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Mystery Detectives
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Question 1 – Astronauts traveling to
the moon must wear space suits having
air tanks. Astronauts on the moon
must breathe from air tanks because *F. there is too much oxygen on the surface of the moon.*
*G. the moon has little or no atmosphere.*
*H. the moon’s atmosphere is thicker than that on the Earth.*
*J. the moon’s atmosphere has more carbon dioxide than the
Question 1 – Astronauts traveling to
the moon must wear space suits having
air tanks. Astronauts on the moon
must breathe from air tanks because *F. there is too much oxygen on the surface of the moon.*
*G. the moon has little or no atmosphere.*
*H. the moon’s atmosphere is thicker than that on the Earth.*
*J. the moon’s atmosphere has more carbon dioxide than the
Question 2 – Which of the following
events is caused by the Earth rotating
on its axis?
*A. The four seasons *
*B. The passing of a year *
*C. The phases of the moon *
*D. A day and night cycle *
Question 2 – Which of the following
events is caused by the Earth rotating
on its axis?
*A. The four seasons *
*B. The passing of a year *
*C. The phases of the moon *
*D. A day and night cycle *
Question 3 – Which of the
following planets has the shortest
orbit around the sun?
*F. Earth *
*G. Mercury *
*H. Neptune *
*J. Jupiter *
Question 3 – Which of the
following planets has the shortest
orbit around the sun?
*F. Earth *
*G. Mercury *
*H. Neptune *
*J. Jupiter *
Question 4 – The visible part of the
sun’s surface is called the photosphere.
The dark areas that appear on the
photosphere are—
*A. sunspots *
*B. coronas *
*C. solar flares *
*D. craters *
Question 4 – The visible part of the
sun’s surface is called the photosphere.
The dark areas that appear on the
photosphere are—
*A. sunspots *
*B. coronas *
*C. solar flares *
*D. craters *
Question 5 – A student noticed that
the size of Galveston Beach changed
each day. Why does this happen?
*F. Bays have one high tide and one low tide every day.*
*G. Bays have two high tides and two low tides every week.*
*H. Bays have three high tides and three low tides every day.*
*J. Bays have two high tides and two low tides every day.*
Question 5 – A student noticed that
the size of Galveston Beach changed
each day. Why does this happen?
*F. Bays have one high tide and one low tide every day.*
*G. Bays have two high tides and two low tides every week.*
*H. Bays have three high tides and three low tides every day.*
*J. Bays have two high tides and two low tides every day.*
Question 6 – Which of the following is
the correct order of the planets, from
innermost to outermost?
*A. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars *
*B. Jupiter, Earth, Mars, Saturn *
*C. Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn *
*D. Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury *
Question 6 – Which of the following is
the correct order of the planets, from
innermost to outermost?
*A. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars *
*B. Jupiter, Earth, Mars, Saturn *
*C. Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn *
*D. Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury *
Question 7 – Which sentence below
explains why we see the phases of the
*A. The moon revolves around the Earth. *
*B. The moon is a very large planet. *
*C. The moon revolves around the sun. *
*D. The moon is covered with many craters. *
Question 7 – Which sentence below
explains why we see the phases of the
*A. The moon revolves around the Earth. *
*B. The moon is a very large planet. *
*C. The moon revolves around the sun. *
*D. The moon is covered with many craters. *
Question 8 – About how many times
does the Earth rotate on its axis
each year?
*F. 365 *
*G. 28 *
*H. 24 *
*J. 1 *
Question 8 – About how many times
does the Earth rotate on its axis
each year?
*F. 365 *
*G. 28 *
*H. 24 *
*J. 1 *
Question 9 – What causes day and
night on Earth?
*A. the Earth’s orbit around the sun*
*B. the tilt of the Earth on its axis*
*C. the movement of the moon*
*D. the turning of Earth on its axis*
Question 9 – What causes day and
night on Earth?
