next 200 years the
Romans fought many wars
against their neighbors.
* Over the next 200 years the Romans fought many
wars against their neighbors.
By 267 BCE Rome controlled almost all of Italy.
• How did they do this?
A Strong Army
• The Roman Republic
developed a strong army.
• Every male citizen who
owned land had to serve in
the army.
• Roman soldiers were well
trained, and deserters were
punished by death.
• This ensured soldiers
stayed loyal to Rome.
• The Roman army was one
of the most successful in the
history of the world.
The soldiers were feared for their training,
discipline, and stamina.
Most Successful Army in History
• The army was a major player in Roman politics and maintaining loyalty
was an essential task for any emperor.
New Strategies
The Romans developed
new battle strategies.
In the early days of the
republic, the Romans fought
like the Greeks. Rows of
soldiers moved in a single
large group. They attacked
from only one direction.
Roman generals realized
that this way of fighting was
slow and hard to control.
They reorganized their
soldiers into smaller groups,
called legions. Each legion
had about 6,000 men.
Fast and Well-Armed
A legion was further divided
into groups of 60 to 120
soldiers. These smaller
groups could move quickly
around the battlefield to
wherever they were most
Roman soldiers were also
well armed. Most soldiers
carried a short, double-edged
iron sword called a gladius
(GLAY dee uhs) and an iron
spear called a pilum. Each of
the small groups in a legion
carried its own standard into
The standard was a tall pole topped with
a symbol, such as an eagle.
A Roman Legionary
The long iron point on the spear
was made to bend after the spear was
thrown, preventing an enemy from
using it.
A soldier’s armor was made of iron
strips joined by leather ties.
Shields were made from sheets of
wood glued together and covered with
leather or cloth.
Iron helmets were worn to protect the
head and neck.
20 Years, and then Retirement
• The soldiers signed up for
20 years. At the end of the
20 years they were given
land and a large sum of
• This way the army
remained well trained and
experienced, and it put land
in the hands of loyal
This man is a retired Roman soldier who has the
papers to prove it!
More Than Just An Army
The Romans also ruled well.
After they conquered a region,
they built permanent military
outposts to protect it.
These settlements were built
at strategic locations, such as
on a high hill or at a river
* They also built roads between settlements.
As a result, troops and supplies could move
quickly within the conquered lands.
Fair Treatment
The Romans stressed the need to treat
conquered people fairly. If conquered
people were treated well, the Romans
believed the people would become
loyal subjects.
To encourage fair treatment, the
Romans created the Roman
Confederation. This system gave some
conquered peoples, especially the
Latins, full Roman citizenship. They
could vote and serve in the
government of Rome.
Maintaining Peace
Growing Stronger
Other conquered people became
allies, or friends, of Rome.
As allies, they paid Roman taxes.
In additions, they were required to
supply soldiers to fight for Rome.
Allies, however, were free to
manage their own local affairs.
With these policies, the Romans
hoped to maintain the peace in
their conquered lands.
If conquered peoples turned
against Rome, its rulers were
ready to crush any revolts.
Rome’s generosity paid off. The
republic grew stronger and more
Roman legionaries were disciplined and well trained.
• How did the Romans maintain control of
their expanding empire?
• What protection did a Roman soldier have when going into
• Do you think the Roman army had the advantage in many
fights at that time?
• Why was it better to have a professional army?
• Why were the Romans able to expand their control of Italy?
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