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Islam & the Arab Empire
Ch 3.1, p. 43
The Arab Empire
600 - 1400
• Begins in __________________
• Muhammad, early 600s
• Followers called Muslims
• By 700s, Arabs lived from Spain and Morocco
to the border of India!
• Big cities:
• Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo, Cordoba
Ch 3.1 Vocab
Five Pillars of Islam
Arabian Trade
• Nomads traded in a harsh desert land.
– Always searching for an ________
• After domestication of the ______, trade
expanded further inland
– Communities along trade routes began to
Arabian Peninsula
• Becomes increasingly important because of trade
• Tensions begin to arise…
• Wealthy merchants start to show little concern
for lower income groups.
• Early Arabs were _____________
• BUT with a supreme god called ________
• Allah’s Black Stone was/is placed in a sacred
central shrine in Makkah
Life of Muhammad
• Born in _______
– Orphaned at age 5
• Troubled by gap btwn rich and poor
• Meditates and receives revelations from God
– Nobody believes him in home town
• Road trip
Muhammad’s Road Trip
• Discouraged by persecution of his followers and
Mecca’s rejection of his message
• Leaves for Madinah in 622 with only his closest
followers (<30 ppl)
• ______ became year 1 of the official Islam calendar
• Still used today
• Returns to Mecca in 630 with….10,000 followers
• __________ support
Islam cometh…
• Modern Islam is ___________
– Allah = God
• __________ is considered a prophet
• The Quran is the sacred book of
Five ________ of Islam
• Each slightly more complicated than listed
below, but know the general idea…
Shari’ah (law)
• Islamic law
• Based on Quran and Sunnah
• Unlike other religions, Islam openly
regulates business ______________
Islamic Law
• Stresses the need to obey will of Allah and
practice Five Pillars
– _________________________________________
• Islam is considered a way of life, not just a
• Shari’ah (law) applies the Quran to everyday
– Regulates all aspects of life, no separation of civil
or political law
Popular World Religions
• Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all monotheistic
• ___________ believe that Allah revealed himself
through Moses and Jesus but that Allah’s final
revelations came through _____________.
– Muhammad is not “divine” to Muslims, just a prophet
• BUT Christians believe Jesus to be divine.
• Moses is a key prophet in all three faiths, but is
critically important in Judaism.
Ch 3.1 Discussion & Review
• What is the code of Islamic law which also
regulates everyday life?
– ___________________
• According to Islamic teaching, Muhammad
received revelations from communication with
– ___________________
• List the Five Pillars of Islam.
– _________________________________________
Hot Sauce
• What is the significance of Shari’ah in the lives of
• Why did communities on the Arabian Peninsula
prosper economically?
• What was the significance of Gabriel’s messages to
Muhammad according to Islamic teachings?
The Arab Empire & Caliphates
Ch 3.2, p. 50
Ch 3.2 Vocab
Succession Post-Muhammad
• No estate planner. 
– Lots of assassinations b/c no clear line of succesion
• ______________
– 632-634: subdued internal conflict, expanded land
• Umar
– 634-644: Islamic calendar, expansion cont’d., allowed ppl
to keep personal faiths
• Uthman and then Ali
– Both couldn’t control unrest, madness ensues.
Abu Bakr
• Muhammad’s father-in-law
• And chief advisor
• Chose as political and religious successor in 632
• Unites Muslim world despite revolts
• Conquests into _______________________________
• Ruled the empire from Madinah
• Also dies with ___________________!
And then….the ____________
• Hereditary _____________
– Mu’awiya, an Arab general founded line in 661
• Capital moved to Damascus
• Continued expansions
– Entire coast of North Africa and Most of Spain, and parts
of Asia!
• BUT setbacks ensued…
– The Byzantines and Franks defeated the Arabs in 717
and 732, halting inroads in Europe
Hussein’s revolt in Iraq!
Abbasid Dynasty and Seljuk Turks
• In 750, Abu al-’abbas (descendant of
Muhammad’s uncle) overthrew the
–____________ dynasty is born
–Capital moved to Baghdad
Abbasid Dynasty
• Influenced by Persians and other foreign
– Shift of focus from _________________________
– Lots of trade and tolerance of foreign ideas
• Art and literature flourish
– More complex bureaucracy
Abbasid Cont’d.
• Decline and Division
– Financial corruption
– Fighting over succession
• Shortage of qualified ‘Arabs’ so Persians and
Turks start to ________________
– Over time this leads to division in the Muslim
Seljuk Turks
Originally ___________ ppl from central Asia
Served in the Abbasid Army
Converted to Islam
Slowly took over eastern provinces of Abbasid
• IN 1055 a Seljuk Turk became the political
leader (sultan) of the empire
– While the Abbasid caliph remained head of
Ch 3.2 Discussion & Review
• What Abbasid caliphate ruled during the a golden
– ____________________________________________
• When Muhammad passed away, Abu-Bakr took
control. What was their relationship?
– ____________________________________________
• The __________ were a pastoral ppl in Northern
African who were conquered/converted to Islam.
– ________________
Extra Goodies
• What is the significance of Abu Bakr being named
• Why was there tension over who should rule the
empire after the death of Muhammad?
• What changes did the Abbasid rulers bring to the
world of Islam?
Islamic Civilizations
Ch 3.3, p. 55
Ch 2.3 Vocab
Prosperity in Islamic World
• Thriving Trade
– Extensive trade network, Africa to India to
• Cities
– ________________________
• Awesome palaces, _________, public
buildings and ____________
• Arab Empire traded like crazy
–Think ____________
–Influence of Islam increased as well
• Development of ___________
–___________ used
Islamic Society
• Social Structure – equal to Allah, but not everyone
– _____________
– __________________: Inferior, usually served as
soldiers or domestic servants.
• Slaves could purchase or be granted freedom
– _______________
• Equal per Quran, but Men decided otherwise…
–Arranged marriages by guardians
Social Structure, Cont’d.
• Upper Class
– Ruling families
– Nomadic elites
– Senior officials
– __________ merchants
Social Structure, Cont’d.
• Non-Muslims/Slaves
– Most came from Africa and Asia
– Sometimes capture in war
– Many served in army or as domestic servants
– Islamic law says that slaves must be treated _____
AND that it was a “good act” to free them.
Social Structure, Cont’d.
• Women
– Quran says that women have spiritual and social
____________ with men.
• Right to own and inherit property shared btwn
– BUT over time Islamic ideas were eroded by older
customs, _______________________
• Every woman has a male guardian
• Some kept from contact w/ males
• Body covering = mandatory
Philosophy, Science and History
• Contributions to Planet Earth
– Preservation of ancient knowledge
• Especially good when the Library at Alexandria burned
– Math: invented ________, adopted numerals from India
– Astronomy
– Medicine: __________________
– History!
• Historian, Ibn-Khaldun, adopted
Literature, Art and Architecture
• Spiritual glory is key
• Literary works
– Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam (poetry)
• Visual
– Islamic art included Arab, Turkish and Persian
traditions. _________________important, instead
of human portrayals.
• Mosques & Palaces
– Samarra
Ch 3.3 Discussion & Review
• T/F: Slavery was widespread in the Islamic
– _______________
• What was a mathematical discipline invented
by the Arabs?
– __________________
• How far did Arab trade routes extend?
– ______________________
MOAR! (sic)
• Why was the bazaar an important part of a Muslim
city or town?
• What were the major contributions of Islamic
• What factors allowed both urban and rural areas to
flourish after the eighth century within the Arab