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Leveraging Global Reach
• Seed renewable
energy industry
• Strengthen
Washington as a
financial center
WATF’s Task:
Catalyze action by bringing
the players together
Good international air
service - the key to both
© WATF 12/08
Climate Change is a Reality
What to do
about it is a
WATF’s Task:
Catalyze action by bringing
the players together
© WATF 12/08
Climate Change – Aviation’s
• Meet the world’s expanding air service
demand without increasing Greenhouse
Gases (GHG)
• Be carbon neutral by 2050
Reducing Greenhouse Gases = Greater Efficiency and Lower Costs
Air transportation emits 2% of Greenhouse Gases
Source: London Economist
© WATF 12/08
Aerospace Drives New
© WATF 12/08
Climate Change – Aviation’s
More specifically, create an alternative fuel that:
• Can mix with existing jet fuel, i.e. can be “dropped-in”
• Does not compete with food production on land or sea
• Reduces Greenhouse Gases
• Has Socioeconomic benefits
• Does not endanger any ecosystem
Reducing Greenhouse Gases = Greater Efficiency and Lower Costs
© WATF 12/08
Greenhouse Gases
Aviation – A modest sinner, but…
Aviation – 2%
Other Transport – 4%
Energy – 5%
Residential – 8%
Electricity/Heat – 35%
Other Sectors – 10%
Road Transport – 18%
Industry – 18%
… visible target with no fixed constituency
Source: Economist - IEA
© WATF 12/08
Greenhouse Gases
Aviation’s Progress:
• This decade, GHG emissions by U.S. carriers reduced 4%;
passengers up 12%; cargo up 22%
• Alternate fuels and power plants flown
• Air Traffic Control improvements demonstrated
Further Potential Reductions:
• New Air Traffic Control……………...15% - 20%
• Engine and airframe efficiencies…..15% - 25%
• Airport Efficiencies…………………..15%
© WATF 12/08
Cooperative Global Effort
Boeing and Airbus: Working together with
Rolls-Royce, General Electric, Pratt & Whitney,
Honeywell/UOP and others.
© WATF 12/08
Bio Fuel – Why?
Fossil: Adds to GHG
Add to GHG
Renewable: Does not add to GHG
Grow (feedstock
consumes GHG)
GHG release
back to
© WATF 12/08
Bio Fuel – Feed Stocks
• CO2 – consumed by
plant/algae production
• Jatropha, Switchgrass,
etc. – grows like weeds;
uses non-arable land
• Algae – attractive, but
needs major capital
Medium term – find algae
that eat CO2; excrete jet
© WATF 12/08
“Biology has moved from being
an intuitive to an exact
Aristides A. N. Patrinos, Ph.D.
President, Synthetic Genomics
© WATF 12/08
Bio Fuel Development
- Rapid Progress
• “Drop-In” 50/50 blend with Jet
• Made from inedible weed
• Production, not laboratory
quantity required
• Made by Terasol Energy using
UOP/Honeywell process
Source: Aviation Week
Met or exceeded all fuel specs – 4% higher energy content
© WATF 12/08
Bio Fuel Development
- Rapid Progress
• Air New Zealand,
Continental, Japan
Airlines and Emirates
demo flights scheduled
with “drop-in” alternative
• First regular airline use
possible in 3-5 years
Source: Aviation Week
© WATF 12/08
Air Traffic Control – the Lowest
Hanging Fruit!
• 22% of jet fuel wasted by
ATC and airport delays in
• Need FAA Reauthorization
Bill passed by Congress
• Fund accelerated ATC
improvements, i.e. Next
Gen space based system
© WATF 12/08
Increase Airplane Fuel
• Refined operating
• Short term – airframe and
engine improvements
• Long term – innovative
• Revised manufacturing
© WATF 12/08
• Alternative energy sources
• Reduced energy use
• Refined operating procedures
© WATF 12/08
DARPA Initiative
Early 2007:
3 teams under contract
to produce small
production quantities of
jet fuel from renewable
© WATF 12/08
United States Air Force Goal
Use a 50% Alternative Fuel Blend for
Half Their Domestic Need by 2016
U.S. Military - 1½% of U.S. fuel use
- 340,000 barrels/day
© WATF 12/08
The USAF Objective
• Energy independence
• Stimulate U.S. production of alternate fuels
• Reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions
© WATF 12/08
USAF Results
• Flight tested C-17, B-52
and B-1 on alternate fuels
• Stimulated construction of
synthetic fuel refinery
• Research
© WATF 12/08
Climate Change: An Economic
and Political Opportunity
Billions of dollars are
being invested
Opportunity to eliminate
U.S. dependency on
imported oil
WATF’s Task:
Catalyze action by bringing
the players together
From State and Local Government
© WATF 12/08