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Chapter 10
Introduction to Atoms
Section 1 Development of the Atomic Theory
Section 2 The Atom
Concept Mapping
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
The following is a quote by Democritus (c. 460–c. 370
bce). Paraphrase this quote in your own words in your
science journal.
“Color exists by convention, sweet by convention,
bitter by convention; in reality nothing exists but atoms
and the void.”
What do you know about Democritus? And why are his
thoughts important?
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
• Describe some of the experiments that led to the
current atomic theory.
• Compare the different models of the atom.
• Explain how the atomic theory has changed as
scientists have discovered new information about the
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
The Beginning of the Atomic Theory
• What Is an Element? Around 440 BCE, a Greek
philosopher named Democritus thought that you would
eventually end up with a particle that could not be cut.
He called this particle an atom.
• From Aristotle to Modern Science Aristotle,
another Greek philosopher, disagreed with
Democritus’s ideas. He believed that you would never
end up with a particle that could not be cut.
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
The Beginning of the Atomic Theory,
• From Aristotle to Modern Science Democritus was
right, though: Matter is made of particles, which we call
• An atom is the smallest unit of an element that
maintains the chemical properties of that element.
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Dalton’s Atomic Theory Based on
• Dalton’s Theory John Dalton published his atomic
theory in 1803. His theory stated that all substances
are made of atoms.
• Atoms are small particles that cannot be created,
divided, or destroyed.
• Atoms of the same element are exactly alike, and
atoms of different elements are different. Atoms join
with other atoms to make new substances.
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Dalton’s Atomic Theory Based on
Experiments, continued
• Not Quite Correct The atomic theory was then
changed to describe the atom more correctly.
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Thomson’s Discovery of Electrons
• Negatively Charged Particles Thomson
experimented with a cathode-ray tube like the one
shown on the next slide. He discovered negatively
charged particles that are now known as electrons.
• Like Plums in Pudding After learning that atoms
contain electrons, Thomson proposed a new model of
the atom. Thomson thought that electrons were mixed
throughout an atom, like plums in a pudding.
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Rutherford’s Atomic “Shooting Gallery”
• Negatively Charged Particles In 1909, Ernest
Rutherford aimed a beam of small, positively charged
particles at a thin sheet of gold foil. The next slide
shows his experiment.
• Surprising Results Rutherford expected the
particles to pass right through the gold in a straight
line. To Rutherford’s great surprise, some of the
particles were deflected.
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Where Are the Electrons?
• Far from the Nucleus
Rutherford proposed that in the
center of the atom is a tiny,
positively charged part called
the nucleus.
• Bohr’s Electron Levels In
1913, Niels Bohr proposed that
electrons move around the
nucleus in certain paths, or
energy levels.
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Where Are the Electrons?, continued
• The Modern Atomic
Theory According to the
current theory, there are
regions inside the atom
where electrons are likely
to found. These regions
are called electron
Chapter 10
Section 1 Development of the
Atomic Theory
Comparing Models of the Atom
Click below to watch the Visual Concept.
Visual Concept
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Answer the following question: An atom is the smallest
particle into which an element can be divided and still
be that element. Now that scientists have learned that
an atom is made up of even smaller particles, is this
definition still accurate?
Explain your answer in your science journal.
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
• Describe the size of an atom.
• Name the parts of an atom.
• Describe the relationship between numbers of
protons and neutrons and atomic number.
• State how isotopes differ.
• Calculate atomic masses.
• Describe the forces within an atom.
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
How Small Is an Atom?
• Three One-Hundred-Millionths of a Centimeter!
Scientists know that aluminum is made of averagesized atoms. An aluminum atom has a diameter of
about 0.00000003 cm.
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
What Is an Atom Made Of?
• The Nucleus Protons are positively charged
particles in the nucleus. Neutrons are the particles of
the nucleus that have no electrical charge.
• Outside the Nucleus Electrons are the negatively
charged particles in atoms. Electrons are found around
the nucleus within electron clouds. All the structures of
the atom can be seen on the next slide.
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
How Do Atoms of Different Elements Differ?
• Starting Simply The
hydrogen atom has one
proton and one electron.
• Now for Some
Neutrons The helium
atom has two protons, two
neutrons, and two
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
How Do Atoms of Different Elements Differ?
• Building Bigger Atoms For bigger atoms, simply
add protons, neutrons, and electrons.
• Protons and Atomic Number The number of
protons in the nucleus of an atom is the atomic number
of that atom. All atoms of an element have the same
atomic number.
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
• Isotopes are atoms that have the same number of
protons but have different numbers of neutrons.
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Isotopes, continued
• Properties of Isotopes An unstable atom is an atom
with a nucleus that will change over time. This type of
isotope is radioactive.
• Telling Isotopes Apart You can identify each
isotope of an element by its mass number. The mass
number is the sum of the protons and neutrons in an
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Isotopes, continued
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Isotopes, continued
• Naming Isotopes To identify a specific isotope of an
element, write the name of the element followed by a
hyphen and the mass number of the isotope.
• Calculating the Mass of an Element The atomic
mass of an element is the weighted average of the
masses of all the naturally occurring isotopes of that
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Forces in Atoms
• Four Basic Forces Four basic forces are at work
everywhere, even within the atom. These forces are
gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong force,
and weak force.
• These forces work together to give an atom its
structure and properties.
Chapter 10
Section 2 The Atom
Chapter 10
Introduction to Atoms
Concept Mapping
Use the terms below to complete the concept map
on the next slide.
a nucleus
mass number
atomic number
Chapter 10
Introduction to Atoms
Chapter 10
Introduction to Atoms