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Section I Special Terms
Section II Text Study
Section III Situational Dialogues
Section IV Tasks
Section I Special Terms
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the pricing, promotion,
and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy
individual and organizational goals.
Section I Special Terms
Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging
products and value with others.
——Philip Kotler
Section II
Text Study
Pre-reading questions
1. What is marketing?
2. Are marketing and sale the same things?
3. Why do we learn marketing?
Section II
Text A
Text Study
Introduction to Marketing
What is marketing? Almost every marketing textbook has a different
definition of the term “marketing”. The definition of marketing by AMA
describes the nature of the process, from which we can see that:
1. Marketers help design products, finding out what customers want and
what can practically be made with the available technology and given cost.
2. Marketers distribute products—there must be some efficient way to get
the products from the factory to the consumer.
3. Marketers also promote products, and this is perhaps what we tend to
think of first when we think of marketing. Promotion involves advertising—
and much more.
Section II
Text Study
4. The marketer needs to price the product to communicate a desired image
of the product.
5. Marketing is applicable to services and ideas as well as to products. For
example, accountants may need to market their tax preparation services to
6. Marketing focuses on the satisfaction of customer needs, wants and
Marketing plays a major role in our daily lives. Each day
is filled with consuming products made available by marketers.
We pay for marketing each time we buy a product. Marketing
is responsible for developing, guiding and satisfying the
demands of customers, which in turn improves our standard of living.
Section II
Text Study
New Words and Expressions
n. 定义
vt. 推广,促进
vt. 描写,记述
n. 广告业
n. 市场营销人员
vt. 沟通,传达
vt. 分配,分发
play a major role in…
adj. 可适用的
Section II
Text Study
Exercise 1 Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F)
according to the above text.
1. There is only one definition for the term
[F ]
2. Marketing is important to business.
[ T ]
3. Promotion means advertising.
[ F ]
4. Marketing is based on customer needs.
[ T ]
5. There is no need for accountants to market their
services to consumers.
[ F ]
Section II
Text Study
Exercise 2
Match the words in the table below with their correct Chinese equivalents.
1. nature
A. 消费者
2. accountant
B. 本性
3. satisfaction
C. 标准
4. available
D. 税
5. consumer
E. 会计
6. image
F. 可获得的
7. standard
G. 满意
8. tax
H. 形象
Section II
Text Study
Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the words in brackets.
Marketing involves (involve) an ongoing process. The environment
is “dynamic”. This means that the market tends to change—what
customers want today is not necessarily what they want tomorrow. For
example, sales of beef
because consumers
are declining
have become
(decline) in the United States
(become) health oriented.
Section II
Text Study
Text B
Selling Shoes to Islanders
Nobody wore shoes on a Pacific island. A salesman
found this when he arrived there. “ They do not need shoes.
There is no market here, ” he thought, and then he left the
island. Another salesman came. “Fantastic!” he thought, “If
the islanders (岛上居民) know the benefits of shoes, it is
definitely a big market here.” He did some field research
and drew two conclusions from it. First, it was humid and
accustomed to (不习惯于) wearing shoes.
Section II
Text Study
He left the island and made a report to the company. The company
studied the situation and then designed a pair of special plastic slippers.
One week later, the salesman took some slippers back to the island.
He explained the benefits of wearing slippers and invited some islanders to
try them on. The salesman guaranteed that all slippers could be replaced
with new ones if any quality problem was found within three months. In fact,
both the salesman and slippers were warmly welcomed by the islanders.
More and more people hoped that the salesman could sell slippers to them.
Section II
Text Study
Exercise 4
Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to
the above text.
1. The two salesmen were from the same company.
[F ]
2. The weather was not suitable for the islanders
to wear shoes.
[ F ]
3. The islanders finally refused to wear shoes.
[ F ]
Section III Situational Dialogues
Dialogue 1
Marketing Consulting
Mike is a new employee (雇员) of the ABC Company. Today he has a talk
with Steven, the manager of the Marketing Department.
Mike: Good morning, Steven.
Steven: Good morning, Mike.
Mike: May I ask you some questions about marketing?
Steven: Of course. How can I help you?
Mike: I have heard of “marketing mix”. What does it mean?
Steven: The term “marketing mix” describes the combination of marketing
elements used in a given situation. It is often summarized as the four Ps. They
are Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
Mike: Can you tell me a little more about them?
Section III Situational Dialogues
Steven: Product means the choice of what products to sell, and the after-sales service.
Mike: And price?
Steven: Choosing a pricing strategy and being aware of the responses of competitors.
Mike: What about place?
Steven: The selecting of sales channels and transport arrangements. Place is also
known as distribution (渠道).
Mike: Does promotion mean advertising?
Steven: More than advertising. It includes all of the tools available to the marketer for
marketing communication.
Mike: So marketing mix must be an important strategy in marketing activities.
Steven: Yes. In order to sell products, a company must consider all the elements in a
marketing mix.
Mike: Gotcha ( 懂了). Thank you, Steven.
Steven: You are welcome.
