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Chapter 22
Section 2
The Spanish-American War
American Interests in Cuba
• Spanish power was crumbling; few colonies
remained; Philippine Islands, Caribbean
islands of Cuba and Puerto Rico.
• Cubans revolted against Spain.
• Spain treated rebels harshly. Cubans forced
from homes thousands dies of starvation
Jose Marti
• Fought for Cuban independence
Think about this quote….what is it saying?
“ Cuba’s children……suffer in indescribable
bitterness as they see their fertile nation
enchained and also their human dignity
stifled……all for the necessities and vices of the
Spanish Monarchy”-Jose Marti quoted in Jose
Marti,Mentor of the Cuban Nation
• Americans were alarmed by Spain’s
brutality; business was concerned about
disruption of U.S. trade.
• N.Y. World (Pulitzer) N.Y.Journal (Hearst)
competed for readers by exaggerating
Cuban horror stories.
• Yellow journalism – sensationalized style
of writing.
• Named after a comic strip The Yellow Kid.
Steps to War
• American opinion forced President
McKinley to take action. (1898)
• Sent U.S.S. Maine to Havana to protect U.S.
• Feb. 15th – the ship exploded and sank.
• “Remember the Maine” became a call to arms.
• Congressional resolution called for Cuba’s
independence; Spain cut off diplomatic relations.
On April 25, 1898, the United States
war on Spain. The slogan of the war?
“Remember the Maine!”
The Battles for the Philippines
and Cuba
• 1st battle of the Spanish-American War in
the Philippines.
• Commodore George Dewey with support of
Filipino rebel Emilio Aguinaldo destroyed
the Spanish fleet in 7 hours.
• Dewey an instant hero; “Dewey’s Chewies”
The War in the Caribbean
• Theodore Roosevelt organized the First U.S.
Volunteer Cavalry; Rough Riders.
• Eclectic group of men; cowboys,miners, college
students, policemen, athletes, Native Americans.
• Captured San Juan Hill to gain control of
Santiago’s port.
• Treaty of Paris (1898) – gave U.S. control of
Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, Philippines.
Theodore Roosevelt
*popular man
*elected to
public positions
* Became Vice
* President McKinley
was assassinated in
1901, Theodore
Roosevelt became the
new President of the
United States.
• President Roosevelt steered the United
States more actively into world politics.
He liked to quote a favorite proverb,
"Speak softly and carry a big stick, and
you will go far.”
The New American Empire
• Philippines did not want to be a U.S
colony and rebelled with Aguinaldo;
not put down until 1902. (independent 1946)
• Cuba was forced to add the Platt
Amendment to its constitution; U.S.
could intervene anytime there was a
threat to “life,property, and individual
liberty.” (terminated 1936)
• Puerto Rico became an American
• Anti-Imperialist League was
formed, but not supported by the
American people.(Carnegie,Adams,Gompers)