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Prof. Seamus Mar*n Smurfit Professor of Medical Gene5cs Trinity College Dublin Brief CV Cell Suicide in Cancer and Autoimmunity My lab is interested in the natural cell death process known as apoptosis. Apoptosis can be viewed as a form of cellular suicide, as the dying cell ac=vely switches on a set of enzymes (called caspases) that coordinate the death of the cell. Apoptosis is used to replace aged, defec=ve, infected and injured cells in the body. Apoptosis is also cri=cal for fine-­‐tuning the composi=on of the immune system as well as the brain. Literally billions of cells in the human body die by apoptosis on a daily basis and these are replaced by cell division. Thus, apoptosis is a natural healing mechanism in the body and is essen=al for general health, to fight infec=on and suppress the development of cancer. Recent Publica*ons Delivani, P., Adrain, C., Taylor, R.C., Duriez, P.J & S. J. Mar=n (2006). Molecular Cell 21, 761-­‐773. Cullen S.P., Adrain, C., Luthi, A. U., Duriez, P. J., & S. J. Mar(n. (2007) Journal of Cell Biology, 176, 435. Sheridan, C., Delivani, P., Cullen, S.P. & S.J. Mar(n (2008) Molecular Cell 31, 570-­‐585. Taylor, R. C, Cullen, S. P. & S.J. Mar(n. (2008) Nature Reviews, Molecular & Cell Biology 9, 231-­‐241. Walsh, J. G., Cullen, S. P., Sheridan, C., Luthi A. U., Gerner, C. & S.J. Mar(n. (2008) PNAS 105, 12815-­‐12819. Lüthi, A.U., Cullen, S.P., McNeela, E.A., Duriez, P.J., Afonina, I.S., Sheridan, C., Brumaa, G., Taylor, R.C., Kersse, K., Vandenabeele, P., Lavelle, E.C. & S.J. Mar(n (2009) Immunity 31:84-­‐98. Understanding how apoptosis ’works’ at a molecular level is helping to PhD, 1990 NUI Maynooth deepen our understanding of many fundamental biological processes and Post-­‐Doc Fellow, 1990-­‐1993, is resul=ng in new ways of trea=ng University College London, UK condi=ons, such as cancer and Wellcome Trust Fellow 1994-­‐1997 neurodegenera=ve disease, where Autret, A. & S J. Mar(n (2009) University of California, either too few or too many cells die. Molecular Cell 36:355-­‐363. San Diego (UCSD) Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow & Lecturer 1997-­‐1999, NUI Maynooth, Ireland Smufrit Professor of Medical Gene*cs, 1999-­‐present Trinity College Dublin Science Founda*on Ireland Senior Inves*gator 2002-­‐present Elected to the Royal Irish Academy, 2006 Elected to the European Molecular Biology Organiza*on (EMBO) 2009 Appointed Chair of The FEBS Journal Editorial Board 2013 Contact details Email: [email protected] Tel: +353 1896 1089 (lab) +353 1896 1289 (office) At present my laboratory is focused on a number of different problems, all revolving around cell death control. We are par=cularly interested in how apoptosis, as well as other modes of cell death, influence the ac=va=on of the human immune system. We have a par=cular interest in how cell death-­‐
related proteases promote the ac=va=on or inac=va=on of IL-­‐1 family cytokines. Mar(n, S.J. (2010) Science 330:1330-­‐1331. Elgendy, M., Sheridan, C., Brumaa, G. & S.J Mar(n (2011) Molecular Cell 42:23-­‐35. Afonina, I.A., Tynan, G.A., Logue, S. E., Cullen, S.P., Bots, M., Lüthi, A. U., Reeves, E. P., McElvaney, N. G., Medema, J. P., Lavelle, E. C. & S.J. Mar(n (2011) Molecular Cell, 44: We are ac=vely involved in transla=ng 265-­‐278. our research findings to develop S.P., Henry, C.M. and S.J. therapies for inflammatory diseases Cullen, Mar(n (
2011) Molecular Cell and cancer. 44:509-­‐510. Hollville, E. & S.J. Mar(n (2012). Cell 148:845-­‐846. Mar(n S.J., Henry C.M. & Cullen S.P. (2012) Molecular Cell 46:387-­‐97. Cullen, SP, Henry CM, Kearney, CJ, Logue SE, Feok=stova M, Tynan GA, Lavelle EC, Leverkus M. & S.J. Mar(n (2013) Molecular Cell 49:1034–1048.