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Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Reports and Technical Reports All Technical Reports Collection 1985-09 Workstation graphics capabilities for the 1990's and beyond / [by] Michael J. Zyda. Zyda, Michael J. Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School http://hdl.handle.net/10945/26340 NPS52-85-012 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California WORKSTATION GRAPHICS CAPABILITIES FOR THE 1990'S AND BEYOND MICHAEL J. ZYDA SEPT 1985 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Prepared for: f FEDDOCS D 208.14/2 NPS-52-85-012 of Naval Research va npt-on g ' , NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California Hear AHmirul K.H. Slmmakcr Superintendent A Srhrariv Provost* The work reported herein was supported by in part by the Foundation Research Program of the Naval Postgraduate School with funds provided by the Chief of Nava Research. Reproduction of all or part of this report is authorized. This report was prepared by: s — - UNCLASSIFIED _______ . SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE ft»7i»n Data Entered) READ INSTRUCTORS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM FQSM REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE REPORT NUMBER I. 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO 3- RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 5. TYPE OF REPORT 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER • CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(t) . NPS52-85-012 TITLE (and *. Subtitle) ft PERIOD COVERED WORKSTATION GRAPHICS CAPABILITIES FOR THE 1990' AND BEYOND AUTHORfiJ 7. Michael J. Zyda PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 9. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA WORK UNIT NUMBERS 10. ft Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5100 61152N: KR000-01-NP N0001485WR41005 CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS II 12. Sept 1985 Chief of Naval Research Arlington, VA 22217 14 MONITORING AGENCY NAME 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 15. SECURITY CLASS, Jl5_ ft ADDRESSf/f dlllerent Irom Controlling Olllce) 15a. 16 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT REPORT DATE (ol thle report) DEC LASSIFI CATION /DOWN GRADING SCHEDULE (ol this Report) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT 18. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (ol the abetract entered In (Coniinu* on reverie elde Block 20, II different Irom Report) neceeeary and Identity by block number) II Algorithms, architecture, contour surface display generation, real-time display generation, graphics workstations 20. ABSTRACT (Continue on reverae elde II neceeeary and Identity by block number) We present in this paper a look at the future graphics capabilities of the workstation. We begin by examining the cyccles of special hardware development We show how the current that have occurred for graphics systems in general. to applications user response direct is a workstation evolution of the graphics and hardware software The systems. graphics desires for higher performance, the workfor operations graphics levels that perform the input and output capabigraphics future station are described with an eye towards categorizing DD i jan 73 1473 EDITION OF S I NOV 65 IS N 0192- LF-014-6601 OBSOLETE UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Dmlm Kntared) IINPT ASSTFTFD SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE <TH»«n Dmtm Eni*t*d) lities. The implementation of those levels in the Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIS is cited as an example of the leading edge for graphics capabilities in Current research leading to future enhancements of the graphics a workstation. workstation is presented as a continuation of the historical response to applications user desires for ever higher performance, interactive systems. S-N 0102- LF-014-6601 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGEfWhtt Dmtm Bnffd) Workstation Graphics Capabilities Beyond Michael J. for the 1990's and | Zyda Naval Postgraduate School, Code 52, Dept. of Computer Science, Monterey, California 93943 ABSTRACT We present workstation. We in this paper a look at the future that have occurred for graphics systems in general. evolution of the graphics workstation is We show how the current a direct response to applications user desires for higher performance, graphics systems. els graphics capabilities of the begin by examining the cycles of special hardware development The software and hardware lev- that perform the input and output graphics operations for the workstation are an eye towards categorizing future graphics capabilities. The implementation of those levels in the Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIS is cited as an example of the leading edge for graphics capabilities in a workstation. Current described with research leading to future enhancements of the graphics workstation is presented as a continuation of the historical response to applications user desires for ever higher performance, interactive systems. Categories and Subject Descriptors: 1.3.1 [Hardware Architecture]: architec- VLSI implementations; 1.3.2 [Graphics Systems]: multiprocessing systems; 1.3.3 [Picture/Image Generation]: surface visualization: 1.3.6 [Methodology and Techniques]: contouring, interactive systems, parallel processing; 1.3.7 [Three- Dimensional Graphics and Realism]: line tures, parallel processing. drawings, line generation algorithms, real-time graphics, surface plotting, surface visualization, surfaces: 1.3.m [Miscellaneous]: VLSI; General Terms: Algorithms, architecture; Additional Key Words and Phrases: contour surface display generation, real-time display generation, graphics workstations; t This at work has been supported by the NPS Foundation Research Program. The work was originally presented an Institute for Graphic Communication conference on Engineering Workstations, the 3rd of February 1985. - 1. - 2 Introduction Graphics workstations represent the culmination of a long history of hardware developments for purposes of real-time, provide the trol human demands idea behind such systems situations, and other time-critical applications. Historically, to the future capabilities of such systems, we must examine the In order to It effort to understand cycles of hardware development. days of computer graphics, applications users were happy a picture to the display device. the a push-and-pull cycle of increasing applications driving special hardware additions to the graphics system. In the early is Such capabilities are an integral part of visual training simulators, improve the capabilities of such systems has been user The user immediate feedback of visual information in response to any physical con- manipulations made. command/control interactive applications systems. if they could just get did not to matter that the display device took two to three minutes for one picture as the alternative was to not be able to get the particular application done. In those early days, the computer was generally a single user system, with the graphics applications program consuming tive all systems was that there was a sequently, one of the picture delivery. first available resources. lot of idle user The key problem with respect to interac- time during the waits for the next display. Con- problems that was solved with special hardware was the speeding up of This can be considered the first cycle of special hardware for the graphics sys- tem. Applications users readily took to computer graphics once they saw that they could get their picture