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Parts of Speech
•Person, place, thing or idea!
• Examples:
• Maya Angelou
• firefighters
• hospital
• dolphin
• joy
“The Witch” Noun Identification
• In the following poem, make a list of
all of the nouns you see.
The Witch
by Jack Prelutsky
She comes by night, in
Cracked and chipped and
fearsome flight,
crackled lips
In garments black as pitch, That frame a toothless grin.
The Queen of Doom upon her
She hurtles by, she sweeps
The wild and wicked witch,
the sky
And hurls a piercing screech.
A cackling crone with brittle As she swoops past, a spell is
And desiccated limbs,
On all her curses reach.
Two evil eyes with warts and
Take care to hide when the
And bags about the rims,
wild witch rides
To shriek her evil spell.
A dangling nose, ten twisted What she may do with a word
or two
And folds of shriveled skin,
Is much too grim to tell.
Compound Nouns
• Is made up of two or more words used
together as a single noun
• Examples:
• World Series
• Mammoth Cave National Park
• Sister-in-law
• Father of the bride
Common Noun:
• Names any one of a group of persons,
places, things, or ideas.
• Example:
• books
• friend
• class
• car
Proper Nouns
• Names a particular person, place, or thing.
• Examples:
• Library of Congress
• Bowling Green
• Drakes Creek Middle School
• Atlanta
Concrete Noun
• Names a person, place, or thing that can be
perceived by one or more of the senses
(sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell)
• Examples:
• Money
• car
• dog
• phone
Abstract Nouns
• Names an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a
characteristic (you can’t touch it)
• Examples:
• generosity
• love
• happiness
• joy
Collective Nouns
• Word that names a group.
• Examples:
• flock
• crew
• herd
• Worksheet
• Workbook 28-30
• A word that takes the place of a noun.
• I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, you,
him, her, it, us, them, my, your, yours,
his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their,
• the word that a pronoun stands for or the word it
took the place of.
• She likes carrots.
• Hannah likes carrots.
Subjective Pronouns
• Subject pronouns: are used when the pronoun is
the subject of the sentence.
• You can remember subject pronouns easily by
filling in the blank subject space for a simple
• Example: ______ did the job.
I, you, he, she, it, we, and they all fit into the blank
and are, therefore, subject pronouns.
Objective Pronouns
• Object pronouns: pronouns that take the
place of objects.
• Object pronouns are me, you, him, her, it,
us, and them.
Hold Up!
• So what’s the difference between a subject of a sentence
and an object?
• A subject is something that does something. An object is
something that gets things done to it.
Jill went to the store.
Jill did something --she's the subject. The sentence is really
about her. The verb ("went") describes what Jill did.
The store: Got something done to it (had Jill go to it). No
verbs to describe anything about the store.
Possessive Pronouns
• Possessive pronouns show ownership and
never need apostrophes. (tells whose it is)
• Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers,
its, ours, theirs
• Workbook pg. 31
• Tuesday Oct. 30, 2012
• Noun/Pronoun Picture Activity
• A word used to modify a noun or a
• Modifies a word by telling what kind,
which one, how much, or how many.
• May come before or after the word it
• The most frequently used adjectives are
the articles a, an, the.
• Examples:
• Mr. Cruz collects Egyptian art.
• Sara won first prize.
• Do you have enough money for the tickets?
• Our computer club has fifty-seven members
• Jenny was a very pretty girl with curly, blonde hair.
• The soccer players, confident and enthusiastic,
were ready to begin the game.
Demonstrative Adjectives
• This, that, these, and those can be used as both
adjectives and as pronouns. When they modify
nouns or pronouns they are called
demonstrative adjectives. When they take the
place of nouns or pronouns, they are called
demonstrative pronouns.
• Example: That building is much taller than this. (“That” is a DA,
“this” is a DP)
• These stories are the better than those. (“These” is a DA, “those” is
a DP)
Proper Adjectives
• Formed from a proper noun and begins
with a capital letter.
• Examples:
• Mark Twain is one of the most popular
American authors.
• I have a CD of the singer Frank Sinatra
performing Cole Porter songs.
• As a class, lets find the adjectives, including
the articles a, an, and the.
• Jenny Lind was a popular Swedish singer
with a beautiful voice.
• Jenny Lind starred in several operas and
gained a great audience in Europe.
• The extraordinary performer delighted
audiences for fifty-three years.