*A. the Earth’s orbit around the sun*
*B. the tilt of the Earth on its axis*
*C. the movement of the moon*
*D. the turning of Earth on its axis*
Question 10 – In Houston, summer is
warmer than winter because—
*F. the moon is higher in the sky in the summer. *
*G. the Earth is closer to the sun in the summer. *
*H. the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun in the
summer. *
*J. the sun shines brighter in the summer. *
Question 10 – In Houston, summer is
warmer than winter because—
*F. the moon is higher in the sky in the summer. *
*G. the Earth is closer to the sun in the summer. *
*H. the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun in the
summer. *
*J. the sun shines brighter in the summer. *
Question 11 – Which of the
following keeps the planets in orbit
around the sun?
*A. Their atmosphere *
*B. Electromagnetic energy *
*C. Thermal energy *
*D. The force of gravity *
Question 11 – Which of the
following keeps the planets in orbit
around the sun?
*A. Their atmosphere *
*B. Electromagnetic energy *
*C. Thermal energy *
*D. The force of gravity *
Question 12 – Which of the following
objects is found in the center of our
Solar System?
*F. Jupiter*
*G. The sun*
*H. Earth*
*J. The moon*
Question 12 – Which of the following
objects is found in the center of our
Solar System?
*F. Jupiter*
*G. The sun*
*H. Earth*
*J. The moon*
Question 13 – It is possible to see
large dark areas on the moon’s surface.
These areas are MOST LIKELY—
*A. mountains*
*B. craters*
*C. active volcanoes*
*D. great lakes*
Question 13 – It is possible to see
large dark areas on the moon’s surface.
These areas are MOST LIKELY—
*A. mountains*
*B. craters*
*C. active volcanoes*
*D. great lakes*
Question 14 – What would happen if
the Earth stopped rotating?
*F. Half of the Earth would always be dark.*
*G. The entire Earth would always be dark.*
*H. The entire Earth would always be light.*
*J. The sun would revolve around the Earth.*
Question 14 – What would happen if
the Earth stopped rotating?
*F. Half of the Earth would always be dark.*
*G. The entire Earth would always be dark.*
*H. The entire Earth would always be light.*
*J. The sun would revolve around the Earth.*
Question 15 – What type of energy
does the sun provide?
*F. Electrical*
*G. Lunar*
*H. Solar*
*J. Sound*
Question 15 – What type of energy
does the sun provide?
*F. Electrical*
*G. Lunar*
*H. Solar*
*J. Sound*
Question 16 – To the people on Earth,
the sun looks much larger than all the
other stars. Why is this true?
*A. The sun is much bigger than the other stars.*
*B. The sun is closer to the Earth than the other stars.*
*C. The sun looks big because the moon is so small.*
*D. The Earth revolves slowly around the sun.*
Question 16 – To the people on Earth,
the sun looks much larger than all the
other stars. Why is this true?
*A. The sun is much bigger than the other stars.*
*B. The sun is closer to the Earth than the other stars.*
*C. The sun looks big because the moon is so small.*
*D. The Earth revolves slowly around the sun.*
Question 17 - An astronaut weighs less
on the moon than on the Earth because
the moon has less
*F. magnetism*
*G. density*
*H. gravity*
*J. atmosphere*
Question 17 - An astronaut weighs less
on the moon than on the Earth because
the moon has less
*F. magnetism*
*G. density*
*H. gravity*
*J. atmosphere*
Question 18 – What causes the ocean
tides on the Earth?
*A. The movement of the Earth around the sun*
*B. The moon’s gravitational pull on the Earth*
*C. The rotation of the moon around the Earth*
*D. The Earth’s reflection of sunlight to the moon*
Question 18 – What causes the ocean
tides on the Earth?
*A. The movement of the Earth around the sun*
*B. The moon’s gravitational pull on the Earth*
*C. The rotation of the moon around the Earth*
*D. The Earth’s reflection of sunlight to the moon*
Question 19 – Which of the following
forces pulls a person jumping rope back
to the Earth’s surface?
*F. Pressure*
*G. Inertia*
*H. Friction*
*J. Gravity*
Question 19 – Which of the following
forces pulls a person jumping rope back
to the Earth’s surface?
*F. Pressure*
*G. Inertia*
*H. Friction*
*J. Gravity*
Question 20 - How long does it take
the Earth to rotate once on its axis?