to the display device in a reasonable computer graphics with such a amount of time. fervor that they began In fact, applications users took to demanding what to them seemed like the next logical development, the addition of matrix multipliers for the real-time operations necessary for rotating, scaling, and translating vectors. This was the second cycle of special hardware addi- tions to the graphics system. This addition to the display system was quite important in that it allowed the development of real-time interactive applications not previously possible without the special hardware. (One example of this has been the near abandonment of the use of hard models of large molecules for the in the field of chemistry more readily manipulated computer models). DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 3 Anyone who has spent any amount The addition they are never completely satisfied. came towards knows quite of time with applications users of the special hardware matrix multipliers for the end of the cycle of single user minicomputer systems. well that Applications program- mers momentarily got used to the immediate response of the single user computer graphics This capability was tem, and then almost immediately lost that capability. fact that the applications users The was is response to that tion functionalities tem. The move to third cycle of improvements to the graphics system typified by the offloading of the graphics and interac- from the host computer to a special processor dedicated to the graphics sys- goal behind this the This cycle loss. due to the simple outgrew the single user minicomputer systems, and moved onto the larger, shared super-minicomputers. in lost sys- was to reclaim the real-time, interactive capabilities lost during the This cycle created the modern interactive graphics shared super-minicomputer. workstation. 2. Interactive Graphics Workstation Organization Current high performance graphics workstations have some variant of the organization depicted in Figure In that figure, 1. we see a central bus, typically the hang the CPU, the terminals, the disk output devices. On IEEE drives, the Ethernet interfaces, the other side of the CPU, we Multibus, off of which and the other miscellaneous see a bus going to a unit labeled DPU, or display processing unit, with that bus passing through and towards the actual display device, or display surface. Connected to the DPU are an array of interactive devices, joysticks, dials, buttons, switches, data tablets, light pens, study, we are primarily interested in the part of Figure With respect to high operations with which gram we is devices, For this there are two directly concerned with graphics. 1, are concerned: (1) Getting tht Picturf There (from the applications pro- to the display surface), There, mouse and perhaps, a keyboard. performance graphics, and the top half of Figure and (2) Manipulating interactive devices such that a picture change ture 1 i.e. is the Picture (by generated). most often termed the "output" function in means that we use some mathematical description encoded The way first of some movement operation, Getting the Pic- the field of computer graphics. in of the the applications program This to put a Display Terms Disks Interactive Devices Mouse Devices Joysticks Dials Buttons Switches Data Tablets Light Pens Keyboard Output Devices Jthernet Figure 1 Basic Block Diagram of a Typical Interactive Graphics Workstation Applic Graphics Device Program Package Driver To DPU (Software) (Software) (Lqw Level Software) Figure 2 Software for the Output Function Applic Data Struct Graphics Data. Struct Device Driver Data i i I i Applic Graphics Device Program Package Driver To DPU Subroutine Calls Opcodes Data Figure 3 A Look at the Applications Program - 4 visual display, or output, on the display surface. tion, we need - understand the output func- In order to properly examine both the software and the hardware currently used to perform that func- to tion. Software 2.1. A ure for the sketch of the levels of software involved in performing the output function we In that figure, 2. Output Function see an applications program (software) making calls to seen in Fig- is a graphics pack- age (software), with those calls being converted into calls to a device driver (low level software). Beyond directed to DPU's hardware. the The gram is applications program the set of is the start of the design program, thai is it applications program This means that the set of instructions that makes calls to the Part of this transformation step The driver expects. by the DPU. The to the DPU. The applications pro- is to next step the applications program knows about is a VLSI transistors, registers, etc.. (Figure The 3). The graphics package and passes the transformed data onto the it, putting the data into an opcode format the dev- pathway final operations in the software The device the device driver. if graphics package makes some transformations on the data passed device driver. pathway computer instructions that maintain the abstract mathematical description, or model, of the applications user's world. ice commands the device driver are even lower level software calls, or perhaps, to the DPU are performed by driver converts the data received into the opcode streams required in the output function is a hardware step. the i.e. DPI 's conversion of that stream into a form that can be sent to the display. Hardware 2.2. for the Once we have tion, we then need within the the DPU a Output Function rough idea of the software pathway necessary to perform the output func- to look at the (Figure pathway from the 4). refresh hardware pathway. The only The hardware pathway part of the hardware pathway that subsystem to the display surface. The DPU is is mostly contained outside of the is DPU comprised of the is fol- lowing pieces of hardware: the display controller, the raster subsystem, the frame buffer, and the 5 - refresh subsystem. DPU we if discuss We can best understand the function of these different components of the them terms of their data flow. in The data the device driver software. lines At the start of Figure we 4, see an opcode This stream contains the instructions and data output by stream entering the display controller. tem are - that leaves the the display controller for the raster subsys- and polygons, and their associated colors and The fills. raster subsystem, in turn, converts those lines and polygons into the set of pixels necessary for their representation frame buffer. The frame pixels into electron in beam With the above DPU mind, we can define the parts of the We the output function. 