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Overview of Infectious
Disease Project
Some guidelines
• Make sure the design you use is readable and
the text is large enough to see
• Use animations where appropriate
– Practice these, it should not be distracting!
• Make sure the slides are not text heavy
– You should have more to say than is on the slide
– Make sure the pertinent information is on the slide
– Do not read off of your slides
• Have note cards or memorize what you are going to say
• Include pictures
– Make pictures relevant and refer to them in your
an agent of disease, infectious organism
• Bacteria
– genus species and
common name
– Type of growth
• rod (bacilli), sphere
(cocci), spiral (spirilli)
• Eukaryotes
– genus species and
common name
– Fungus, Animalia, Protists
• Virus
– Viral name and common
– Retrovirus (RNA) or DNA
(“Bacteria,” 2011)
Methods of Spreading
How does the infection get to the body?
• vector - an organism that transfers a disease from reservoir to
host. Is it through a bite, feces or urine?
• airborne - droplets of pathogens are expelled into the air due to
coughing, sneezing or talking
• skin-skin - direct contact or indirect through showers, bed
coverings, blankets etc . . .
• sexual contact - through fluids or direct contact
• contaminated food - improperly cooked or stored
• contaminated water - water supply not cleaned
Point of Infection
Where does it affect the body?
• For example
– Liver
– Respiratory Tract
– Nervous System
– Skin
What does the disease do to the host? What are
the signs?
• Include the symptoms
of the disease
– Ex. Fever, rash,
blindness, death etc. .
• Some diseases have
a progression
– Explain how it
changes as it
Treatment or Cure
• Is there medication
– What medications are
– How long does it take
– Does it treat
symptoms or the
– Can the disease be
Vaccine and Prevention
How to prevent from getting the disease or passing
it on.
• Vaccine
Is there a vaccine?
What is it?
How common is the vaccine?
When do you get vaccinated?
Who gets vaccinated?
• Prevention
– What steps can be taken not to get the disease or
pass it on?
(Vaccines and Prevention, 2011)
Where in the World?
• What areas is the disease most common?
• Are there places that have eradicated the
• Have there been any recent outbreaks?
Where in the US?
(Forest Service, 2010)
Interesting Facts
• What about your disease is interesting?
Turning in your Project
• The PowerPoint MUST be in Chavez DROP BOX by
3:00 Monday, May 18th.
My Computer> Dropbox>>Physical Science>>
Chavez>> Period
• This has to be done from school and can be done in
the library
• emailed assignments will NOT be accepted
• The file should be named by the disease and the
– Example:
– Anthrax_Your LAST name_Partner’s LAST name
Works Cited
• Information
“Vaccines and Immunizations.” Center for Disease Control and
Prevention. Web. 25 May 2011.
• Images
US Forest Service. “Map of Beech Bark Disease Distribution.”
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 22 Oct.
2010. Web. 17 May 2011.
“Bacteria.” Picture Dictionary. 2003-2011 Web 21 May 2011.