*F. about 365 days*
*G. about 24 hours*
*H. about 1 year*
*J. about 29 days*
Question 20 - How long does it take
the Earth to rotate once on its axis?
*F. about 365 days*
*G. about 24 hours*
*H. about 1 year*
*J. about 29 days*
Question 21 – Why is it possible for
astronauts in space to see the Earth
and the moon from great distances?
*F. The Earth and the moon reflect the sun’s light.*
*G. The sun shines in the windows of the space craft.*
*H. They view the Earth and moon through a telescope.*
*J. They look at the Earth and moon with binoculars.*
Question 21 – Why is it possible for
astronauts in space to see the Earth
and the moon from great distances?
*F. The Earth and the moon reflect the sun’s light.*
*G. The sun shines in the windows of the space craft.*
*H. They view the Earth and moon through a telescope.*
*J. They look at the Earth and moon with binoculars.*
Question 22 - What causes seasons on
the Earth?
*A. the movement of the moon as it revolves around the sun*
*B. the movement of the sun as the Earth revolves around it*
*C. the tilt of the Earth on its axis as it revolves around the sun*
*D. the orbits of other planets as they revolve around the sun*
Question 22 - What causes seasons on
the Earth?
*A. the movement of the moon as it revolves around the sun*
*B. the movement of the sun as the Earth revolves around it*
*C. the tilt of the Earth on its axis as it revolves around the sun*
*D. the orbits of other planets as they revolve around the sun*
Question 23 – In order from the sun,
the fifth planet is —
*A. Earth*
*B. Venus*
*C. Saturn*
*D. Jupiter*
Question 23 – In order from the sun,
the fifth planet is —
*A. Earth*
*B. Venus*
*C. Saturn*
*D. Jupiter*
Question 24 – What object follows the
same orbit as Earth orbiting the sun?
*F. Mercury*
*G. The moon*
*H. Jupiter*
*J. The sun*
Question 24 – What object follows the
same orbit as Earth orbiting the sun?
*F. Mercury*
*G. The moon*
*H. Jupiter*
*J. The sun*
Question 25 - When it is winter in the
Southern Hemisphere, it is summer in
*F. Western Hemisphere*
*G. Southern Hemisphere*
*H. Eastern Hemisphere*
*J. Northern Hemisphere*
Question 25 - When it is winter in the
Southern Hemisphere, it is summer in
*F. Western Hemisphere*
*G. Southern Hemisphere*
*H. Eastern Hemisphere*
*J. Northern Hemisphere*
Question 26 – The sun and the nine
planets compose —
*F. a comet*
*G. a system*
*H. a galaxy*
*J. an orbit*
Question 26 – The sun and the nine
planets compose —
*F. a comet*
*G. a system*
*H. a galaxy*
*J. an orbit*
Question 27 – Astronauts who travel
to the moon must wear spacesuits
containing air tanks. What would be
the most important reason for doing
*A. The suits protect the astronauts from the rays of the sun.*
*B. The suits protect the astronauts if they fall down.*
*C. The spacesuits contain oxygen for the astronauts.*
*D. The spacesuits keep the astronauts from getting too hot.*
Question 27 – Astronauts who travel
to the moon must wear spacesuits
containing air tanks. What would be
the most important reason for doing
*A. The suits protect the astronauts from the rays of the sun.*
*B. The suits protect the astronauts if they fall down.*
*C. The spacesuits contain oxygen for the astronauts.*
*D. The spacesuits keep the astronauts from getting too hot.*
Question 28 – The great majority of
the Earth’s surface is covered by —
*A. rocks*
*B. soil*
*C. water*
*D. sand*
Question 28 – The great majority of
the Earth’s surface is covered by —
*A. rocks*
*B. soil*
*C. water*
*D. sand*
Question 29 – Earth would not have
seasons if—
*A. it did not rotate on its axis *
*B. it was closer to the sun *
*C. it was not tilted on its axis *
*D. it had more than one moon *
Question 29 – Earth would not have
seasons if—
*A. it did not rotate on its axis *
*B. it was closer to the sun *
*C. it was not tilted on its axis *
*D. it had more than one moon *
Question 30 – What is one year on
*F. The time it takes for Earth to make one complete rotation
around the sun *
*G. The time it takes for Earth to make one complete revolution
around the moon *
*H. The time it takes for Earth to make one complete revolution
around the sun*
*J. The time it takes for Earth to make 365 revolutions
around the sun*
Question 30 – What is one year on
*F. The time it takes for Earth to make one complete rotation
around the sun *
*G. The time it takes for Earth to make one complete revolution
around the moon *
*H. The time it takes for Earth to make one complete revolution
around the sun*
*J. The time it takes for Earth to make 365 revolutions
around the sun*
Question 31 – What determines the
length of a planet’s year?
