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Huron School District
Mission Statement
Lifelong learners will be inspired and developed
through effective teaching in a safe and caring
Entrance Requirements
•A certified birth certificate is required at registration.
•South Dakota state law requires your child to be 5 years
of age on or before September 1 for entrance into
•A physical examination and a dental checkup are recommended.
•Your physician has a school physical form for the health report.
Immunization Requirements
•4 or more doses of DPT vaccine.
• 3 or more doses of Trivalent Oral Polio vaccine (OPV)
or enhanced inactivated Polio vaccine (IPV).
•2 doses of MMR vaccine or physician diagnosed measles.
•2 doses of rubella vaccine or having demonstrated
serological evidence of rubella antibodies.
•2 doses of mumps vaccine.
•A TB skin test
•Verification of chickenpox vaccination or a
written statement that you child has had
chicken pox.
Your child will be happier by attending school regularly and
on time.
Buchanan School
Jefferson School
Madison School
Washington School
8:20 – 3:10
8:20 – 3:10
8:20 – 3:10
8:20 – 3:10
Don’t forget to tell your child: HAVE A GOOD DAY
School Supplies
•Pencils #2
•Scissors, 5” (pointed Fiskar only)
•Eraser, soft pliable
•Book bag, cloth or canvas
•“Crayola” crayons (box of 8)
•Elmer’s white glue, 4 oz. (not
Elmer’s school glue)
•Facial tissue (family size box)
•Supply box ( ask your teacher)
•Paint shirt ( ask your teacher)
•Reading Readiness
•Number Readiness
•Social Studies
•Physical Education
•“D’Nealian Handwriting” is taught in the Huron
school district.
•Encourage your child to print his/her first and last
name prior to the beginning of school
•Only teach your child if he/she is asking
•Do not teach your child to print his/her name using
capital letters only
•Please label each article of your child’s outside clothing
•Please supply snow boots big enough for your child to
manage by himself/herself
•Please supply information about any special health
problems you child may have
•Please send money for school purposes in an envelope
with child’s name and purpose written on the outside of
the envelope
•If you are sending treats, please send for the entire class
•Communication between home and school is important.
Please feel free to contact us and we will feel free to
contact you about concerns for your child.
•Please keep an ill child home and phone the school .
•Please give the school a phone # where you can be
reached or an alternative phone # if the school needs to
contact you.
•Please inform the office of changes in your address or
phone #.
•Please check your child’s backpack for homework and
notes about school events.
•In case of severe weather, listen to the radio for school
•Conferences provide an opportunity for discussion about
your child.
•Conferences are held in the fall (1st 9 weeks) and spring (3rd
9 weeks).
•Report cards are sent home the 2nd and 4th 9 weeks.
•Parents are invited to consult with the teacher or principal
any time.
School Visitation
You are invited to visit school except for the following:
•During the first month of school
•When a substitute teacher or college student is teaching
•During room parties for special holidays
•During the last week of school
•Children visiting school must always be accompanied by an