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Chapter 13
Lecture Outline
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The Scientific Concept
of Evolution
Evolution is the change in the frequency of
genetically determined characteristics within a
population over time.
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Early Thinking About Evolution
Early 1800’s
– Lamarck suggested a process by which the
changes could occur.
 He proposed that acquired characteristics
could be passed on to offspring.
 Example: Giraffes have long necks because
their ancestors stretched to reach leaves in
 Lamarck was wrong, but his ideas stimulated
thought about evolution.
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The Theory of Natural Selection
The theory of natural selection
Darwin and Wallace suggested the theory of
natural selection as a mechanism for evolution.
Darwin wrote Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection.
The idea that some individuals have genetic
combinations that allow them to survive,
reproduce and pass their genes on to the next
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The Voyage of HMS Beagle 1831-1836
Charles Darwin set forth in
1831 at the age of 22. The voyage
Lasted nearly five years.
The ship visited South America,
The Galapagos Islands, Australia,
and many Pacific Islands.
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Darwin in the Galapogos
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Assumptions of the Theory
of Natural Selection
All organisms produce more offspring than can
No two organisms are exactly alike.
Among organisms, there is a constant struggle for
Individuals that possess favorable characteristics for
their environment have a higher rate of survival and
produce more offspring.
Favorable characteristics become more common in
the species.
Unfavorable characteristics are lost over time.
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Natural Selection vs. Acquired
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What is the major difference between
Lamark’s idea and Darwin’s theory of
natural selection?
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Modern Interpretations
of Natural Selection
Darwin and Wallace’s theories were not immediately
accepted because meiosis, genes and inheritance
were poorly understood.
Mendel’s discovery provided an explanation for how
characteristics could be transmitted from one
generation to the next.
Knowledge of mutation, gene flow and reproductive
isolation supported Darwin/Wallace’s theory.
Now we can integrate Darwin and Wallace’s
hypothesis with what we know about meiosis, genes
and inheritance.
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Darwin and Wallace’s Basic
Assumptions can be Updated
An organism’s ability to overproduce results
in surplus organisms.
Due to mutation, new traits enter the gene
pool and due to meiosis new combinations of
alleles can be generated.
Resources such as food, soil nutrients,
water, etc. are in short supply, so some
individuals will not survive.
Disease, predators, etc. will also affect survival.
These are called selecting agents.
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Darwin and Wallace’s Basic
Assumptions can be Updated
Selecting agents favor individuals with the
best combinations of alleles.
They will be more likely to survive and
reproduce and pass their alleles on to the next
Allele combinations that favor survival and
reproduction will be more common in a
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The Role of Natural Selection
in Evolution
Natural selection will select for individuals with
certain alleles.
Natural selection works on individuals, but only
populations evolve.
Three factors work together to determine how a
population changes over time.
When allele frequencies change over time, evolution has
Environmental factors that affect individuals
Sexual reproduction among the individuals
Genetic diversity within the gene pool
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Reproductive Success
Individuals that have the combinations of
alleles that allow them to successfully
reproduce will pass on their alleles.
This success is measured as fitness.
Fitness is a relative measure.
An individual can successfully reproduce, but be less fit
than another individual.
Involves the number of offspring produced and their
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The Importance of Genetic
A large gene pool with great genetic
diversity is more likely to contain genetic
combinations that will allow some individuals
to adapt to changing environments.
Characteristics that may allow individuals to
adapt include
Structural, behavioral, biochemical or metabolic
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Common Misunderstandings
About Natural Selection
What do we mean by survival of the fittest?
What do we mean by struggle for life?
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Common Misunderstandings
About Natural Selection
Survival of the fittest
Struggle for life
Individual survival is not as important as
reproductive success (# of descendants).
Does not refer to conflict
Refers to finding and utilizing resources
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Common Misunderstandings
About Natural Selection
The significance of acquired characteristics
The relationship between the mechanism of natural
selection and the outcomes of the selection process
Phenotypes acquired during the life of the individual
will not be passed on.
These will not be important during natural selection.
The effects of natural selection are seen in the population.
The outcome of natural selection (death, reproductive
success, mate choice) involves individuals.
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What influences natural
Genetic diversity within a species
Genetic recombination as a result of
sexual reproduction
Gene expression
The ability of a species to reproduce
excess offspring
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Mechanisms that Affect Genetic
Natural selection cannot occur in a
population in which all of the individuals are
genetically identical.
Genetic diversity is essential for natural
Several mechanisms generate genetic
diversity in a population.
Mutation, migration and sexual reproduction
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Mutations and Migration
Spontaneous mutations are changes in DNA
that cannot be tied to a specific cause.
Mutations alter existing genes and generate new
Most mutations are harmful.
Some mutations are helpful.
Mutations are only relevant to natural selection if
they happen in cells that give rise to gametes.
Migration results in alleles entering and
leaving a population.
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Sexual Reproduction and
Genetic Recombination
Sexual reproduction generates new combinations of
alleles in individuals (genetic recombination).
Crossing over during meiosis generates new combinations
of alleles in homologous chromosomes.
Independent assortment generates new combinations of
alleles from non-homologous chromosomes.
Random fertilization results in a genetically unique
Genetic recombination can generate a new
combination of alleles that would give an individual a
selective advantage.