*A. How large the planet is *
*B. The number of hours in its year *
*C. The time it takes to rotate on its axis *
*D. The time it takes to revolve around the sun *
Question 31 – What determines the
length of a planet’s year?
*A. How large the planet is *
*B. The number of hours in its year *
*C. The time it takes to rotate on its axis *
*D. The time it takes to revolve around the sun *
Question 32 – Planets move in a curved
path around the sun called —
*F. an ellipse*
*G. a track*
*H. a circle*
*J. an orbit*
Question 32 – Planets move in a curved
path around the sun called —
*F. an ellipse*
*G. a track*
*H. a circle*
*J. an orbit*
Question 33 – All of the following are
true statements about the sun
*A. the sun is a solid mass of rock much like the Earth *
*B. the sun is the source of almost all of the energy found on
the Earth *
*C. the sun is about 100 times the size of the Earth *
*D. the sun has many different layers *
Question 33 – All of the following are
true statements about the sun
*A. the sun is a solid mass of rock much like the Earth *
*B. the sun is the source of almost all of the energy found on
the Earth *
*C. the sun is about 100 times the size of the Earth *
*D. the sun has many different layers *
Question 34 – In an accurate diagram
of our Solar System, which of the
following objects would be shown
closest to the Earth?
*F. The moon *
*G. The sun *
*H. Venus *
*J. Mars *
Question 34 – In an accurate diagram
of our Solar System, which of the
following objects would be shown
closest to the Earth?
*F. The moon *
*G. The sun *
*H. Venus *
*J. Mars *
Question 35 – What tool would be used
to observe the moon in the night sky?
Question 35 – What tool would be used
to observe the moon in the night sky?
Question 36 – The sun appears to rise
in the east and set in the west every
day. This happens because—
*F. the sun revolves around the Earth *
*G. the Earth revolves around the sun *
*H. the earth rotates on its axis*
*J. the sun rotates on its axis *
Question 36 – The sun appears to rise
in the east and set in the west every
day. This happens because—
*F. the sun revolves around the Earth *
*G. the Earth revolves around the sun *
*H. the earth rotates on its axis*
*J. the sun rotates on its axis *
Question 37 – The moon
produces no light of its
own, yet we see it shining
brightly in the night sky.
How is this possible?
*A. The moon reflects light from the sun.*
*B. The Earth reflects light from the sun. *
*C. Heat on the moon’s surface glows in the night sky. *
*D. There are no clouds above the surface of the moon. *
Question 37 – The moon
produces no light of its
own, yet we see it shining
brightly in the night sky.
How is this possible?
*A. The moon reflects light from the sun.*
*B. The Earth reflects light from the sun. *
*C. Heat on the moon’s surface glows in the night sky. *
*D. There are no clouds above the surface of the moon. *
Question 38 – What causes a full moon
to look different than a first quarter
*F. The amount of sunlight reflected by the moon’s surface*
*G. The amount of sunlight reflected by the Earth’s surface*
*H. The amount of sunlight reflected by the other planets*
*J. The amount of sunlight reflected by the asteroid belt*
Question 38 – What causes a full moon
to look different than a first quarter
*F. The amount of sunlight reflected by the moon’s surface*
*G. The amount of sunlight reflected by the Earth’s surface*
*H. The amount of sunlight reflected by the other planets*
*J. The amount of sunlight reflected by the asteroid belt*
Question 39 – What might happen to
the solar system if there were no
*A. The planets would drift off to space in a straight line.*
*B. The planets would freeze and not move any more.*
*C. The planets would remain in orbit around the sun.*
*D. The planets would move in exactly the same way.*
Question 39 – What might happen to
the solar system if there were no
*A. The planets would drift off to space in a straight line.*
*B. The planets would freeze and not move any more.*
*C. The planets would remain in orbit around the sun.*
*D. The planets would move in exactly the same way.*
Question 40 – The sun is composed of—
*A. cold rock*
*G. hot gases*
*H. frozen water*
*J. nuclear reactions*
Question 40 – The sun is composed of—
*A. cold rock*
*G. hot gases*
*H. frozen water*
*J. nuclear reactions*
Question 41 – To which of the following
planets is Earth the closest?
