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24th to 26th 2013
EU Environmental
approximation in the WB and
Turkey- ETNAR Conference
Climate, transport and energy policy analysis in
Jelena Marojevic-Galic
Green Home
Montenegro has still not formulated its climate policy
non-Annex I country - does not have binding commitments to reduce
emissions under UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol.
Candidate Country for the EU, it is obliged to gradually align legal
and policy set up with ambitious and complex EU climate policies.
First National Communication on Climate Change adopted in 2010.
Contains two scenarios: reference scenario and the measures to
reduce GHG emissions.
Study "The economic impacts of climate change in Montenegro“
“Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) for climate change mitigation
and adaptation in Montenegro”, guide prepared in 2011/2012
The base year for inventory of GHG emissions is 1990
Second National Communication in preparation, GHG inventory
• Transport Development Strategy" does not mention the
transport in terms of promoting its sustainable aspects.
• Transport integrated in energy policy (Energy Strategy to
• Significant share of final energy consumption (28%)
• According High scenario of EDS final energy
consumption in transport will increase by 80%. since 2010
to 2030
• Disel remains the dominant energy source, and a portion
of the diesel fuel will be actually biodiesel
• Lists of energy efficiency measures that could be implemented
in the transport sector:
The criteria for the introduction of energy efficiency and
environmental protection in investment in transport infrastructure;
More stringent requirements for environmental performance of
To promote the use of energy-efficient means of transport;
More efficient use of transport and infrastructure through the use of
improved systems for transport management and information
systems, advanced logistics, market size, etc.;
Special measures for improving EE in public and municipal transport,
freight companies. Including driver training, effective vehicle
maintenance, the introduction of EE criteria for vehicles and vehicle
modernization program, more effective systems for fleet
management, etc..;
Public awareness raising general awareness regarding the purchase
of energy-efficient vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles, vehicle
maintenance efficient, energy-conscious driving, use of bicycles for
short destinations instead of driving cars and using public transport in
medium or long distances, etc.
• Energy Development Strategy until 2025 (EDS,
adopted in 2007), Energy Policy of Montenegro (EP,
adopted in 2011), Strategy on energy efficiency
• Field of renewable energy is not treated by a
special law or strategy but it is processed in the
framework of the Energy Law and EDS
• EDS 2030 in process of adoptions
• Target for renewable energy - 33% October 2012
• The energy efficiency target - to achieve 9% energy
savings by 2018
Undersea cable
MNE – IT Case
• Agreement between Montenegrin Ministry of economy, CGES
and Terna signed in November 2010.
• According SEA and DSP transmission line will pass through 2
NPs, 4 Emerald areas (Natura 2000) UNESCO
• Converter plant location habitat for Juncetalia maritime
which is found in Annex 1 of the European Directives on
• Not aligned with higher level plans such as the Spatial Plan of
Montenegro until 2020, Spatial Plan for the Special Purpose
Coastal Zone, NP Lovcen and NP Durmitor as well as the
relevant international legislation in this area.
• A serious analysis of alternative solutions is hindered by the
lack of clear analysis of Montenegro's needs and the extent to
which Montenegro does or does not have an energy deficit
or surplus