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Natural Selection Works
on the Total Phenotype
One good allele is not enough to give an
individual greater fitness.
Natural selection acts on the total phenotype
which involves a combination of
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Processes that Drive Selection;
Differential Survival
 “Survival of the fittest”
– Survival is a prerequisite of
– Individuals that do not survive cannot
Darwin’s finches
The finch’s beak size correlated with
the type of seeds they ate.
Small beaks - softer seeds
Larger beaks - harder seeds
During drought, as soft seeds became
scarce, only birds with larger beaks
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Darwin’s Finches
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Differential Survival of
Herbicide-resistant Weeds
When herbicides are used on weeds
Only the individual plants that are resistant will
As these reproduce, more and more individuals in
the species are resistant to the herbicide.
Over time, the herbicide is ineffective.
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Differential Survival of
Herbicide-resistant Weeds
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Processes that Drive Selection;
Differential Reproductive Rates
Survival is necessary to reproductive
success, but does not guarantee
reproductive success.
Reproductive success is measured by the
number of offspring an individual leaves.
Clover fields
Cows eat taller plants first.
Flowers are at the top of the tall plants.
Tall plants didn’t die, but were not able to reproduce.
Therefore, shorter plants were more reproductively
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Processes that Drive Selection;
Differential Mate Choice
Sexual selection occurs when some
individuals are chosen as mates more often
than others.
More frequently, chosen individuals are
usually larger, more aggressive, more
colorful, etc.
Relevant only in animal populations
Those that are chosen pass on more genes than
those that are not chosen.
All of these features attract mates.
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Examples of Sexual Selection
Male red-winged blackbirds establish
territories in which they only allow females.
Male peacocks and chickens have elaborate
tail feathers.
The ability to establish and maintain a territory
determines which males will mate.
Males with the most spectacular tails are chosen
by females more frequently.
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Mate Selection
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Patterns of Selection
Natural selection changes allele frequencies
in a population.
This actually reduces genetic diversity.
Over time, the individuals become more alike.
Selection can favor different phenotypes in
different situations.
 This
leads to three different forms of selection.
Stabilizing, directional and disruptive
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Stabilizing Selection
Occurs when individuals at the extremes of the
range of characteristic are selected against
This means that the “average” individuals are
selected for.
Brown mice selected for, white and black selected against
White and black are more likely to be noticed and eaten by
Over time the population will have mostly brown mice.
Stable environments favor stabilizing selection.
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What would the curve for
stabilizing selection look like?
Another ex. Human birth weight
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Directional Selection
Occurs when individuals of one extreme of the range
of characteristic are selected for
Usually occurs when the environment is changing
Insecticide use will select for individuals that are
Originally there were probably only a few resistant
After several generations, the population will contain mostly
resistant individuals.
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Directional Selection:
Peppered moth (Biston betularia)
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What will the curve look like?
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Disruptive Selection
Occurs when both extremes of a range of
characteristic is selected for
Insects that live on plants with dark green or
light green leaves
The intermediate is selected against.
Medium green insects will be noticed and eaten
by predators.
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Patterns of Selection
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Evolution Without Selection —
Genetic Drift
Genetic drift involves a significant change in
allele frequency that is not a result of natural
Results from chance events
More likely to impact small populations
In a population of 100 plants, 10 of them have red spots
on their leaves.
If these 10 are randomly trampled by an animal or are
killed by a late frost
The red spot allele would be lost, but not due to natural
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Genetic Drift
Divided by human
Small populations
became isolated and
experienced genetic drift.
Now the populations are
endangered because
their gene pools are not
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Gene-frequency Studies and
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
G.H. Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg described
a simple mathematical relationship that can
be used to study allele frequencies.
They recognized that under certain conditions,
allele frequencies would not change over time.
In this case, alleles would mix randomly and the
same proportion of genotypes would result.
Their formula uses allele frequencies and
genotypic frequencies to detect an
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Hardy-Weinberg Equation
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
If the proportion of genotypes matches this equation,
then the population is not evolving.
p = frequency of the dominant allele
q = frequency of the recessive allele
p2 = frequency of homozygous dominants
2pq = frequency of heterozygotes
q2 = frequency of homozygous recessives
If gene frequencies do not match this equation, then the
population is evolving.
Certain conditions have to be met for a
population to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.
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The Conditions Necessary
for H-W Equilibrium
If these five conditions are met, then gene
frequencies will not change.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium provides a null
hypothesis for evolution in a population.
Random mating
No mutation
No migration
Very large population size
No natural selection
Gives us a way to compare two populations, or two
generations of a population to determine if evolution is
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Determining Genotype
Genotypic frequencies in a population can be
calculated with a modified Punnett Square.
In this Punnett square, allele frequencies must be
used to determine the likelihood of particular
genotypes occurring in the next generation.
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Why Hardy-Weinberg Conditions
Rarely Exist
Since the gene pools of most populations are
changing over time, H-W equilibrium rarely
Random mating rarely occurs.
Spontaneous mutations occur.
Immigration and emigration introduce new alleles.
Populations are not infinitely large.
Natural selection does occur.
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Using the Hardy-Weinberg Concept
to Show Allele-frequency Changes
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The Effect of Changing Allele
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Summary of the Causes
of Evolutionary Change
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