part i muslims and rulers during the precolonial period
... Muslim chroniclers as Muslim kingdoms, these latter two empires were to affect not only political but also economic and religious processes in the whole region. Further political changes, namely the emergence the hegemony of Songhay in the Niger Bend and beyond, as well as the rise of several politi ...
... Muslim chroniclers as Muslim kingdoms, these latter two empires were to affect not only political but also economic and religious processes in the whole region. Further political changes, namely the emergence the hegemony of Songhay in the Niger Bend and beyond, as well as the rise of several politi ...
TPH3703_02_Aljunied 10..28 - National University of Singapore
... such as the global history of Islam, great Muslim personalities, and the history of spiritual movements in Islam, and all his works were reprinted several times by virtue of their popularity. Hamka is particularly worthy of scrutiny because his historical writings have now become a source of referen ...
... such as the global history of Islam, great Muslim personalities, and the history of spiritual movements in Islam, and all his works were reprinted several times by virtue of their popularity. Hamka is particularly worthy of scrutiny because his historical writings have now become a source of referen ...
EARLY MUSLIM PRINTING - UGA Electronic Theses and
... Istanbul in 1725. While the Christian and Jewish communities in Istanbul were utilizing the typographic press to print religious texts for 200 years, the Ottoman Muslim community was not allowed to print religious texts in Arabic script until after 1800. Measuring the timing of early Muslim printing ...
... Istanbul in 1725. While the Christian and Jewish communities in Istanbul were utilizing the typographic press to print religious texts for 200 years, the Ottoman Muslim community was not allowed to print religious texts in Arabic script until after 1800. Measuring the timing of early Muslim printing ...
Zanzibaris or Amakhuwa? Sufi Networks in South Africa
... emphasizes their Makua origins, but focuses on their relations with Durban’s Indian Muslims.5 Gerhardus Oosthuizen pays greater attention to Zanzibari ritual practices and their African indigenous dimensions, but d ...
... emphasizes their Makua origins, but focuses on their relations with Durban’s Indian Muslims.5 Gerhardus Oosthuizen pays greater attention to Zanzibari ritual practices and their African indigenous dimensions, but d ...
Sufism, Islam, and Globalization in the - UNC
... respect to the intellectual basis of the European enlightenment and its sequels; this means that secularism, the prestige of modern science, and all the apparatus of modern societies (universities, the press, etc.) became contexts in which Sufism has had to find a place. In addition, Sufi groups hav ...
... respect to the intellectual basis of the European enlightenment and its sequels; this means that secularism, the prestige of modern science, and all the apparatus of modern societies (universities, the press, etc.) became contexts in which Sufism has had to find a place. In addition, Sufi groups hav ...
Muslim Brotherhood Networks in South-Eastern Europe
... New brotherhoods or branches of brotherhoods also spread into Rumelian territory at this era, and sometimes as late as the end of the nineteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. These were especially brotherhoods originating in Arabia. The Sadiyye, since the beginning of the eighteenth cen ...
... New brotherhoods or branches of brotherhoods also spread into Rumelian territory at this era, and sometimes as late as the end of the nineteenth to the beginning of the twentieth century. These were especially brotherhoods originating in Arabia. The Sadiyye, since the beginning of the eighteenth cen ...
The Medieval Canon and the Renaissance Image of the Turk: A
... maintains that the innovative contribution of the humanists to the western conception of the Turk should not be “underappreciated or dismissed as old wine in new bottles.”22 Perhaps the lynchpin of Bisaha’s entire argument that the Renaissance image of the Turk represents a genuine break from the m ...
... maintains that the innovative contribution of the humanists to the western conception of the Turk should not be “underappreciated or dismissed as old wine in new bottles.”22 Perhaps the lynchpin of Bisaha’s entire argument that the Renaissance image of the Turk represents a genuine break from the m ...
... groups are to be favored or despised (Schaeffer, 2006). In contrast with personality-centered approaches that view prejudice as an indicator of a malfunction personality, culture-based approaches see prejudice as an indicator of a normal and well-adjusted personality to its prejudiced environment. I ...
sas~11_2 - Prelim-NEW
... various kinds gathered a momentum in Hyderabad that became increasingly difficult to resist. Along with the wider sense of the disenfranchisement of Islam in colonial South Asia, Christian as well as Hindu missionary activity contributed to the determination of many of the advisors of Nizm Usmn ...
... various kinds gathered a momentum in Hyderabad that became increasingly difficult to resist. Along with the wider sense of the disenfranchisement of Islam in colonial South Asia, Christian as well as Hindu missionary activity contributed to the determination of many of the advisors of Nizm Usmn ...
the complete book here.
... group of terrorists professing Islam hijacked U.S. passenger planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, causing severe human and material loss. These wanton acts of terrorism shocked the world and generated unanim ...
