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Communicable Disease
Communicable Diseases
• Diseases with high transmission rates transmitted by
contact with body fluids
• directly transmitted- acquired from a person or
• indirectly transmitted- contact with contaminated
• Viruses are the leading cause of most pediatric
communicable diseases
Communicable Diseases
• The poor hygiene behaviors of young children promote
the transmission of infectious diseases
• The fecal-oral and respiratory routes are the most
common sources of transmission in children
• Young children may not wash their hands after toileting
unless closely supervised
Why Immunize?
 We are a mobile society
 Diseases do not stop at geopolitical borders
 Children in the United States continue to get diseases that
are vaccine preventable
 There continues to be newly emerging and re-emerging
infectious diseases
 Healthy People 2020 goal to have 100% elimination of
vaccine preventable diseases
• Prevention of any illness is always better than
• Vaccines are the single best technique for
• Vaccines are the safer choice to getting the
Advisory Committee
for Immunization Practices (ACIP)
 Sets the recommended schedule for immunizations
 Infants and Children 0-6
 Children and Adolescents 7-18
 Catch-up schedules (1 month behind)
 Schedule is reviewed yearly to reflect current
recommendations for licensed vaccines.
Children 0-23 months
DTaP (4 doses)
Hib (4 doses)
PCV (4 doses)
Hep B (3 doses)
IPV ( 3 doses)
Hep A (2 doses)
Influenza (2 doses yearly)
MMR (1 dose)
Varicella (1 dose)
Up to 24 injections in 2 years
As many as 5 injections in a single visit
• Vaccines are very safe and have little chance for side
• Side effects are minor and occur with in days of
• Reactions to live vaccines can occur 30-60 days post
vaccine (usually in older children)
Side Effects
 All vaccines could produce side effects
 CDC publishes Vaccine Information Sheets (VIS)
 Most side effects are minor and are related to the
administration, not the vaccine
 Soreness and swelling at injection site
 Low-grade fever
 Severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) after a previous
dose or to a vaccine component
 Encephalopathy not attributable to another identifiable
cause within 7 days of administration
 Pregnancy (live vaccines)
 Severe immunodeficiency (live vaccines)
Adverse Events
 Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
 Detect new, unusual, or rare vaccine adverse events
 Monitor increases in known adverse events
 Identify potential patient risk factors for particular types of adverse
 Identify vaccine lots with increased numbers or types of reported
adverse events
 Assess the safety of newly licensed vaccines
Vaccine Information Statements
 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
 Law states parents/legal guardians must be informed
about the benefits and risks of vaccines before
 Legal mandate VIS must be offered electronically or
paper copy
 The law requires providers to use those developed by
CDC (do not change a VIS or make your own VIS)
Vaccine Information Statements
 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
 Law states parents/legal guardians must be informed
about the benefits and risks of vaccines before
 Legal mandate VIS must be offered electronically or
paper copy
 The law requires providers to use those developed by
CDC (do not change a VIS or make your own VIS)
Informed Consent
 Parent or legal representative sign a separate “informed
consent” form if it is required by state
 VISs are not informed consent forms
Safe Storage and Handling
 Store vaccines at the recommended temperatures
according to the manufacturer’s guidelines IMMEDIATELY
upon arrival
 Vaccine shipments should be delivered when staff is
available to unpack and store the vaccine properly
 Store vaccine in storage units designated specifically for
 Post “Do Not Unplug” signs next electrical outlets
Safe Storage and Handling
 Prepare vaccines at the time the vaccine is administered
 Reconstitute immediately prior to injection
 Store diluent according to the manufacturer’s instructions
Atraumatic care
• Select needle of adequate length-longer needles
inserted at 90 degrees is best
• Select proper site
• VL infants
• Deltoid > 18 months
• Minimize pain
• EMLA cream
• Distraction
Barriers to Immunization
• Complexity of the health care system
