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Security and Reliability of Supply
Through Competitive Energy
Mr. Didier HOUSSIN, Director,
Energy Markets and Security
International Energy Agency
World Forum on Energy Regulation IV
Athens, Greece
October 18 - 21, 2009
Gas and electricity in
OECD countries
Incremental OECD Electricity production
compared to previous year
Source: IEA, Monthly Electricity Statistics
Incremental OECD gas demand
compared to previous year
Source: IEA, Monthly Gas Data Service
Electricity generation in OECD countries has declined by 5.2% over the first
6 months compared to the same period last year
Gas demand has declined by 6.5% (53 bcm) during the same period.
Didier Houssin - World Forum on Energy Regulation IV - Athens, Greece - October 18-21, 2009
Investing in a World of
• Uncertainties about future energy demand,
electricity technologies and gas import
• Uncertainties about the development of
upstream resources in the world
• Regulatory uncertainties
• Financial uncertainties
Didier Houssin - World Forum on Energy Regulation IV - Athens, Greece - October 18-21, 2009
New Gas Infrastructure
Targeting Europe
Source: IEA, NGMR 09
Didier Houssin - World Forum on Energy Regulation IV - Athens, Greece - October 18-21, 2009
Achieving Comprehensive
Energy Security
• Well-functioning, flexible markets are the best way to
assure security of supply
• Countries should review its gas market and gas
security policies and improve individual emergency
• IEA could contribute
– By monitoring progress in gas market and gas
security policy,
– Developing crisis scenarios and conduct emergency
response exercises and reviews,
– Encouraging collective approaches
Didier Houssin - World Forum on Energy Regulation IV - Athens, Greece - October 18-21, 2009
The Path to a Low
Carbon World
World primary energy demand by fuel and scenario in 2030
Source: Early excerpt of WEO 2009 for Bangkok UNFCCC meeting
Didier Houssin - World Forum on Energy Regulation IV - Athens, Greece - October 18-21, 2009
Key Messages
• Deep emission cuts are technically achievable but an ‘energy
revolution’ is needed
– Developing Countries must be part of the solution
– Barriers: public opposition; financing needs; slow capital stock
turnover; timeliness of technology development
• For energy security and climate change mitigation
– Must invest in low carbon technologies: energy efficiency,
renewables, CCS and nuclear must all be embraced
• The economic & financial crisis has sharply reduced investment all
the way down the energy supply chain, from production to end use
– This will have far-reaching effects on energy security, climate
change and energy poverty
– The current crisis is an opportunity to place a Clean Energy New
Deal at the heart of economic stimulus packages everywhere
Didier Houssin - World Forum on Energy Regulation IV - Athens, Greece - October 18-21, 2009
Thank you for your attention
Didier Houssin - World Forum on Energy Regulation IV - Athens, Greece - October 18-21, 2009