2.2.1. begin by looking in brief overview of the data flow of the DPU with respect to the graphics capabilities needed for more detail at the display controller. Graphics Capabilities for the Output Function: Display Controller The bilities. by the refresh subsystem, which converts those buffer's pixels are read deflections. in the display controller As seen in Figure is 4, best understood in terms of its text, colors, linestyles, fills, transformed coordinates The operations i.e. etc.. is i.e. The data going out from the familiar to those with a background The display determines the operations in of display describing the desired image. opcode stream it display controller text, colors, linestyles, in is comprised is comprised of fills, etc.. the input data are the following: (1) world coordinates to frame buffer coordinates. operation, that as formatted rotations, scalings. translations, (2) coordinate system mappings, perspective orthographic, and (4) display the fourth The stream coming in, a collection of untransformed coordinates, matricies, the display controller performs on matrix transformations, clippings, The data frame buffer space, in operational capa- its the display controller has an opcode stream coming by the device driver, and has vectors and polygons going out. of opcodes followed by data. data flow, and list management. graphics list Now The only one management. A projections, (3) the list In reference to the previous discussion, list is it interpreted by the display controller. in the to 2D, some explanation set is of instructions is a is the data input as an The display controller needs to perform on the input data from the display on the remainder of the work to the next system 3D three operations are first that requires displax i.e. and list, and passes hardware path, the raster subsystem. X ee I— a co •H Q CO c a i I 43 -^- 43 43 •H S rf <o 03 rH a) CQ ^h m V a H s X! •H bO • G H 0) CO (0 +3 V CO CO (V ll >> o *H (0 (0 J3 tf 3 u Pu Cfl >> CO iI T3 -#- rH i-H a ri 0) CO X (0 •H •H OS O C Ih a) 0) CO <*H +3 «H ri u cd 3 fe •H bO 0Q u <o a o CO ii 43 0) +3 -^~ . -H X In •H Oh > a CO +3 3 o S 0) CO (h 43 a> -P co w >> 43 Ih CD TO J3 tf 3 W CO CO c 43 bO Oh i1 -D ** 4-3 nj .-i CO cu u d 0) > -o 1 >> D ti X f-H 03 •H Q 5 3 £5 C; 3 CO iI § ~^- CO ' a a +3 CO - 2.2.2. 6- Graphics Capabilities for the Output Function: Raster Subsystem The raster subsystem have been transformed into frame receives lines and polygons that buffer space, text, colors, linestyles, and polygon fillstyles from the display controller. can discuss the operations performed by the raster subsystem, buffer, the destination for the The frame buffer is drawn be at that position system are The data at memory. segments into the describe the frame Each position in the frame buffer each pixel location corresponds to the color that should on the graphics display. The operations performed by The destined for output to the frame buffer. all first raster set of pixels necessary for the display of those the raster sub- subsystem converts input The segments. fills. The raster subsystem provides a similar treatment for text, i.e. line raster subsystem also converts input polygons to the set of pixels necessary for the display of their boundaries, interior we output from the raster subsystem. a two-dimensional array of has a value, called a pixel. we must Before it fills and the frame buffer with the appropriate patterns of pixels. 2.2.3. Graphics Capabilities for the Output Function: The Refresh Subsystem The The tron final pathway part of the hardware for the output function is the refresh subsystem. Tefresh subsystem reads rows of pixels from the frame buffer and produces the necessary elec- beam deflections on the cathode ray tube of the graphics display. either every sixtieth or every thirtieth of a second, It performs this operation depending on the cathode ray tube driver tech- nology used. 2.3. Software and Hardware for the Graphics Input Function Wit h respect is to the graphics workstation, the second operation with the input function (Figure but we ices at It is more correctly termed the picture manipulation function stick to the accepted terminology. the applications program function 5). is the is performing really a feedback function, DPU, which we are concerned is i.e. It is called the input function because the operation reading a value from an interactive device. we read some The input control values from the interactive dev- pass those values back to the applications program, make a change in the >> a r—i a GO •H Q 0) > 4 •H 01 d -h fc > o; <d 0) 1 f u 3 P p Q c • H O H CL P a. Q P bO a •H CO P •— 3 i I • JS PS C flj 10 (-1 o •H > f Q) a ri <u •H > 0) > -H Sh 3 ^ a> Q Q P CO S 3 o3 i— PS ri V w u h C •H A • 55 = > o c 3 P 3 a c H S, M ™ -c P *y o> rf ^ ~rt °- u c i CO i p m •H — a a < Jz <* <— cd rt •H t > v U •H s rt U hC »h Du N c hD O new picture picture at that level, and then send the This is emphasized Figure 5 by a pathway of directed arrows from the in the applications program, and another The values read from display. program tions utilized in in in the direction of DPU and then the the interactive devices are typically passed back to the applica- program, the raw values are In the applications an applications programmer written procedure to modify some aspect of the current of this is the conversion of a dial value into an angle, with that angle being command plugged into a rotation matrix, or rotation 2.3.1. DPU towards the of directed arrows back set an unchanged, or raw form. An example display. pathway described above. via the output Hardware for the passed back to the DPU. Input Function Other than the actual interactive device hardware, and the interfaces to support those devices, there tends not to be major exceptions: (l) much special direct cursor modification hardware. hardware to support the input function. movement hardware Cursor devices, mouse i.e. There are two support, and (2) display devices, data tablet pens, and list parameter light pens, some- times have hardware support that eliminates the need to feed raw data values back to the applications program to change the position of the cursor. the DPU. It does not require Display direct cursor ters list in in the way is is This hardware provides a mechanism by which modifications of parame- display lists can be routed directly from the the routing of a raw control value, or value, as a direct replacement of an angle value in a generally carried out by similar in goal to that of the hardware for DPU rotation argument command. in some simple an instruction of this type of linear modification of that in a This type of operation on interactive control move- An example ment, rather than through the longer applications program loop. operation is of special hardware. parameter modification hardware movement embedded much This operation is display list. similar in i.e. raw replacing the concept to the ill- thought-of practice of self-modifying code and requires some knowledge of the internal structure of the selected graphics system's display lists. Besides hardware for the above two input operations, there for the input function. is generally no special hardware This lack of hardware limits the sophistication of the types of interactive -p U co <y h c H C3 • C >> rH h a (0 to o p •H Q) X! O B 3 P. -O •H P rH CD C ^ 3 3 2 rH CO a; u 3 •H .-I -p hD-H C •HMO O fc XH P> O Ctf CO «+-t I c a c ci u -> bDr-l •H C Q •H ,* -P -H T5 rH T3 +3 we operations hardware - 8 - we to support special input functions, DPU 3. Leading Edge Graphics Workstation Capabilities to the applications this point We bilities. special pathway from are limited to the slow, feedback the To Without are currently capable of performing in the graphics workstation. program and back. we have not talked about commercially available graphics workstations' capa- have only given a generic description of the input and output functions with respect hardware and software subsystems necessary to perform those functions. To show the lead- to the we ing edge of technology for the graphics workstation, back to some of those descriptions refer and point out how they are available on one high-performance graphics workstation. The 3.1. Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIS Workstation on graphics capabilities In the section for the output function of the display controller, we listed the operations that are performed by that part of the mations, (2) coordinate system mappings, and clippings, management. tem of the of the Inc. DPU is The example of best component, as 7, and five [2 cies this for a graphics workstation '). The IRIS system has major components, shown in Figure 7, is a chip pipeline for matrix multiplication. all fourth component is a two chip projection operation, and the space. The final (4) display list component i.e. first three functions that of the Silicon Graphics. "Geometry Pipeline" for these opera- special purpose VLSI subsystem floating point format. The third top, bottom, chips. The second component component left, VLSI to convert uorld, or appli- This part of the pipeline operates on setup for rotations, translations, and scalings. clippers that perform geometric clipping, a is implemented via special Geometry Engine cations program coordinates to a four and projections, (3) the addition of a special pipeline processor to perform the This pipeline has first are (l) matrix transfor- of the leading edge developments that have been accomplished for this subsys- IRIS (Figures 6 and tions The list. One DPU. They is right, near, a six and 4 x 4 is matri- chip pipeline of far clipping. The pipeline, labeled scalers, that performs a perspective division, the mapping of the three-dimensional coordinates to two-dimensional of the pipeline is a VLSI subsystem to convert back from Geometry W w 0) a; ti I I c •H TJ ^* CO ^ g O o 4-> 7 * 1 w S o > CO /- v (h CD i— a ° rH CO D. • • f> c -H X! ) cu i- ( cU ' co 03 +3 CD a o cu O CO H to OS (0 a o o 0) J2 •H <—< a •H Tt o co •H a o X •H CO a ^ c u Js J^ 35 S tT CO E Ph T3 C • rH <-t~ i—l U C T-H 10 V r-H * C T O - 9- We Engine floating point format to world coordinate format. though not directly useful Geometry Engine ics, Inc. for the output operation, for the graphics note here that this operation, somewhat is useful when The brochure produced by pipeline as a computational engine. IRIS-2400 model containing this pipeline cites a capability for utilizing the Silicon 4x4 80K Graph- transfor- mations per second. The Silicon Graphics, Inc. One hardware. of these is in IRIS-2400 has other leading edge functionalities present DPU, polygon the raster subsystem of the hardware converts two and three-dimensional polygon data into the pixels that represent the polygon capability for filling polygons at in hardware. fill set of textured This and colored rate cited for the IRIS-2400 is the is the approximately 44 million pixels per second. Another leading edge function of the IRIS intensity modulation of line segments so that brighter, The the frame buffer. in special is Depth cueing depth cueing hardware. components of the segment near the viewer appear The and those farther away appear dim. rate cited for this hardware capability is from 1.5 to 3 million pixels per second. Gouraud shading algorithm useful in is Gouraud shading another feature of the IRIS-2400. depicting surfaces via computer graphics. is a smooth shading This algorithm works by taking the polygons that form the surface and shading those polygons by linear interpolation of the color the verticies of the polygon intensities specified at tinuities bility is and produces up surface hardware addition, frame same time elimination are realistic surface. buffer. is is a is via The special a special piece of Depth information, as color information As each new provided is called a Z-buffer. the frame buffer, there fashion. smoother, more rate cited for this hardware capa- to 3 million pixels per second Hidden as the a This technique eliminates intensity discon- z hardware on memory coordinate values, written into the frame buffer. matching z coordinate. piece of the picture compared against those already in is is the the The IRIS-2400. same two-dimensional stored into this memory size at the This means that for each pixel This information is used in in the following processed by the raster subsystem, the pixel values the Z-buffer. If the new pixel is closer, the color associated 10 - with that pixel replaces the old one the Z-buffer. is the frame buffer, and the in farther This special hardware addition carded. is the new pixel If cited IRIS literature in the for the - away than z coordinate subsystem of the IRIS. speed of this Z-buffering technique, approximately the same rate as the polygon written into is that indicated in the Z-buffer, the pixel to the raster is new it is dis- Though no value should operate at hardware, with some degradation due to the addi- fill tional z coordinate value that needs to be propagated. 4. Trends Graphics Capabilities in The above is Workstation for the a quick overview of one leading edge graphics workstation. There are others that exhibit similar capabilities, though most are not nearly the speed of the IRIS. brief look at the leading edge though, performance graphics functionality in functionality, is see two The first past, the graphics applications user We new technol- hardware additions requested by do not expect became accustomed to turn around almost immediately with VLSI trend, the increasing importance of high perfor- a continuation of the cycles of the ever unsatisfied graphics applications user. this trends, (1) the increasing importance of high the workstation, and (2) the increasing use of ogy to implement this functionality. mance graphics we From requests. to this trend to diminish. new hardware additions In the rapidly, only Given human nature, we do not expect this to change. To understand the second trend, the increasing use of the VLSI technology to enhance the graphics capabilities of the workstation, we need to answer the question, what does VLSI provide? VLSI provides processors We 8. the capability for the parallel operation of large 111. we sometime between the years 1990 and 2001 these numbers, graphics researchers tend to see tens of processors per chip, parallel on some graphics algorithm JSome landmarks 50,000 of relatively inexpensive see 2 million transistors per chip in the research laboratory are promised 10 million transistors per chip From chip Currently, numbers in |3|, the PLA for transistor and ROM) and 194,000 transistors in 18,000 transistors the Motorola in the MC68020 in the Z8000 [7]. Motorola MC68000 (16,000 in the processor, 40,000 transistors in one Geometry Engine 14], . 12;. operating $. count are 68,000 transistors [4j, all 9 in 11 - - Fourth Cycle of Hardware Improvements to the Graphics System: Research 4.1. Besides the improvement of the capabilities of the standard hardware that performs the input and output functions of the graphics workstation, hardware developments also cial work is The (The need algorithm. for a methodology thrust of this research and producing a for taking a graphics algorithm hardware development. time and software engineering is engineering, prominent for the real-time display is the development of a quite simply to save time for the next is to the other cycles of special graphics software cycle, the system that performs that silicon through the hardware development process.) The scope of this work graphics new In this VLSI architectures the design of special, application dependent methodology see the start of a fourth cycle of spe- VLSI technology. utilizing the generation of select graphics algorithms. we VLSI computer part of this effort in that before one It is algorithm quite large in comparison encompasses the areas of architectures. commits to Real-time real- graphics implementing a particular graphics algorithm in silicon, one needs to be able to evaluate whether or not that algorithm can be computed in research effort is real-time to on a currently available, produce a system that can automatically model the desired algorithm such that runtime parameters can be obtained for hypothetical architectures, the MC68000 is processors like VLSI. in The research effort is twofold. The the determination and evaluation of a special architecture for the studied algorithm. The detcrminat ion by known architectures are part of this effort in that the hypothetical architectures modeled are those capable of being implemented part i.e. for subparts of the larger algorithm. VLSI computer first The high-performance graphics system. of the architecture is accomplished through iterative design refinement driven The evaluation previous experience with such special processors. runtime evaluation, and died algorithm is a technological evaluation. capable of being executed technological evaluation determines current technological constraints. if in The runtime evaluation determines is if both a the stu- real-time on the hypothetical architecture. the proposed architecture Part of this of the architecture effort is is The capable of being built within the examination of the changes required in the design of the graphics system that receives the output of the real-time display generator. 