• Expense
• Inaccurate recordkeeping
• Reluctance of health care workers to give more
than two vaccines at a time
• Lack of public awareness of vaccines
• Parental misconceptions
Communicable Disease
• Viral or Bacterial
• Most are transmitted by respiratory secretions in early
prodromal period
• Communicable disease can cause serious complications
and death
• Infected children can transmit disease to pregnant women
and cause fetal disease, disability
• Many are Diseases are Vaccine Preventable
Nursing Responsibilities
• Identify recent exposure
• Identify prodromal symptoms
• symptoms that occur early in disease
• Locate immunization history
• Confirm history of having the disease
Nursing Responsibilities
• prevent spread-isolation
• reduce risk of cross contamination
• prevent complications
• provide comfort
Viral Infections
Non- Preventable Viral Disease
Vaccine Preventable Viral Disease
• Fifth’s Disease
• Varicella
• Roseola
• Ruebola
• Mumps
• Rubella
Fifth’s Disease
• Affects any age child, usually preschool or early school
• Common disease as no vaccine is available
• Believed once had disease will not acquire again
• Moderately uncomfortable symptoms
• No prodromal symptoms
• Begins with rash of
erythema on cheeks
“slapped face
appearance”-classic for
fifth disease
• Next 24 hrs high fever,
lethargy, n/v, abd. pain,
cervical lympadnopathy
• Within the week,
maculopapular red spots
• Symmetrically on upper and
lower extremities has a lacelike appearance
• Rash subsides in a few days
but reappears if skin is
irritated (sun, heat, cold)
• Management of other symptoms (fever, pain,
nausea, vomiting)
• Explain the stages of rash development to
• Isolation during facial rash stage
• The immune-competent child can return to
school or daycare once the body rash has
• Disease of younger children
• Common disease as no vaccine is available
• Rarely affects children >3 years
• Believed once had disease will not acquire again
• No uncomfortable symptoms except for high fever
• Prodromal Symptoms of
persistent high fever for
3-4 days in a child who
appears well
• Then drop in fever to
normal and rash appears
that identifies roseola
• Rash is a rose-pink
macules first on trunk,
spread to neck, face,
extremities, not itchy,
lasts 1-2 days
• Antipyretics, analgesics
• Isolation not necessary once rash appears
• Since fever is very high can have febrile seizures
(Chicken Pox)
• Affects unvaccinated child of any age
• Vaccine available for children age 12 months and older
• Extremely uncomfortable disease that lasts for weeks
• Death is rare but can be caused by blockage of GI track,
especially in infants and immunocompromised children
• Prodromal period slight fever, malaise, anorexia
• Next 24 hours highly itchy rash primarily over trunk can
spread all over skin and mucus membranes, GI track,
• The key to diagnosis is varying stages of rash
• Rash starts as a macule
which progresses into a
papule and then a
vesicle surrounded by
erythema base
• The fluid becomes
cloudy, breaks and
crusts over
• Communicable 1 day before eruption of vesicles to 6 days after first
crop of vesicles have formed
• Isolation at home until vesicles dry (2-3 weeks) and 1 week after
lesions are gone
• Very young and immunocompromised may need isolation in hospital
• Relief of itching, skin care (extremely itchy rash)
• Treat secondary complications (bacterial infections from scratching)
• Affects unvaccinated children of any age
• Vaccine available for children age 12 months and older
(First “M” in MMR)
• Extremely uncomfortable disease that lasts for weeks
• Death is common especially in infants and immune-
compromised children as many cases spread to brain and
cause encephalitis
• Prodromal period in first 24
• Fever, malaise, cough,
coryza, conjunctivitis
• Next 48 hours first ‘rash’
that identifies rubeola
• “Koplik spots” (small,
irregular, red spots with
minute bluish-white
center) first seen on
buccal mucosa
• Raised erythema rash on
face that spreads
Discrete, then turns confluent
on the third day
Other respiratory symptoms
Isolation until rash disappears
Bed rest
Fluids and vaporizer for cough
Skin care (itchy rash)
Decrease lighting-photophobia may cause eye rubbing
and corneal abrasion
• Affects unvaccinated children of any age
• Vaccine available for children age 12 months and older
(Second “M” in MMR)