Adjective Practice
• Workbook pages 36-39
Adjective Poems
• Get out a sheet of paper and write your name, the date,
and the period on it.
• Please write the name of one object at the top of your
• Place your paper on your desk and stand in front of it.
• Walking around the room and write an adjective for
each persons object on their sheet.
• After everyone has put an adjective on each object you
will write a poem using the adjectives others have put
with your object.
Mystery Meat Activity…
• Please complete the mystery meat activity
that is being passed out.
• Make sure to read the directions clearly and
complete all aspects of the activity.
• Worth 15 points!
• Verbs are words used to express action or
a state of being.
• We looked through the telescope and observed
the comet.
• The night sky was cloudy, so we were unable to
see the comet clearly.
• Verbs are words that change forms when
you talk about the past, present, and
• Action verb: a verb that expresses physical or
mental activity.
• Physical Activity or Active Verb Examples:
Laugh, painting, leap, sneezing, playing, etc…
• Example:
• TJ wrote a book.
• Mario knew the answer to every question on
the test.
• Linking verb: connects the subject to a word or
word group that identifies or describes the
• Common linking verbs: Forms of be: am, are, be,
been, being, is, was, were
• Other linking verbs: appear, become, feel, grow, look,
remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn
• Examples:
• Judy Blume is a writer. (Judy Blume = writer)
• Her books remain popular among young readers.
(popular books)
1.The abandoned puppy looked hungry.
2.Joe and his father are friendly.
3.We were excited by the good news.
4.His feet grew tired by the end of the day.
• There are some verbs that can be either action
verbs or linking verbs, depending on how they are
• For example, if we say:
• Jim tastes the tomato soup.
• the verb, tastes, is an action verb because it is
something Jim is doing.
• The soup tastes salty.
• The verb tastes is now a linking verb. It joins soup
with the adjective salty, which describes it
Helping verbs and main verbs
• Helping Verb: HELPS the main verb express action or
a state of being.
• TOGETHER, a main verb and AT LEAST one helping
verb make a VERB PHRASE.
• Examples:
• I have read many of Ernesto Galarza’s poems.
• Have you read any of his poems?
• What are the verb phrases here?
• am, are, is, was, were, (and) be,
forms of be,
forms of be,
taste, smell, sound, seem, look, and feel,
become, grow, appear, remain.
• Helping Verb: HELPS the main verb
express action or a state of being. They
are ADDED TO the main verb in a
• Example:
• He will be leading the team tonight.
• She has been swimming well lately.
• On your own paper create two columns:
• Action
• Linking
• The following slide has a list of 20 verbs.
• As a class, we will race to see who can correctly
write all 20 verbs in their appropriate columns.
• When you think you have them all correctly
placed, yell VINGO… (get it? Verb+Bingo haha)
1. helped
2. jump
3. is
4. was
5. think
6. be
7. swim
8. smell
9. sound
10. Seem
11. look
12. feel
13. say
14. are
15. Become
16. run
17. Were
18. loved
19. am
20. climbed
• With your partners, you will write a short script for a movie
scene. The movie may be of any genre (action, horror,
romance, kids’s cartoon, etc…)
• You will make sure your script has a variety of verb types.
• Underline each type and annotate in the following ways:
• Action Verbs: draw a star above
• Linking Verbs: draw a circle above and an arrow from
the subject to its identifier or describer.
• Helping Verbs: draw a triangle above with an arrow
revealing which verb it’s helping.
• Hint: Acting out your script may earn some GOLD or Extra Credit!
•You will change the
following slide to all past
tense and annotate just like
the script.
• Action Verbs: draw a star above
• Linking Verbs: draw a circle above and an arrow
from the subject to its identifier or describer.
• Helping Verbs: draw a triangle above with an
arrow revealing which verb it’s helping.
• It is 7:00 PM, an hour after Joe and
Sarah had promised to be home. They
have been in the park with friends.
Their mom has had it. She is really mad.
She is on her way to the park. Joe and
Sarah see her approach. Sarah is
concerned. She does not want to get
grounded. Joe knows he is done for.
This is the third time this week he has
been late. He had tired of his mother
always harping on him to get home.
Verb Tenses
• Write from one character's
perspective, as though he or she were
looking BACK on the event. (PastTense Verbs)
• 10 minutes
• Workbook pg. 47-50
• Adverbs: modify verbs, adjectives,
or other adverbs.