12 - The second part of the research effort in - the area of VLSI computer architectures is the evaluation and refinement of the software tools available for putting an architecture on silicon. VLSI technology Since relatively new, the available software tools for producing special purpose is VLSI chips and systems such software. The are crude. Since this research of the fourth cycle presupposes the existence of clearly not the case, this research effort necessarily is encompasses the refinement and development of such software tools. We Where 4.2. The Are Today in hardware initial special the Fourth Cycle efforts of the fourth cycle are the construction of single VLSI multiprocessors compatible with commercially The tations. selection of the commercially hardware additions cuts the research effort board available, high-performance graphics works- available workstation as bed for the special the with respect to real-time display generators delaying for later consideration possible changes to the design of the display system by in half, Such \. a sectioning of the research effort allows the design and testing of single board parts of perhaps much larger One such VLSI systems. underway effort design of a Multibus compatible, single board at the Naval Postgraduate School VLSI multiprocessor is the contour surface for generating displays in real-time 13i. 4.2.1. Contour Surface Display Generator The goal of the contour surface display generator surface of a graphics workstation, in one-thirtieth is of a to produce and deliver to the display second, the complete contour surface display generated from a 30 x 30 x 30 three-dimensional grid. system is in mind for this one directly from X-ray crystallography, the determination of molecular structures from electron density data ics The application 1 . Such an operation program that displays a Dreiding is (stick) executed interact i\ ely by using a computer graph- model of the molecule, inside a contour surface display of the corresponding region of the molecule's electron density grid. In addition to the graphics function, the computer program monitors a series of signals generated by the user, while t There are currently substantial research efforts in the direction of the redesign of the graphics system |5, 10i Figure 8 Contour Surface Display Generated from a Hydrogen Atom Wavefunction Squared (3dz2 orbital) 13 - the user - turning the various knobs on a control console is program are interpreted by the 16,. The values read from these knobs as modifications to either the molecule or the surface display. Modifications to the molecule take the form of bond rotations or bond lengthenings. Modifica- tions to the contour surface display take the form of an increase or decrease of the contour level. The goal of this process given electron density data model of the molecule that best to produce the stick is The set. user can determine whether or not the model fits grid by modifying the contour level, shrinking the contour surface to the molecule. user can expand the contour surface from the stick model inside the fits for better visibility. the density Similarly, the This function requires that the hardware have the capability to rapidly change the contour display as its con- is con- tour level changes. 4.2.2. Decomposable Algorithm The algorithm around which structed is presented algorithm that is used to contour three-dimensional larger Contouring Operation the design of the contour surface display generator That algorithm 14'. in for the all is constructed from a two-dimensional contouring the possible planar, orthogonal, two-dimensional grids of a The two-dimensional contouring grid. algorithm of comprised of components, called algorithm components, that operate on individual of a larger two-dimensional grid. (Note: a 2 x 2 subgrid dimensional grid bounded by four adjacent grid points.) sar> for generating required for any other for all 2x2 2x2 2 \ 2 subgrid. If If In the 2x2 we study 2x2 subgrids is defined to be that portion of the two- algorithm, the computations neces- subgrid are independent we compute the contours corresponding subgrids of a two-dimensional grid, then contours for that grid. ble contour lines for a single the is that will from those to contour level k have determined the complete we compute the contours corresponding set of to contour level k for all possi- subgrids of the larger three-dimensional grid, then we will have the complete contour surface display for that simultaneous display of dimensional grid, development of grid. all The assemblage the of the contours created by this process, contours created for all 2x2 subgrids of the produces a "chicken-wire-like" contour surface display (Figure this algorithm can be found in 14 . V\ e refer to the results i.e. larger 8). the three- The full of those studies, and U) • A 2 x 2 Subgrid 2 A 2D Grid of Size (1 - 1) x (m - 1) A 3D Grid of Size 1 x (m - 1) x (n - 1) 2x2 + m x (1 - 2x2 1) 1 x m Has 2x2 1 x Subgrids x m x n Has (n 1) - n x (1 Subgrids Figure 9 Subgrid Count for 2D and 3D Grids 1) x (m - 1) - do not cover algorithm the here great in 14 - We detail. only note that for the largest three- dimensional grid of interest for the above application, a 30 x 30 x 30 grid, this means the potential for 75,690 parallel operations (Figure 4.2.3. Architectural Goals for the Contour Surface Display Generator The meets first the goal in 9). the design of the contour surface display generator performance requirements, 30 x 30 x 30 grid, and delivered to a display device tious goal but it sitions in one-thirtieth of a must be noted that one-thirtieth of a second allowable for the operation. Any longer to build a system that new contour surface display computed from a i.e. is amount the is second. This is an ambi- maximum amount of time does not provide the viewer a of time smooth tran- between successive contour surface displays. This goal says nothing about the load time of the 30 x 30 x 30 grid to the special piece of hardware that computes the contour surface display. Consequently, we allow solut ions that pre-load the The second grid. goal for the construction of the contour surface display generator mentioned above, that we be able hardware and software changes. plug it into an For the purposes of chosen to be the Silicon Graphics, currently the highest to Inc. existing graphics system this study, IRIS workstation the one with minimal graphics system is Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIS is the target The [2j. is performance graphics system that best matches the selected application's goals. Architectural Outlines 4.2.4. Given that we have and given that our goal wo can make about arra\ (Note: is highly decomposable algorithm for contour surface