*F. Mars*
*G. Mercury*
*H. Jupiter*
*J. Saturn*
Question 41 – To which of the following
planets is Earth the closest?
*F. Mars*
*G. Mercury*
*H. Jupiter*
*J. Saturn*
Question 42 – The sun and a full moon
appear to be about the same size from
the Earth. Which answer below BEST
describes the reason for this
*F. The moon and the sun are the same size. *
*G. As the moon orbits the Earth, it gets closer than the sun. *
*H. As the Earth revolves, it gets closer to the sun. *
*J. The sun is farther away from the Earth than the moon.*
Question 42 – The sun and a full moon
appear to be about the same size from
the Earth. Which answer below BEST
describes the reason for this
*F. The moon and the sun are the same size. *
*G. As the moon orbits the Earth, it gets closer than the sun. *
*H. As the Earth revolves, it gets closer to the sun. *
*J. The sun is farther away from the Earth than the moon.*
Question 43 – Which of the
following is found on the Earth, but
NOT on the moon?
*A. Active volcanoes*
*B. Mountains*
*C. Valleys and canyons*
*D. Craters*
Question 43 – Which of the
following is found on the Earth, but
NOT on the moon?
*A. Active volcanoes*
*B. Mountains*
*C. Valleys and canyons*
*D. Craters*
Question 44 – The size of a planet’s
orbit is determined by
*F. how big or small the planet is*
*G. how hot or cold the planet is*
*H. the distance of the planet from the sun*
*J. the distance between the planet and its moon*
Question 44 – The size of a planet’s
orbit is determined by
*F. how big or small the planet is*
*G. how hot or cold the planet is*
*H. the distance of the planet from the sun*
*J. the distance between the planet and its moon*
Question 45 – The moon is kept in orbit
around the Earth mainly by the force
*A. friction*
*B. gravity*
*C. rotation*
*D. revolution*
Question 45 – The moon is kept in orbit
around the Earth mainly by the force
*A. friction*
*B. gravity*
*C. rotation*
*D. revolution*
Question 46 - Like the Earth,
scientists believe the moon’s inner core
is made mostly of
*A. nickel*
*B. iron*
*C. nitrogen*
*D. hydrogen*
Question 46 - Like the Earth,
scientists believe the moon’s inner core
is made mostly of
*A. nickel*
*B. iron*
*C. nitrogen*
*D. hydrogen*
Question 47 – Although the planets in
our solar system are different, they all
have some characteristics in common.
Which of the following characteristics
is most similar among the planets?
*F. Their mass*
*G. The shape of their orbit*
*H. What matter they are made of*
*J. The number of moons they have*
Question 47 – Although the planets in
our solar system are different, they all
have some characteristics in common.
Which of the following characteristics
is most similar among the planets?
*F. Their mass*
*G. The shape of their orbit*
*H. What matter they are made of*
*J. The number of moons they have*
Question 48 – Sunspots on the sun
appear as dark spots because they are
*F. hotter than the rest of the sun’s surface*
*G. melted substances on the sun’s surface*
*H. cooler than the rest of the sun’s surface*
*J. icy spots on the surface of the sun*
Question 48 – Sunspots on the sun
appear as dark spots because they are
*F. hotter than the rest of the sun’s surface*
*G. melted substances on the sun’s surface*
*H. cooler than the rest of the sun’s surface*
*J. icy spots on the surface of the sun*