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By: David N. Sutton
Why Three ?
 We
experience three dimensions
because points in space are aligned in
three directions from any reference.
 I will illustrate space is made of points
with energy and information that at the
current time allows the standard
model to exist.
We all Spin
 Points
in space as do all sub-quantum
enigmas, (quantum) sub-atomic
particles, atoms, molecules, planets,
stars, black holes and galaxies
contain spin properties.
Three Spins
I will illustrate how space is made of
points that not only contain spin, they
contain 3 spins, this is the reason our
world has three dimensional space at
any one point in time.
Do Points in Space Have Size?
 To
understand three dimensions we
must understand not only one, two
three and four dimensions we must
understand NONE.
 So we will start with a point in our four
dimensional space.
Cartesian Points
 An
example of a Cartesian point
would be the center of anything, we
will use a yardstick as an example.
 Spin the yardstick and its entirety is
 But is the Cartesian point at its center
Cartesian Points
 YES,
a point in space given a spin
would change a Cartesian point to a
point with virtually three dimensions.
 Two spatial and one temporal.
 It would have no kinetic energy if it
weren’t for time.
 A spatially dimensionless point exists
because time exists.
An Example
 To
understand this concept imagine a
spinning top or gyroscope, it would
have a size, center, axis, rotor and
 Now imagine reducing the size (three
dimensions) down to virtually no size.
A Cartesian Points Energy
 If
the virtual gyroscope is reduced to a
Cartesian point its spin or angular
momentum would be reduced from
kinetic energy to potential energy.
 Time could there fore be described as
quanta of a singluar points change in state
or energy.
Do Points in Space Have Size?
 Quantum
mechanics assigns minimal
quantities or values to length, area,
volume and time. Planck Values.
 Given our point is in four dimensional
space we will start with Planck
Quantum vs Cartesian Points
 Illustration
1 shows planck volume as
a cube, its axis, spin (energy or
vector) and a quantum point cylinder
‘Field of spin’ created by a points spin.
A Quantum Point
Illustration 1
The Quantum Line
 If
our quantum points are stacked end
to end a line is formed.
 If the axis of the points were aligned it
would be stable and possibly self
The Quantum Line
 Both
longitudinal and tranverse waves
can be transmitted down the line
because it does have a diameter but it
is sub-quantum.
 It would occupy one of our
dimensions because energy can only
travel up or down the quantum line.
The Quantum Line
 A quantum
line may also contain one
facet of electro-magnetism/weak force
and the strong force.
 Quantum points have no closed
structure causing quantum lines to
have infinite length.
The Quantum Line
 Quantum
lines would not have been
created by the ‘Big Bang’ because
they are not capable of the expansion
found in our Universe.
 Illustration 2 shows a Planck volume
cube, and a quantum point cylinder
‘Field of spin’ and a ‘force carrying’
one dimensional line.
A Quantum Line
Illustration 2
Two Spins Two Dimensions?
 If
a point also spins in a perpendicular
direction two quantum lines or
dimensions could intersect at a single
quantum point.
 But not at a cartesian point.
 The 2 dimensional quantum point
would now have a closed shape,
surface area and a volume.
Two Spins Two Dimensions?
 This
allows it to exist in three
dimensions Its shape is that of a
bicylinder steinmetzor solid, but it is
actually an energy field.
 See illustration 3
 This results in the creation of a plane
that would be self contained, self
sustaining and cohesive.
2D Quantum Point
Illustration 3
Two Spins Two Dimensions?
 A point
in our 2D quantum plane
bicylinder surface area is of less than
planck area ℓ 2P and a total volume is
that of planck volume ℓ 3P only when
radiating, (more on entropy later).
 Having a maximum thickness of
planck length (ℓP) it is a virtual plane
without outside influences.
Two Spins, Two Dimensions?
 In
two dimensions it continues from
the ‘Big Bang’ to its limits of
space/times current expansion.
 The outer limits of the ‘Big Bang’ must
contain a skin of two dimensional
quantum points.
Three Spins, Three Dimensions?
 If
a point also spins in a third direction
perpendicularly at the same time a
third line results.
 This line extended out to a plane
creates our three dimensional
Three Spins, Three Dimensions?
will disect a 3D quantum point (3Dq)
to better describe the intersection of
three quantum lines.
 Illustration 4 shows three quantum
lines intersecting perpendicularly and
the resulting maximum shape or field.
3D Quantum Point
Illustration 4
3Dq in space can only stack
perpendicularly limiting our universe to
our three dimensions.
 3Dq are virtual with only potential
energy until motion (wave), charge,
colour, spin, allows all energy/mass to
travel in anyone of our three
Math of a 3Dq
 My
mathematic examination of 3Dq.
 I will start back at the beginning a
quantum point.
 A quantum point must fit into a
quantum volume.
 Half planck length would be the
maximum radius of its spin field.
More Math
A point in a plane would twin spin with a
surface area of (½ lp2) 16.
 A twin spins volume would be (½ lp3)
 Being a bi-cylnder it can only align in
two directions.
 Side have two opposite vertices where a
cartesian point of contact exists with the
next 2.
3Dq Maximum Sizes
A points spins 3lp’s volume would be
(16-8 √2)lp3.
This is the maximum volume not the
size of the intersection of three lines,
otherwise a points dimensions would not
fit in a planck volume cube, (making it
3Dq Maximum Sizes
The ratio of the tricylinder volume to a
cube would be 2 √2.
 The ratio of approximately 1:.585786 is
only the maximum tricylinder size to a
cube of planck volume.
 This ratio now represents from cartesian
space 0 volume to a maximum of 2 √2,
to a radiation maximum of plank
Does Spin Require Time?
The quantum tricylinder field is just one
property of space, the quantum volume
is a cube because entropy from waves
traveling through the quantum point
rediates energy till it intersects with
other points.
 In our three dimensional world that
shape is a cube.
 Unless disproportionate energy warps it.
Do 3Dq Have Contact Points?
The tangent planes for each of 3Dq
sides has two opposite vertices like the
 This creates six cartesian points of
contact unless 3Dq’s don’t contact each
other at a single point.
Another effect of entropy on a quantum
point in space would be the expansion
of SpaceTime.
 The speed of light and the speed of
time would seem to crawl from point to
point, measuable frequencies and every
know energy and thier properties would
have to be combined or multiplied to
effect points in space.
Universal Resonance?
Quantum points in space can store the
entropy of intersecting forces like a
tuning fork until 3 or more forces retune
the point.
 This could explain the ‘spooky effect’.
 This information and/or histories may be
harmonic, holographic or amorphous.
One for all and Three in one
We experience three dimensions
because time/gravity/relativity or the
Higgs field as well as electromagnetic/ ,
weak and the strong forces all intersect
in three dimensions at one sub-quantun
 And fields of spin and thier entropy
transports the standard models
properties and limits our movements.
Why There are
Three Physical/Spatial Dimensions
The End
(or a new beginning to understanding)
By : David N. Sutton