display generation. a single board \ LSI multiprocessor, there are some simple statements the system's architecture. of independent (Figure 10) a The first statement processors, each processor containing we call these processors, is that it is some subpart of the comprised of an total algorithm algorithm component processors.) In the case of the contour surface display generation algorithm, this means that each processor contains one or more 2x2 subgrids taken from the larger three-dimensional grid It also means that each processor is System Bus Ext .Port Multibus Figure 10 Contour Surface Display Generator - ir, - responsible for computing the pari of the surface" display represented by performs these eornput at is algorithm in each processor in the architecture for the contour surface display though we compute the subparts of the contour surface display generation that, even parallel, The system subgrids. ions in parallel. The second statement we can make about generator, its we need a serial, the coordinates and drawing instructions generated to output one processor at This statement a time, fashion. is in based upon the requirement that the contour surface display generator be plugged into an existing graphics sys- tem (Figure 11). Currently available graphics systems only have display processing units. a single data path into their Consequently, some mechanism needs to be provided to output the data generated from the algorithm component processors, one at a time, to the display processing unit of the graphics system. A third statement delivering the 2x2 we can make about the architecture Subgrid delivery subgrids. ponent processor addressability determined processor. a A . i.e. we need for this qualification tiple VLSI chips lines between \ be able to put each set of subgrids is a large number is mechanism based upon the knowledge that scarce resource. y The output mechanism is pre- that n must be to run between mul- package pins for control for the coordinates and a similar processor addressa- capability A fourth statement we ran make about the architecture is that we need some mechanism delivenne the new contour level? to the algorithm component processors. can be delivered either serial, com- a in for of control lines and arbitration circuitry. that v\e expect the addressing This qualification LSI chips arc a drawing instructions of the contour surface display generator needs bilit we need some mechanism qualification to ihi^ processor addressability capability simple mechanism that doesn't require The reason that qualified by the necessity for algorithm is to is in parallel, to the Since we are already putting one system for loading data into the processors, we expect that levels. levels complete system of processors during one cycle, or to each processor on a separate cycle. contour The new contour for Consequently, the new contour it mechanism in in the can also be used to deliver the new levels are delivered in serial, in a manner similar d •H (0 a CO M (V to fa o r— fa r-H a -P fa 10 o m +3 a Q T3 c In s -P X, c ±> Q) •H C to a oj (h U < to U < w (D to to o B hD rH cd o DQ U -P d CO 0) CQ c 4^ a u c: H -P o to d >> CQ C rH a o to •H Q to \ o c C a C 8 •H > P c o o in Q 5-! £J O P c O SD-QHMOQ^Cfl - 16 - mechanism. to the subgrid load Architecture of the Contour Surface Display Generator 4.2.5. The contour surface display generator rithm component processors, ponent processor and itself, is comprised of four subsystems: (2) the controller for that (4) (1) the array of algo- array of processors, (3) the algorithm com- the interface to the graphics system. how Figure 11 shows the four subsystems relate to the target graphics system. The Array of Algorithm Component Processors Figure 11 depicts the array of algorithm component processors as a single box, with three connections to the outside environment, an input bus for contour levels and subgrids, an output bus for coordinates and drawing instructions, and dual bus configuration autonomous nature The input bus to the array is bus for controlling the array of processors. a chosen to maximize the amount of concurrency in the system due to the of the input with respect to the output. is the medium of algorithm responsible for delivering subgrid definitions and contour levels component processors. Because ihis is the only data required to be transmitted on the bus. the bandwidth of the input bus does not need to be very high. at A The rate which subgrid definitions are loaded into the algorithm component processors does not directh the real-time capabilities of the system. affect displax generator are determined b> component processor. This, unit. The output bus is in The real-time capabilities of the contour surface the rate at which data can be produced in each algorithm turn, directly affects the rate of output to the display processing responsible for delivering the coordinates and drawing instructions to the display processing unit. The sar\ to control bus for the contour surface display generator contains manage the data flow on the input side of the system (Figure 12). lines are required the algorithm 12 all the control lines neces- Two additional control on the output side of the system to coordinate the two wire handshake between component processors and the display processing shows the signals that are needed for all unit (Geometry Engines). Figure the pin assignments of the algorithm component SYSTEMS 1 ——A Input Bus 1BO 1B16 Control Bus Reset Mul t i bus \ I nt erf ace 86 Pins Test Load Subgrids Compute Contours Input Count Enable Input Count Enable Return Output Count Enable CONTROLLER Output Count Enable Return Wait/Test Acknowledge Write Enable Error nput Bus IBO-IB15 I N .ALGORITHM Output Bus OBO OBI Wait/Test Acknowl edge Reset Write Enable Test Load Su bgr ids Comput e Contours I r. p at Court COMPONENT . Output Count Enable Return ^ Enable Return Output Count Enabl Input Count En ab i e PROCESSOR ge req ge ack Figure 12 Functional Pin Diagrams of the Systems Controller and the Algorithm Component Processor - 17 - processor. Systems Controller Control of the array of algorithm component processors involves the integration of several The one which coordinates components. different The systems systems controller. places the mands controller converts The Multibus bus master commands on of these processors the Multibus. the board is The systems controller in is the Multibus Backplane which a slave in that it reacts to that is responsible for the is is the algorithm component an overview diagram of the key components of that processor. is interested in a is a full microprocessor of the Motorola more complete treatment We is referred to do not go into great MCG8000 It should The reader class. 13 surface display generator is connected to the Silicon Graphics. system b> means of the IEEF. standard Multibus Backplane Bus 6 all inputs to the contour surface displa\ generator. classifications of bus different mands, and (2) Slaves Master module module Fig- System Interfaces The contour provide.* Each processor. identical and functions independently in the production of the outputs. be noted that the processor the com- production of the coordinates and drawing detail about that processor other than to point out the items that appear in Figure 13. two the incoming signals from the Multibus bus mas- instructions for the contour surface display generator ic K is Algorithm Component Processor The component 1?. other components placed on the Multibus. ure all IRIS workstation into signals which make sense to the algorithm ter of the Silicon Graphics, Inc. component processors. the operation of in that for svstem. - modules: (1) those which respond to the graphics system. Masters - . Inc. IRIS graph- This Multibus connection The Multibus interfaces to basically those modules which generate com- commands. The parent processor (MC68000) The contour surface display generator is is a slave L 0) P.