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The position of the Earth
from the sun
What is third?
The shape of the Earth’s
orbit around the sun
What is an ellipse (oval)?
It blocks the sun’s
harmful ultraviolet rays
What is the ozone layer
of the atmosphere?
It causes the Earth to
have seasons
What is the axial tilt?
The four layers of the Earth
What are inner core, outer
core, mantle and crust?
The four phases of
the moon
What are full, new,
gibbous & crescent?
This makes the moon
What is reflected sunlight?
The Earth passing between
the moon and the sun
What is a lunar eclipse?
The first astronaut to
walk on the moon
Who is Neil Armstrong?
Dark patches on the
surface of the moon
What are maria?
What is the number of
planets in our solar system?
What is the number of
hours it takes for one
Earth rotation?
What is the number of days
it takes the Earth to circle
the sun (revolution)?
29 1/2
What is the number of
days it takes for the moon
to circle the Earth?
What is the number of
planets that have rings?
The red planet
What is Mars?
The planet with the
Great Red Spot
What is Jupiter?
The only planets
without moons
What are
Mercury and Venus?
The four gas giants
What are Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune?
The only planet to rotate
in retrograde (clockwise)
What is Venus?
Our solar system is
located here
What is the
Milky Way Galaxy?
It causes the ocean tides
What is the gravitational
pull of the moon?
It divides the inner and
outer planets
What is the asteroid belt?
The name of the second full
moon in any month
What is a blue moon?
The place with the highest
tides in the world
What is the Bay of Fundy?