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Is the true Islamic religion a violent one?
Background Information
The ultimate goal for every Muslim is “Islam” the state of peace,
of submission in the certainty and power of Allah
 The word Islam is derived from the word SILM, which means
reconciliation, peace, submission, and deliverance
Islam considers humanity to be the most honourable of all
creatures, and terror is not only a crime in itself but among five
others as well
 Many people believe that the people who commit the acts of
terror in our world are people who follow the Islamic faith
 The truth is that the Islamic faith does not promote terrorism
and these people are not TRUE followers of the true Islamic
Research Questions
What are the true teachings of the Islamic religion?
What are the verses in the Qur’an that are often taken out of
context and why?
What is the definition of ‘violence’?
Who are the people who are followers of the true Islamic
Is the true Islamic religion a violent one?
Is the true Islamic religion one of peace and tolerance?
What are the reasons why individuals believe that the true
Islamic religion is violent?
What makes these same people believe that the acts of violence
are a result of the true Islamic religion?
Extremists; who are they and what do they really stand for?
Thesis Statement
The Islamic religion is not a religion of violence
because jihad does not claim ‘holy war’, Islam is a religion
of peace and tolerance and Islamic extremists do
not correctly characterize all Muslims.
Argument #1 – Jihad does not claim ‘holy war’
Jihad, means “striving” or “struggling”, which is required of
Muslim’s to defend themselves
 There are different types of ‘Jihad’, the first is ‘jihad bil nafs’,
which means “striving within the self”, the second is ‘jihad fi sabil
Allah’, which is “striving in the path of Allah”
 The phrase ‘holy war’ was coined by the West in its struggle
against the Muslims during the time of the Crusades (a war
instigated by the Church for religious gain)
 If a war is what the jihad was intended to be then more appropriate
Arabic words would have been used, such as harb (war) or ma’araka
 Muslims who strive for Allah through violence should not be praised for
their obedience and devotion, but punished for their misuse and
disrespect of jihad
 Jihad is not a command to die for Allah, but a command to live for Him
Arugument #2 – Islam is a religion of peace
and tolerance, not one of violence
“Take not life, which Allah has made sacred” – Qur’an – Surah
 Islam considers all of humanity to be the most honourable of all
 Verses from the Qur’an are often taken out of context and are
used as an excuse for violence
The Qur’an is a holy text which persuades peace
Argument #3 – ‘Islamic Extremists’ do not
correctly characterize all Muslims
Extremists – people or groups of people that are prepared to
resort to violence to achieve their goals
 What terrorists stand for completely violates the true teaching of
the Qur’an
 These groups of people do not represent true Islam, but for
 These terrorists use the Islam religion as an excuse for their
Counter Arguments
The Islamic principal of jihad is ‘holy war’ which encourages violence
The Qur’an promotes violence
The extremists are a part of the Islamic religion
Bannerman, Patrick. Islam in Perspective. London Ontario. 1998
Boer, Jan H. Muslims: Why the violence? Belleville Ontario. 2004
Capan, Erguin. Terror and Suicide Attacks. New Jersey. 2004
Einfeld, Jann. Is Islam a Religion of War or Peace? San Diego:
Greenhaven Press. Inc, 2005.
Friedman, Lauri S. What motivates Suicide Bombers? San Diego:
Greenhaven Press. Inc, 2005.
Lawrence, Bruce B. Shattering the Myth. Princeton University
Press. 1998
Radu, Michael. Islamism and Terrorist Groups in Asia. Mason
Crest Publishers. 2006
Roleff, Tamara L. Extremist Groups: Opposing Viewpoints. San
Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc, 2001
Ruthven, Malise. Islam: A very short introduction. New York
Clarendon Street. 1997
Winter, Paul A. Islam: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego:
Greenhaven Press. Inc, 1995.