-H 3 rt to c C-H H +3 u V C CD O >, ci u / 1 (X (0 \ •H (0 tO \ hD QJ O J CD Pi Cu ci *H CD CO -p CO co O u DQ to Du S en +3 u o 2S c o H to CO c O o CO -P c p o c 0) a PQ O 43 CD -D (0 < to . CO "bO *H c (1) •H Q co 3> <, T3 •H tf P hD bD u Pu T3 P P a CO C 43 c «j Xi 3 3 CO ^^ -p a o a o e 43 •H Jh bD t d d c C-H IM - The output of the contour surface display generator The Private Bus (Figure 11). - a unidirectional. is 16 to the Private is bus dedicated to the provision of coordi- bit nate and drawing instructions to the high speed Geometry Engines. of data line Bus of the IRIS system Coordination of the transfer between the algorithm component processors and the Geometry Engines done via is a two handshake protocol. System Implementation The IRIS graphics workstation communications network and hardware elements (Figure a make up that is MCoSO(K) uses the Motorola whose output is between devices operating system, the Ethernet real-time three-dimensional color-raster graphics system. as a controller and Geometry Engine a done on the Multibus. The terminal terminal on the workstation. a host pipeline for matrix operations destined for a high-resolution color raster-scan display. is The the workstation are connected to one another via the Multibus Graphics commands are issued by (3). UNIX comprised of the Graphics pipeline data is The communications transferred on the Private Bus. Graphical output pipeline. initiated is l>\ the ('PI sending l>\ The Geometry Engines perform matrix fonts, The update controller does scan conversion of polygons, The lines display and constructs and characters. capabilities required I The and polygons. The results of those 2'. Integration of the Contour Surface Display Generator The Multibus Backplane generator lines scaling. controller fetches the picture-element values from ihe frame buffer and draws them on the face of the color monitor 4.2.5.G. to the graphics transformations, clipping and frame buffer controller interprets characters, controls operations an- placed into the frame buffer. commands and data is to of that s\ stem. IRIS supplies t In- power and inter-board communications implement an integrated graphics system. constructed as and memory device. of the a peripheral board and is added The contour to the IRIS graphics surface display system as a slave Figure 6 shows the contour surface display generator as an integral part J GE = = MC68000 PROCESSOR J BOARD 3 (GF1) J 2 BOARD — J (PM1) 1 n fo: Figure 14a Silicon Graphics, Inc. IRIS Pipeline Connection the Private Bus (Courtesy of Silicon Graphics, Inc.) GE BOARD — CONTOUR (GF1) SURFACE DISPLAY — GENERATOR Figure 14b The J3 Pipeline Connection of the Silicon Graphics, Inc for the Contour Surface Display Generator Private Bus - The 19- use of the contour surface display generator in the graphics system involves the estab- lishment of a physical connection between the peripheral board containing the algorithm com- ponent processors and the display system. This connection involves the Private Bus port which transports the data directly to the Geometry Engines. tem has a In its present configuration, the IRIS sys- connecting cable that directly connects the system processor to the Geometry Engines (J3 connection of Figure 14a). When the contour surface display generator must be shared by both itself added to the system, is To and the system processor. processor and generator data to the Geometry Engines, a this physical connection enable the user to alternatively route hardware switch added to the system. is This hardware provides the system with a way to multiplex the direct path of the Private Bus. software switch then provides the control of the Private Bus : origin A When and configuration. activated, this switch establishes a path from the contour surface display generator (Figure 14b). If is it 4.2.6. not activated, the IRIS system remains 13 tem . is the a quick overview of the architecture of the contour surface display generator. in this system is obviously the algorithm component processor. determined that 50 algorithm component processors are to generate mine the is components of the key it original configuration. Hardware Complexity Estimate The above One in its and deliver the average sized picture feasibility of the algorithm complete system, we need component processor. The derivation equivalent devices necessary. only that the total 660K devices being produced number This number in Figure is well below the research laboratories is less J9'. of the a circuit a in less in the sys- In order to deter- complexity estimate for the summary numbers on number of the that' figure is in size of of transistor 13 We . component processor two million devices per chip For than 5 VLSI chips. grasp of current technology. is that are needed 30 x 30 x 30 grid. of devices required for one algorithm rithm component processors can be built per chip level, this 15 for a all In level that is is note about currently this level of chip complexity, the array of algo- than 25 VLSI chips. The design At the ten million devices of this system is therefore within the (1) RAM space 8192 (2) ROM (2 devices 'bit) 32 bits x space — Tree - -- (1 device 524,288 devices 'bit) tables = 2048 x 16 bits -- Microcode 2048 x 32 (3) — -- ALU — Register block -- Control section — Data, 65,768 devices bits Processor space — 32,768 devices address and control buses Refresh logic 23,000 devices (4) Interface Unit and Test Bed — External — Test — Interface Logic circuitry — Latches and Drivers 15,000 devices Device Total 660,582 devices Figure 15 Algorithm Component Processor's Circuit Complexity Estimate 20 - - Conclusions 5. The above is but one example of the fourth cycle of hardware developments for the graphics The purpose behind system the presentation of this effort One limitations of research in this cycle. is to highlight the possibilities and of the key points described at the start of this paper is that applications users are never satisfied with the graphics capabilities of the currently available We system. need to reexamine this notion We display generator. can be assured that once we produce such a system that the applications user will return to us with further in demands the already manufactured system. demand, make or cannot count on the widespread The only mance. The step first in solution then that process is we need to for make VLSI set to put together a The communit) hardware Once after standard interfaces for select graphics hardware effort on the If for We which we desire real-time perfor- methodology based upon experience with design- design and production of special the establishment of "silicon foundries". cial any algorithm methodology that We standards for the production of such systems. design. university to either justify the special the production of that special hardware inexpensive. ing such special purpose display generators. can then respond to these desires for special hardware for the production of that special hardware inexpensive. demand is for either other algorithms, or additional capabilities In order to select applications graphics algorithms, basis of widespread of the production of the contour surface light in is sufficient ly developed, can see an analogy VLSI chips came within the were defined we extend in we the world of possibilities of the for rhip production. Hence, we saw this idea to that of the production of spe- algorithms of the applications user, this means that somewhere the future there will be "real-time, graphics foundries". It is toward* this direction that in we can expect future developments for workstation graphics capabilities to proceed. G. 1. References Barry. C. D. and Sucher. J. H. "Interactive Real-Time Contouring of Density Maps." Ameri- can Crystallographic Association Winter Meeting, Honolulu. March 1979, Foster Session 2. Clark. J. H and Davis, T. Electronics. October 20. 