... group of terrorists professing Islam hijacked U.S. passenger planes and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and Shanksville, Pennsylvania, causing severe human and material loss. These wanton acts of terrorism shocked the world and generated unanim ...
A Minbar for Sultan Qa`itbay - Museums
... Carpets are the most familiar form of Islamic arts in Europe, especially those from Turkey, which have been imported since the Middle Ages. By contrast, Iranian carpets were little known in Europe until the 17th century. In the 16th century, the Safavid rulers of Iran set up workshops to make hand-k ...
... Carpets are the most familiar form of Islamic arts in Europe, especially those from Turkey, which have been imported since the Middle Ages. By contrast, Iranian carpets were little known in Europe until the 17th century. In the 16th century, the Safavid rulers of Iran set up workshops to make hand-k ...
Aceh, Nusantara and the Islamic Khilafah
... military ties with the Uthmani Khilafah. 27 This report was verified by Portuguese historical sources. Bishop Jorge de Lemos, the Secretary of the Portuguese Viceroy of Goa in 993 H/1585 AD, reported to Lisbon that Aceh had been back in touch with the Uthmani Khilafah to seek for military assistane ...
... military ties with the Uthmani Khilafah. 27 This report was verified by Portuguese historical sources. Bishop Jorge de Lemos, the Secretary of the Portuguese Viceroy of Goa in 993 H/1585 AD, reported to Lisbon that Aceh had been back in touch with the Uthmani Khilafah to seek for military assistane ...
The Legacy of Jihad
... Oppenheim became the head of the Oriental News Department, employing native Muslims and establishing 75 propaganda centers in the Ottoman Empire. Some called his jihad strategy war by revolution, but it was an asymmetrical war waged by incitement to jihad in anti-imperial uprisings. It was a double ...
... Oppenheim became the head of the Oriental News Department, employing native Muslims and establishing 75 propaganda centers in the Ottoman Empire. Some called his jihad strategy war by revolution, but it was an asymmetrical war waged by incitement to jihad in anti-imperial uprisings. It was a double ...
Identity in Zadie Smith`s White Teeth Identita v díle Zadie Smith Bílé
... The story takes place in North London, a place with high diversity and known for the mixing up of cultures, from 1970s till 1990s. Some scenes refer back to World War II, where Samad and Archie met and who find each other some years later in ...
... The story takes place in North London, a place with high diversity and known for the mixing up of cultures, from 1970s till 1990s. Some scenes refer back to World War II, where Samad and Archie met and who find each other some years later in ...
15292 - Rochester Institute of Technology
... 15292.txt The Gannett Lecture Series March 24, 2005 "Has a Clash of Civilizations Begun?: Islam and the West" Presented by: Ali A. Mazrui Discussed by: Amit Ray and Paul Grebinger >> GOOD EVENING. WELCOME TO THE SPRING QUARTER SERIES OF LECTURES IN THE CAROLINE WERNER GANNETT LECTURE SERIES. MY NAME ...
... 15292.txt The Gannett Lecture Series March 24, 2005 "Has a Clash of Civilizations Begun?: Islam and the West" Presented by: Ali A. Mazrui Discussed by: Amit Ray and Paul Grebinger >> GOOD EVENING. WELCOME TO THE SPRING QUARTER SERIES OF LECTURES IN THE CAROLINE WERNER GANNETT LECTURE SERIES. MY NAME ...
Uncovered Faith
... 97% of all citizens in Turkey are Muslims1. All people born of parents of different Muslim faiths and ethnicities are included in this percentage. The remaining 3% is mainly Jews or Christians by birth. A majority figure of this size may sound like a homogeneous group of citizens but any visitor to ...
... 97% of all citizens in Turkey are Muslims1. All people born of parents of different Muslim faiths and ethnicities are included in this percentage. The remaining 3% is mainly Jews or Christians by birth. A majority figure of this size may sound like a homogeneous group of citizens but any visitor to ...
The role of Balkan Muslims in building a European Islam
... immigrants and citizens, compared with only 800,000 in 1950. Islam is no longer just a foreign policy issue, but has become a domestic concern as well. Muslim communities have grown rapidly in Europe in recent decades and Islam has emerged as the second most followed religion in many European states ...
... immigrants and citizens, compared with only 800,000 in 1950. Islam is no longer just a foreign policy issue, but has become a domestic concern as well. Muslim communities have grown rapidly in Europe in recent decades and Islam has emerged as the second most followed religion in many European states ...
Guide for Foster Carers Caring for Muslim Children
... (Old Testament), the Zabur (Psalms), the Injil (New Testament) and finally the Qur’an (Final Testament), which was revealed to Muhammad. ...
... (Old Testament), the Zabur (Psalms), the Injil (New Testament) and finally the Qur’an (Final Testament), which was revealed to Muhammad. ...
