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The Spread of Islam
Chapter 11 section 2
Section Review
Because of the climate and geography, most early Arabs
were _______ _______ called bedouins
The bedouins were separated into tribes what were the
leaders of these tribes called?
Why was Mecca so important?
Muhammad’s teachings clashed with Arab powers
because it was _________
Every year Arab pilgrims came to _____ to worship at
the Kaaba- a stone building filled with idols
What and became the first base of Islam?
Expansion Under Abu Bakr and Umar
When Muhammad died in AD 632 his followers
chose Abu Bakr as his successor
{He was a friend of Muhammad and one of his
earliest converts and was given the title of Caliph
Caliph means successor to the prophet
Abu Bakr was able to bring the Arabic tribes together
and expand Islam's influence Northward }
Umar succeeded Abu Bakr as Caliph and expansion
Within 25 years of Muhammad's death the Muslim
empire included parts of Syria, Persia and N Africa
Islamic Canvas Art
{The Arabs were often more tolerant of other
religions than other conquerors}
They did not demand that people convert to Islam
They called Christians and Jews “the people of the
book” and accepted the Bible and Torah as part of
gods teachings
They had the choice to convert or pay taxes and if
they chose not to do either they were killed
The Caliphs after Umar continued the expansion
Islamic Community divides
From the time Muhammad died the Islamic
community could not agree on who should be the
next caliph
Eventually this led to a split in the Muslim
There was a disagreement when Uthman was killed
and Ali was chosen to take over
Uthman’s relative Mu awiyah (mooh-AH-wee-ya)
accused Ali of helping the killers and war broke out
between the two.
Ali was killed and Mu awiyah became Caliph
Sunni Mosque
The split
Most Muslims agreed to accept Mu awiyah as
Caliph, eventually becoming known as the
Sunni Muslims
Ali’s followers insisted that only Ali’s
decedents should be Caliph
They became known as the Shi’ah which make
up less than 10% of the Muslim population
Another smaller group called {the Sufi turned
away from worldly possessions and focus on
The Empire continues to Spread
Despite the split the Muslim faith continued to
spread into North Africa and Spain
The Muslims that settled in Spain became
known as the Moors
The Moors tried to take France but the Franks
defeated the Moors and they retreated back to
The era of Muslim expansion lasted until the
1100’s then the Turks became the ruling force
in Islam
The Turks and Islam
The Turks were tough nomadic people that herded as
much as they fought and raided
They developed a warlike culture that encouraged
expansion and conquest
Through this expanding they came in contact with the
Muslim faith and many converted and settled around
the Muslim city of Baghdad
They served the caliph as troops
They supported Islamic laws but a sultan ruled the
Turks and {power shifted away from the caliph as the
Turks gained power}
Part of an Ancient Baghdad Mosque
The Caliph played a symbolic role but later the Turks
won control of Baghdad
They then became the dominant force in the Islamic
Eventually the Turkish Muslims seized Syria,
Mesopotamia and much of Asia minor
They attacked the Byzantines and won some battles
against them
The Turkish Muslims raided northern India and
because they were good at fighting on horseback they
soon took that area as well
Turkish fall
Outside forces slowed Turkish Muslim expansion in
1250 A.D.
Christians form the West captured cities from the
Turks in a series of wars
Around the same time Mongols destroyed Baghdad
Have a good day!