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COGS 515 Artificial Intelligence for Cognitive Science Spring 2014-­‐2015 Course description. This course is for graduate students interested in understanding fundamental techniques of artificial intelligence and how artificial intelligence relates to cognitive science. Prerequisites. COGS 502 Logic and Programming or equivalent (knowledge of propositional and first order logic; intermediate level programming experience with Python, Matlab or at least one programming language). Time and place. Tuesday, 08.40-­‐11.30, S-­‐03 Instructor. Asst. Prof. Dr. Cengiz Acartürk E-­‐mail. acarturk at-­‐sign-­‐here (individual reply to e-­‐mails in 3 days) Tel. 210-­‐7704 Course website. Course book. Russell, S. & Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Third Edition. Prentice Hall, NJ. (available at METU Bookstore) Tentative weekly schedule. Class TOPIC 17 Feb Introduction to AI and foundational issues 24 Feb Intelligent agents 3 Mar Uninformed search strategies in problem solving 10 Mar Informed (heuristic) search strategies 17 Mar Local search algorithms, nondeterministic search 24 Mar Adversarial search (games) 31 Mar Constraint satisfaction problems 7 April Logical agents: Propositional logic 14 April Logical agents: First order logic 21 April Planning 28 April Knowledge representation 5 May Probabilistic reasoning 12 May Learning Evaluation (tentative, to be decided upon discussion in the class) Five Informed Quizzes (50%) Attendance and Participation (10%) Final Exam (%40)