The Diversity of Muslims in the United States
... 45 percent holding favorable views in March 2001, prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The Pew Global Attitudes Project, a seventeen-nation, 17,000-respondent global attitudes survey, found that the majority of Muslims believe radicalism poses a threat to the stability of their respective countries. ...
... 45 percent holding favorable views in March 2001, prior to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The Pew Global Attitudes Project, a seventeen-nation, 17,000-respondent global attitudes survey, found that the majority of Muslims believe radicalism poses a threat to the stability of their respective countries. ...
Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam
... audience. The nine studies reprinted here deal with several important themes: the first Civil War and the social and political tensions underlying it, early Islamic historiography, the early Arab conquests, relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, and the mihna (“inquisition”) in Early ‘Abbāsid t ...
... audience. The nine studies reprinted here deal with several important themes: the first Civil War and the social and political tensions underlying it, early Islamic historiography, the early Arab conquests, relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, and the mihna (“inquisition”) in Early ‘Abbāsid t ...
a history of islamic societies, third edition - Assets
... details Islam’s worldwide diffusion to Africa; Spain; Turkey and the Balkans; Central, South, and Southeast Asia; and North America. The book has been updated to include historical developments in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The narrative is unified by its focus on the organization ...
... details Islam’s worldwide diffusion to Africa; Spain; Turkey and the Balkans; Central, South, and Southeast Asia; and North America. The book has been updated to include historical developments in the first decade of the twenty-first century. The narrative is unified by its focus on the organization ...
... • Following period of decline, spectacular phase of expansion began • Mid-1400s, reign of Mehmed II, strong military leader • Mehmed II determined to take Constantinople, Byzantine capital ...
... • Following period of decline, spectacular phase of expansion began • Mid-1400s, reign of Mehmed II, strong military leader • Mehmed II determined to take Constantinople, Byzantine capital ...
I. The Balkan Muslim populations - Hal-SHS
... identity are particularly strong in Kosovo and Macedonia, where Islam serves as an “ethnic marker” against Orthodox Serbs and Macedonians and facilitates the “Albanisation” of smaller Muslim populations.11 It is therefore necessary to define the historical singularity that characterises Balkan Musli ...
... identity are particularly strong in Kosovo and Macedonia, where Islam serves as an “ethnic marker” against Orthodox Serbs and Macedonians and facilitates the “Albanisation” of smaller Muslim populations.11 It is therefore necessary to define the historical singularity that characterises Balkan Musli ...
Book Chapter
... to Mozambique, we have few documentary sources of information about the East African coast north of the Ruvuma River. One of the few is the journal kept by Acting Lieutenant James Emery of the British Royal Navy during his twenty-threemonth residence in Mombasa, from August 1824 to July 1826. Emery ...
... to Mozambique, we have few documentary sources of information about the East African coast north of the Ruvuma River. One of the few is the journal kept by Acting Lieutenant James Emery of the British Royal Navy during his twenty-threemonth residence in Mombasa, from August 1824 to July 1826. Emery ...
On the Use of the Islamic Formulae Basmala and Shahada Among
... reproduction of basic religious-ethical concepts and prescriptions which the basic Islamic sources contain, established itself. This tradition to a large extent depended on the interrelations between (at least) three languages. (1) The first was Bulgarian – the language of everyday communication, an ...
... reproduction of basic religious-ethical concepts and prescriptions which the basic Islamic sources contain, established itself. This tradition to a large extent depended on the interrelations between (at least) three languages. (1) The first was Bulgarian – the language of everyday communication, an ...
Islam in Romania
Islam in Romania is followed by only 0.3 percent of population, but has 700 years of tradition in Northern Dobruja, a region on the Black Sea coast which was part of the Ottoman Empire for almost five centuries (ca. 1420-1878). In present-day Romania, most adherents to Islam belong to the Tatar and Turkish ethnic communities and follow the Sunni doctrine. The Islamic religion is one of the 16 rites awarded state recognition.According to tradition, Islam was first established locally around Sufi leader Sari Saltik during the Byzantine epoch. The Islamic presence in Northern Dobruja was expanded by Ottoman overseeing and successive immigration, but has been in steady decline since the late 19th century. In Wallachia and Moldavia, the two Danubian Principalities, the era of Ottoman suzerainty was not accompanied by a growth in the number of Muslims, whose presence there was always marginal. Also linked to the Ottoman Empire, groups of Islamic colonists in other parts of present-day Romania were relocated by the Habsburg expansion or by various other political changes.After Northern Dobruja became part of Romania following the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, the community preserved its self-determining status. This changed during the communist regime, when Romanian Muslims were subject to a measure of supervision by the state, but the group again emancipated itself after the Romanian Revolution of 1989. Its interests are represented by the Muftiyat (Muftiyatul Cultului Musulman din România), which was created as the reunion of two separate such institutions.