Section III Situational Dialogues
Dialogue 2
Research on Setting up a New Supermarket
VM, a well-known chain (连锁) store group (集团) plans to
open a supermarket at a vocational (职业的) school. David,
a marketing intern (实习生) of the company, visits the
school and talks to a student.
David: Excuse me, I’m a marketing intern of VM. Here is my business card.
Nice to meet you. Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Student: (Looking at the card) Oh, VM, that’s a famous supermarket. OK, but I
hope it won’t take long.
David: Thank you! How many students and faculties (教职工) are there all
Student: About 6,000.
David: Do all of you live on campus?
Student: Most of us, but some teachers and students live outside.
Section III Situational Dialogues
David: Where do you usually go shopping?
Student: There are some small stores nearby. I often buy things there.
David: What do you buy in most cases?
Student: Food, stationery, drinks, batteries, toothpaste, washing powder, and
so on.
David: How much do you regularly spend each month?
Student: About 500 RMB.
David: Does that include meals?
Student: Yes.
David: Would you like a new supermarket at your school?
Student: Of course!
David: Thank you for answering my questions. May I give you a pen for your
precious time?
Student: Great! See you!
David: See you!
Section III Situational Dialogues
Exercise 5
Answer the following questions according to the dialogues.
1. What does “marketing mix” mean?
The term “marketing mix” describes the combination
of marketing elements used in a given situation. It is
often summarized as the four Ps. They are Product,
Price, Place and Promotion.
2. Does promotion only mean advertising?
More than advertising. It includes all of the tools available to
the marketer for marketing communication.
Section III Situational Dialogues
Exercise 5
Answer the following questions according to the dialogues.
3. Why does David visit the vocational school?
His company wants to open a new supermarket
in the school.
4. What gift does David give the student?
A pen.
5. What will David probably do next?
He will contact more students to finish the research and after
that make a report to his company.
Section III Situational Dialogues
Exercise 6
Group discussion
Invite some classmates to join you in listing all the questions that
David has asked, and then explain why he asked those questions.
For example:
Question: How many students and faculties are there all together?
Answer: About 6,000.
Reason: The number of potential customers nearby is very
important for the running of a supermarket. More customers mean
more sales.
Question: Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?
Answer: Oh, VM, that’s a famous supermarket. OK, but I hope it
won’t take long.
Reason: This is a polite way to begin a talk and ask for help.
Section III Situational Dialogues
Marketing Skills
How to do interviews in marketing research?
访谈开始,先表明自己的身份和目的,以及受调查者可获得的礼物。比如:Hello!My name is
Jack. I’m a salesman of the Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation. I’m here to
do some market research and offer a free gift for a few minutes of your time. 访谈过程中,注意由
浅入深,不能一开始就问一些对方难以回答或敏感的内容。比如:How much do you spend
monthly? 这类问题主要是调查目标顾客的消费能力,具有一定的敏感性,最好在访谈快结束时再
Section IV Tasks
Exercise 7
Complete the questionnaire.
Dear Friends,
VM has made a decision to open a supermarket at your school. In order
offer good service to the students, VM has designed the following
questionnaire to find out what kind of goods the students like to buy.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Section IV Tasks
Please mark the importance of each kind of goods with a number from
(the most important) to 4 (the least important).
( 2)
(3 )
Mineral Water
( 1)
(4 )
( 1)
(2 )
Hot Dog
(4 )
(3 )
( 1)
(2 )
( 3)
(4 )
(3 )
Ballpoint Pen
(1 )
Correction Pen
(4 )
(2 )
Sports Goods
(2 )
(3 )
(1 )
(4 )
Section IV Tasks
What other consumer goods do you usually buy?
Drink s:
ice cream
Daily Necessities:
clothes, slippers
rubber, calculator
table tennis, boxing gloves
Sports Goods:
3. When do you usually go shopping?
A. Morning.
B. Noon.
C. Afternoon.
D. Evening.
4. How much do you spend on shopping every month?
250 RMB.
E. Weekend.
Section IV Tasks
Exercise 8
Choose the proper words to complete the expressions.
1. 选择有吸引力的细分市场 Choose an attractive
2. 开发出合适的产品 Develop a suitable
3. 制定具竞争性的价格 Formulate a competitive
4. 使用有效的促销策略 Utilize an effective
5. 建立稳定的销售网络 Set up a
segment market
promoting strategy
sales network
Section IV Tasks
Exercise 9
What will you do before you enter into a new market?
In order to sell shoes in a new market, I think:
1. I will go to the place to do some field research into the local culture, habits,
living conditions, favorable styles and present competitors in the market.
2. I will talk with the people there to understand what they need.
I will also learn the laws and the regulations relevant to the business. It
is very important to know these. Otherwise, I may fall foul of the law or
break regulations.
Section IV Tasks
4. I will study our competitors’ strategies and try to understand how they
establish their sales channel and sell their products.
5. Make sure the market is big enough. If the market is too small, we
should forget the idea.
Section IV Tasks
1. 生产观念阶段(19世纪末至20世纪初)
2. 产品观念(20世纪初)
Section IV Tasks
3. 推销观念(20世纪三四十年代)
4. 市场营销观念(20世纪40年代至70年代)
5. 社会市场营销观念(20世纪70年代至今)