1983. "Workstation I nites Real-Time Graphics with I nix. Ethernet." 21 3. Clark. 4 "The Geometry Engine: A VLSI Geomctn H. J A Quarterly Report Graphics: - of S1GGRAPH- ACM, System Computer for Graphics," Vol. 16. No. 3 (July 1982). 127 p. Frank. Edward H. and Sproull. Robert F. "Testing and Debugging Custom Integrated CirComputing Surveys. Vol 13. No. 4 (December 1981), p. 425. cuits." 5. Fuchs, Henry ments No. 3 (July 1985), 6. 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Leonard "Microelectronics and Algorithm-Structured Computer Computer Arrayt and Science," Scientific Ameri- Networks, Orlando. \\ alker. Robert A. and Zyda. Michael J "An Integrated Systems Architecture for Real-Time Contour Surface Display Generation." Technical Report NPS52-85-010. Monterey. Department of Computer Science. Naval Postgraduate School. August 1985. 14. Florida: Press. 1984. "A Decomposable Algorithm Zyda. Michael J for California: Contour Surface Display Generation." Technical Report NPS52-84-011. Monterey, California: Department of Computer Science. Naval Postgraduate School. August 1984. 16. Zyda. Technical November Michael J. "Joystick Memorandum 1980. Driven Display 24. St. Louis: Rotation and Control Console Management." Department of Computer Science. Washington University, Distribution List for Papers Written by Michael J. Zyda Dr. Henrv Fuchs, 208 New West Hall (035A), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Dr. Kent R. Wilson, University of California, San Diego B-014, Dept. of Chemistry, La Jolla, CA 92093 Dr. Guy L. Tribble, III Apple Computer. 20525 Mariani Ave, Cupertino, CA 95014 Dr. Victor Lesser. University of Massachusetts. Amherst Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Amherst, MA 01003 Dr. Gunther Schrack. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C., Canada V6T 1W5 Dr. R. Daniel Bergeron. Dept. of Computer Science. University of New Hampshire. Durham. NH 03824 Dr. Ed Wegman. Division Head. Mathematical Sciences Division. Office of Naval Research. 800 N. Quincy Street. Arlington. VA 22217-5000 Dr. Gregory B. Smith. ATT Information Systems. 190 River Road, Summit. NJ 07901 Dr. Lynn Conway. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agencv/IPTO, 1400 Wilson Blvd., Arlington. VA 22209 Dr. John Lowrance, SRI International, 333 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 Dr. David Mizell, Office of Naval Research, 1030 E. Green St. CA Pasadena, 91106 Dr. Richard Lau. Office of Naval Research, Code 411, 800 N. Quincy St. Arlington, VA 22217-5000 Dr. Y.S. Wu. Naval Research Laboratory. Code 7007, Washington. D.C. 20375 Dr. Joel Trimble. Office of Naval Research. Code 251. Arlington. VA 22217-5000 Robert A. Ellis. Calma Company, 527 Lakeside Drive. Sunnyvale. CA 9408C Dr. James H. Clark, Silicon Graphics, Inc. 630 Clyde Court. Mountain View, CA 94043 Shinji Dept Tomita. of Information Science. Kyoto University. . Sakyo-ku. Kyoto, 606, Japan Hiroshi Hagiwara. Dept. of Information Science. Kyoto University. Sakyo-ku. Kyoto, 606. Japan Dr. Alain Fournier. Dept. of Computer Science. University of Toronto. Toronto. Ontario. Canada M5S 1A4 Dr. Andries Van Dam. Dcpt. of Computer Science, Brown University. Providence. RI 02912 Dr. Brian A. Barsky, Berkeley Computer Graphics Laboratory, Computer Sciences Division, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 Dr. Ivan E. Sutherland, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg. PA 15213 Dr. Turner Whitted, 208 New West Hall (035 A), University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NX 27514 Dr. Robert B. Grafton. Office of Naval Research, Code 433. Arlington. Virginia 22217-5000 Nakamae, Machinery Laboratory. Hiroshima University. Higashihiroshima 724. Japan Professor Eihachiro Electric Carl Machover. Machover Associates. 199 Main Street. White Plains. New York 10601 Buddy Dean. Naval Postgraduate School, Dr. Code 52. Dept. of Computer Science. Monterey. California 93943 Earl Billingsley. 43 Fort Hill Terrace. Northhampton, MA 01060 Dr. .Ian Cuny. University of Massachusetts. Amherst Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Amherst. MA 01003 Robert Luin. Silicon Graphics. Inc. 630 Clyde Court. Mountain View. CA 94043 - 4 - Jeff Hausch, Silicon Graphics, Inc. 630 Clyde Court, Mountain View, CA 94043 Robert A. Walker, Naval Sea Systems Command (SEA 61 YM), Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20362-5101 Lt. Dr. Barry L. Kalman, Washington University, Department of Computer Science, Box 1045, St. Louis, Missouri 63130 Dr. W m. 7 Randolph Franklin, Computer, and Systems Engineering Department, Electrical, Rensselaer Polvtechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180-3590 Dr. Gershon Kedem, Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, PO Box 12889, 3021 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Dr. Branko J. Gerovac. Equipment Corporation. 150 Locke Drive LM04/H4. Box 1015 Digital Marlboro, Massachusetts 01752-9115 Robert A. Schumacker, Evans and Sutherland. PO Box 8700. 580 Arapeen Drive. Salt Lake City. Utah 84108 R. A. Dammkoehler, Washington University, Department of Computer Science, Box 1045. St. Louis. Missouri 63130 Dr. Lynn Ten Eyck, Interface Software. 79521 Highway 99N, Cottage Grove, Oregon 97424 - 5 - Toshiaki Yoshinaga, Hitachi Works, Hitachi Ltd. 1-1. Saiwaicho 3 Chome, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 317 Japan Takatoshi Kodaira, Omika Works, 2-1, Hitachi Ltd. Omika-cho 5-chome, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 319-12 Japan Atsushi Suzuki, Hitachi Engineering, Co. Ltd. 2-1, Saiwai-cho 3-Chome, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 317 Japan Toshiro Nishimura, Hitachi Engineering, Co. Ltd. Saiwai-cho 3-Chome, Hitachi-shi. Ibaraki-ken, 2-1, 317 Japan Dr. John Staudhammer. Dept. of Electrical Engineering, L'niversity of Florida. Gainesville, Florida 32611 Dr. Lewis E. Hitchner. Computer and Information Science Dept. 237 Applied Science Building, University of California at Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz. California 95064 Dr. Pat Mantey. Computer Engineering Department, University of California at Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz. California 95064 Dr. Walter A. Burkhardt, University of California, San Diego Dept. of Computer Science, La Jolla. California 92093 P. K. Rustagi, Silicon Graphics. Inc. 630 Clyde Court. Mountain View, CA 94043 Peter Broadwell, Silicon Graphics, Inc. 630 Clyde Court, Mountain View. CA 94043 - Norm (i Miller. Silicon Graphics, Inc. 630 Clyde Court. Mountain View, CA 94043 Dr. Tosiyasu L. Kunii, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Japan 113, Dr. Kazuhiro Fuchi, Institute for New Generation Computer Technology, Mita-Kokusai Building 21FL. 1-4-28 Mita. Minato-ku, Tokyo 108, Japan Defense Technical Information Center (2) Attn: DTIC-DDR Cameron Station Alexandria, VA 22314 Library, Code 1424 (2) Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 Naval Research Administration Office Code 012 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943 Center for Naval Analyses 2000 N. Beauregard Street Alexandria, VA 22311 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY 3 2768 00347475