• Adverbs can make your writing
more precise, interesting, and
dramatic by telling more about the
verbs in your sentences.
Adverbs & Verbs!!
• When adverbs modify verbs, they
usually tell how, when, or where.
• Examples: How did Josh run? He ran
quickly. When did Josh run? He ran
yesterday. Where did Josh run? He
ran away.
Adverbs & Adjectives!
• When adverbs modify adjectives, they
usually tell how or to what extent.
• Examples:
• How silly is Mr. Bernstein?
• He is very silly.
• To what extent is Ms. Wynn serious?
• She is too serious.
Adverbs & Adverbs???
Adverbs can also modify other adverbs
by telling how or to what extent.
• Examples:
• How does Marc skate?
• He skates very fast.
• To what extent does Anna
understand German?
• She understands it extremely well.
• Many but not all adverbs end in –ly.
• The words “not” and “never” are always
• Examples: Darryl would not eat his
liverwurst sandwich. (Not is an adverb
modifying the verb eat.)
• My stepfather’s stories are never boring.
(Never is an adverb modifying the
adjective boring.)
•To what extent?
• Adverb Worksheet “Beyond the Mango Tree”
• Workbook 54-56
• A word that shows the relationship of a
noun or pronoun, called the object of
the preposition, to another word.
• Examples:
• The leader of the scout troop led the
scouts out of the woods.
• The scout troop went on a hike.
Prepositional Phrases
• All together, the preposition, its object,
and any modifiers of the object are
called a prepositional phrase.
• Examples:
• Which flowers grow best in this sandy soil?
• Maya Angelou grew up in rural Arkansas.
• The tiger ran
• Into the kitchen
• Out of the woods
• Over the fence
• In the dark
• In the silence
• Independent clause
Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional Phrase
• Now it’s your turn to write your own
version of Rosie’s Walk!
• I know this is an elementary book,
but it is absolutely filled with
prepositions! I want to see you create
your own and find creative ways to
involve prepositions!
Rosie’s Walk Example
Kitty’s Walk
Kitty, the cat, went for a walk
through the kitty door
across the deck
under the bird bath
over the fence
around the house
and down the road just in time to catch a mouse.
• “Hills Like White Elephants” Excerpt
• Workbook 57-59
• A word used to join words or groups of
• Examples:
• The river flows through several states and
empties into the Gulf of Mexico.
• They took vacations not only in July, but
also in December.
• Second most amazing 3 minutes of
your life!
Coordinating Conjunctions
• Coordinating Conjunctions: for, and,
nor, but, or, yet, so – join words or
groups of words.
• Example: Would you rather have
shrimp or salmon for dinner?!
Correlative Conjunctions
• Correlative Conjunctions: pairs of
conjunctions that join words or word
groups that are used in the same way.
Both….and, either…or, neither…nor,
not only…but also, and whether…or.
• Example: Both Zina and Jada can
play the guitar.
Let’s Practice!
• Create two simple sentences! REMEMBER
• Example:
• Mary likes water.
• The sheep likes oats.
• Connect your simple sentences using a coordinating
Conjunction Coupons
• Get out a sheet of paper and put your name, the
date, and the period on it.
• You are going to fold your paper two ways to
make four boxes.
• In each box you are going to create a coupon
using multiple conjunctions.
• The coupons can be about anything. Be creative!
• Use 3 conjunctions per coupon!
• Circle your conjunctions!
Conjunction Assignment:
• Workbook 60-61
• A word used to express emotion!
• Examples:
• Hey! Did you see those deer?
• Well, we played hard and did our best.
• We could, oh, have a picnic.
• Ugh! I should have caught that ball.
• Where is the interjection in the following sentences?
Ah, now I understand what to do.
Ouch! Another mosquito bit me.
Oh! What beautiful flowers those are!
Hey, we need to get ready, or we will be late.
Excellent! Let’s go right away.
I like playing this computer game, but, gee, it’s complicated.
The team finally won a game. Hooray!
Well, Guido, what did you learn from the field trip to the aquarium.
• The most amazing 3 minutes of
your life:
Comic Strip Madness!
• Find a partner!
• You and your partner will create a comic
strip utilizing at least 5 INTERJECTIONS.
• You must have at least 4 scenes/slides
• No stick figures, be artistic
• Color it, work hard, make it worth
• Appropriate and able to pass around
and share!
• Workbook 62