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Longitudinal analysis of mucosal immune
quiescence and impact of commercial sex
work in HIV Exposed Seronegative (HESN)
sex workers from Nairobi, Kenya
Boily-Larouche G., Kirwan S., Lajoie J., Kimani J., Fowke K.R.
A global view of HIV
34 million people living with HIV, with Sub-Saharan Africa being the most
heavily affected with 72% of new infections.
From: WHO/UNAIDS, 2011
HIV infection
S HIV preferentially establishes a
productive infection in activated CD4+
T cells.
S Infection of a small funder population
at site of entry that is fuelled by local
activation of immune cells.
S Acting on the initial inflammation
prevent SIV acquisition (Li et al
Nature 2009)
Natural correlates of protection
S HIV Exposed Seronegative (HESN)
Sub-group of women from the Pumwani CSW cohort in Nairobi,
Kenya remain uninfected by HIV-1 despite intense exposure
Defined as:
HIV PCR & serology neg
still active in sex work
7 years or more of follow up remaining uninfected
S HESN individuals provide a unique opportunity to study natural
correlates of protection against HIV infection
Immune quiescence (IQ)
S HESN CSWs harboured immune quiescent phenotype
Systemic IQ
S Generalized lower gene expression (McLaren JID 2010)
S Lower levels of activated T cells and higher frequency of Treg in
the blood (Card JID 2009)
Mucosal IQ
S Low levels of chemokines (IP-10 and MIG) and cytokines
(Lajoie et al. Mucosal Immunol 2012)
S Higher levels of anti-inflammatory proteins (Burgener et al. J
Proteome Res. 2008 )
Immune activation and HIV targets
S Immune activation correlates with infection
Altered HIV susceptibility : IQ limits the available targets for HIV replication
Card CM et al. (2012) PLoS ONE
Impact of Sex Work
Sex work alters immune activation at the female genital tract, therefore
cell susceptibility to HIV.
Sex derived antigens are powerful immune stimulants
S Induced cytokines/chemokines expresionn and immune cells
recruitment at the FGT (Sharkey et al. JI 2012)
S Triggered peripheral allo-immune response (Peters et al. Lancet
S Interindividual variability in sex-derived antigens response
(activation vs tolerance) (Kingsley et al. Plos One 2009)
Sex work
S Constant immune pressure
S Better control of sex-derived immune activation = Protection
Pilot Sex Break Study
S Pilot Sex Break Study to determine if
S Reduced sexual activity impact activation levels of the immune
S Better regulation of activation levels could contribute in
protection against HIV acquisition
Pilot Sex Break Study
S Designed to characterize immune activation before and
immediately following a break from regular sexual activity
among sex workers on sabbatical.
SE. Kirwan
Impact of Sex Work
Continued active sex work
Interruption in sex work
7 weeks (mean, 3-16)
1. Determine the impact of sex work on the level of immune
systemic and mucosal activation
Regulation of Immune
activation in HESNs
Interruption in sex work
7 weeks (mean, 3-16)
HESN (>3y)
New Negative
(< 3 y)
HIV positive
2. Determine the difference in the regulation of the levels of
immune activation upon interruption in sex work and resumption
of commercial sexual activity
•CD4+ and CD8+ T cells
•CD38, HLA-DR, CD69, CD107A, CCR5,
CD4+ T cells
CD8+ T cells
Compare the proportion of
expressing cells for each marker
SE. Kirwan
Impact of Sex Work
Vaginal Mucosa : HIV+
CD4+ T cells
CD8+ T cells
Impact of Sex Work
Blood : HIV+
CD8+ T cells
CD4+ T cells
Interruption in commercial sexual activity alter the level
of immune activation (CCR5, CD95)
Regulation upon sex interruption
Vaginal Mucosa :
HESN vs New Neg
CD8+ T cells
New Neg
Interruption in commercial sexual activity is differently
regulated between HESN and New Neg
Regulation following resumption to
sex work
Cervical CD69+ CD4+ T cells
HESN New Neg
More targets in the vaginal tract of new negatives following
resumption of sex work…
S Interruption in commercial sexual activity affects the levels of
immune activation, especially within the HIV-positive CSWs.
S Immune activation levels in genital tract of HESNs remain
constant even upon return to sex work.
S HESNs maintain low level of activation of CD4+ T cells in the
genital tract following resumption of sex work. This would mean
less target cells at the site of entry.
University of Winnipeg
S Dr Keith Fowke and lab
S Dr Sheryl Kirwan
S Dr Julie Lajoie and Jennifer
Dr Frank Plummer, Dr Blake Ball
& Lab Members
University of Nairobi
S Dr Joshua Kimani
S Dr Makobu Kimani, Charles
Wachihi, Catherine Kago & other
Majengo Clinic staff
S Women of the Majengo Cohort
S Funders