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Our Solar Centre
The Sun
 Has ________________
 A tall funnel of twisting
______________ mmm!
 Can be 20,000km
(diameter) and spins at
 Has a temperature of
several million degrees
An Example of a _____________
The Sun – a Typical Star
 Composed mainly of:
 ___________________
 ___________________
 Also has heavier elements:
 ___________________
 ___________________
 ___________________
 Was born about 5 billion years ago, and will
live for about 5 billion more years
The Nature of the Sun
 Emits ____________________ in almost all forms
found in the electromagnetic spectrum
 Visible light, UV radiation (causes sunburn)
 Its mass is estimated by observing how fast the
planets, etc. ____________ around it
 Nuclear reactions in the Sun are the same ones in
the most powerful _________________________
 ____________________ is converted into ___________
(releases ENERGY)
Layers of the Sun
 6 main layers:
Inner part, temps at 15 million degrees Celsius
Where nuclear fusion happens
Outside the core, dense plasma
Light takes 100,000 years to pass through it (meaning...?)
Big bubbles of hot plasma ooze up to surface, w/energy
Cool plasma come down from surface to heat up again
Constant circulation of plasma is called convection
Boundary between inside and outside of Sun, making it yellow
What we see on Earth  has the lowest temperature of 5500 degrees C
Reddish, but can’t see it unless there’s a solar eclipse b/c of photosphere
Outermost layer, extends for millions of km; most visible during solar eclipse
Label Our Sun!! 
Surface Features of the Sun
 The Sun has a
 Generated by
movement of
_______________ deep
in Sun
 It extends far out into
 Very powerful
Surface Features of the Sun
 _____________________
 A region on surface of the
Sun that’s ______________
than surrounding areas
 Where magnetic field is
extremely ______________
 This slows down
 no mixing of plasma
 Cools from 600oºC  4000ºC
 Every ______ yrs, max #
sunspots reached
 ___________________
 A large, usually curved,
bright stream of
 Extends out from
into ____________
 May last for many
 ___________________
 Massive
__________________ at
surface of Sun
 Interacts with
and corona
 Flings hot plasma into
 _____________________
 Extremely powerful kind
of _______________
Large amount of plasma is
thrown out at __________
Earth’s magnetic field
protects us when this
meets the Earth
Causes _______________
Can damage orbiting
satellites and electrical
transmission lines
Learning Checkpoint
1. Which two elements make up more than 99%
of the Sun?
2. Where in the Sun does nuclear fusion occur?
3. Name four types of surface features of the Sun.
4. How can a coronal mass ejection on the Sun
cause damage on Earth?
Sun’s Effects on Earth
1. ________________
Constant flow of
charged particles
streaming out of the
Sun’s surface in all
Helped to create the
Electrical equipment
can be damaged by
(Northern Lights)
Solar wind creates this display of
green, yellow, and red light in
the skies
(Southern Lights)
Happens when charged particles
of solar wind collide with atoms
in Earth’s atmosphere
Particles are trapped from solar
wind in magnetic field and taken
towards north and south poles
How the Solar System Formed
 After Sun was formed (from what!?!?) the leftover
dust, gases, etc. in nebula continued to spin
 This created a ___________ around the new star
 Bodies began to form
 Created our planets, moons, asteroids, comets
 This is how other star-and-planets systems
formed too
 _____________: a celestial object orbiting
one or more stars; can form a spherical shape
 ___________________ create and radiate own
light  just reflects light of star(s) it orbits
Rocky Inner Planets
 Formed when spinning dust and gas slammed
into each other and started _______________
__________________ particles made more
collisions and grew faster
Gravity caused them to contract and bind
Objects too near the Sun got sucked into it
Four large objects lasted: Mercury, Venus,
Earth, Mars
Earth’s Moon
Mars is the only other
rocky planet with moons!!
 Few hundred million years later...something
as big as ___________ may have hit the Earth
 Objects re-melted and mixed
 Metal core melded with Earth’s core
 Crusts melded together
 Earth cooled
 Pieces of debris from collision were caught by
Earth’s gravity and eventually compacted
into the Moon
Asteroid Belt
 Between __________ and ________________
 Small as grains of sand  1000km across
 Scientists look for these near other stars
 Could indicate there are rocky planets there too!!
 This is where we got the age of the solar system
 Asteroids fell to Earth and oldest one was 4.56 billion
 Earth was therefore formed at the same time
 Sun must have been around while earlier
Gaseous Outer Planets
 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
 After asteroid belt, “______________________”
 On Sun side of this line, it’s where Sun’s radiation
keeps H2O in gas phase
 In snow line, water’s cooled and forms droplets, then
 Ice acted as a _____________ for gas and dust to
stick together  these planets grew faster!!
 All gas giants are orbited by many moons 
Jupiter and Saturn each have more than 60!!
Minor Planets
 After gas giants, many large balls of ice formed
 ___________________________ planets
 Pluto: most famous
 3 moons: Nix and Hydra (tiny), and Charon (1/2 Pluto)
 Millions of objects besides these orbiting the
 Some larger, some smaller, than Pluto
 Create a thin disk like asteroid belt around entire solar
 _________ of them are large enough to be considered
minor planets
Comets and Meteors
 ____________________: most distant region of
SS, consisting of billions of fragments of ice and
dust  major source of comets
 _________: celestial object made of ice and dust
 Tail is created by sun heating and breaking apart
some of the ice particles
 __________________: small pieces of rock/metal
travelling throughout the solar system (no path)
 ________: meteoroid that enters Earth’s atmosphere
and begins to burn up because of FRICTION
 _____________________: a meteor that does not burn
up completely and hits Earth
Earth in Motion
 At _______________: 12 h daylight, 12 h night
 In ___________________: some days, Sun
doesn’t set (summer) and some days, Sun
doesn’t rise (winter)
 What causes this?
 _____________________________________________
Two Types of Motion
 One complete spin
 One complete orbit of
(counter clockwise) of the
Earth on its AXIS
Takes about 24h
Earth moves at 1670 km/h
Axis is tilted at 23.5º
Earth around the SUN
 Takes about 1 year
 _______________________
 Tilted axis + revolution
 Tilted TO Sun = summer
 Tilted AWAY FROM Sun = fall
Rotation and Revolution
The Moon
 ____________ Earth’s mass
 Also rotates on an _____________
 Rotation and revolution are about ____________
 27.3 days, moon rotates and revolves once
 This is why we always see the same side of the moon
 Reflects Sun’s light  changes in look (phases)
 One complete change of phases  lunar cycle
 ___________ moon: Earth between moon and sun
 ______________ moon: moon between Earth and sun
 When moon blocks Sun’s light
to Earth
 Two types
_______________ Eclipse
 When Earth blocks Sun’s light
Partial: Sun is partially blocked
from shining on moon
Total: Sun is completely blocked  Two types
Partial: moon is partially blocked
Total: moon is completely blocked
 The alternate rising and falling of level of
oceans everyday
 Caused by:
 Rotation of the Earth in the presence of the Moon
 Rotation of the Earth in the presence of the Sun
 Example: Bay of Fundy
 Largest difference between high tide and tow tide
levels (as much as 17 m in one day!)