• Moderately uncomfortable disease
• Death is not common however swelling causes extreme
difficulty to swallow, leads to dehydration
• Prodromal symptoms
of fever, headache,
maliase, anorexia, and
earache aggravated by
• On 3rd day classic
symptoms of parotitis
(enlarged parotid
gland), unilateral or
bilateral, pain,
• No rash
• Analgesics for pain
• Antipyretics
• Isolation until swelling resolves
• Bed rest
• Soft diet
• Cold compress to neck
German Measles
• Affects unvaccinated children of any age
• Vaccine available for children age 12 months and
(“R” in MMR)
• Mildly uncomfortable disease
• Death is not common
• Prodromal symptoms of
low grade fever, HA,
malaise, cough, sore
• Identifiable rash begins on
face which rapidly spreads
downward to neck, arms,
trunk and legs
• By end of first day body is
covered with pinkish-red
• Slightly itchy
• Rash disappears in same
order as it appeared gone
by 3rd day
• Antipyretics
• Comfort measures-slight itchy rash
• Isolation until rash disappears
• Avoid contact with pregnant women
Bacterial Infections
Vaccine Preventable Bacterial
• Diphtheria
• Pertussis
Vaccine Preventable Bacterial
• Scarlet Fever
• Affects unvaccinated children of any age
• Vaccine available for children age 2 months and older
(“D” in Dtap)
• Serious respiratory involvement
• Death is common due to airway obstruction from
laryngeal swelling
• yellow nasal discharge
• may have epistaxis
• sore throat
• hoarseness with cough
• enlarged lymph nodes
• low grade fever
• increase pulse
• malaise
• Diagnosed by culture of discharge
• strict isolation
• antibiotics-penicillin
• complete bed rest
• trach if obstructed airway
• suctioning
Whooping Cough
• Affects unvaccinated children of any age
• Vaccine available for children age 2 months and
(“P” in Dtap)
• Serious respiratory involvement
• Death is common due to airway obstruction
• Prodromal symptoms begins with cough
and congestion
• Progresses into a dry, hacking cough that
becomes severe, worse at night
• Cough is short and rapid followed by
sudden inspiration and whooping
• Cheeks flush, eyes bulge, tongue protrudes
• Thick secretions, often vomits
• Sick for 4-6 weeks
• for sound and
• Hospitalization for infants or children who are
Bed rest
Increase fluids
Observe for airway obstruction (restlessness,
retractions, cyanosis)
Scarlet fever
• Bacterial infection (strep), often sequela to strep throat
• Affects mainly schoolage children and adolescents
age 5-15 who are susceptible to strep throat
• Isolation not necessary after 24 hours on antibiotics
• No vaccine
• Moderately uncomfortable symptoms
• Prodromal symptoms of
abrupt high fever, high pulse,
vomit, headache, Malaise,
chills, abdominal pain
• Followed by
• tonsils enlarged: (edematous,
red, covered with patches of
white exudate)
• First 1-2 days tongue is
coated with papules, is also
red & swollen = “white
strawberry tongue”
• By 4th or 5th day
white coat sloughs
off leaving prominent
papillae = “red
strawberry tongue”
• Rash appears of red,
pin head sized
lesions, rash is
intense in folds and
joints, flushed
• Diagnosis made by positive throat
culture and ASO titer
• respiratory isolation x 24 hours
• 7-10 days of penicillin
• analgesics for sore throat
Which of the following statements indicates that a
parent understands the treatment for his/her child who
has fifth disease? (Select All That Apply)
1. “I will give antibiotic for the full 10 days”
2. “No antibiotic is needed, as this is a viral
3. “I will apply antibiotic cream to her rash twice
4. “My child can go back to school when the body
rash appears”.
5. “If my child had the vaccine, she wouldn’t have go
gotten sick”
Fill in the Blank
• The nurse is explaining the vaccine schedule to a parent
of a newborn. The nurse evaluates parental
understanding if the parent states the child will need
_____ DTaP vaccines by age 24 months.
• A mother brings her infant to the pediatrician because
the baby has had a high fever for 3 days and then
developed a rash. The nurse examines the baby to
find light pink macules on trunk, neck, face, and
extremities. The nurse suspects the baby has:
1. Rubeola
2. Rubella
3. Roseola
4. Scarlet Fever
• If a 2 year old child was fully immunized or “up to
date”, the child has a very low chance of getting which
infection: (Select All that Apply)
1. Diptheria
2. Varicella
3. Roseola
4. Pertussis
5. Rubella