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Pieces of lithosphere
that move around on
top of asthenosphere
Act like pieces of a
jigsaw puzzle that fit
together to form
Not all tectonic plates
are the same
Differences in size and
North American plate
versus Cocos plate
Parts of crust they
Cocos and Nazca plates:
only oceanic crust
 North plate: continental
and oceanic crust
Continental drift:
theory that continents
can drift apart
Proposed by Alfred
Originally rejected
because of lack of
Fossil findings
Mesosaurus (reptile)
Glossopteris (plant)
 Found on four different
Glacier activity
Grooves created over
time match up when
continents once fit
Pangaea: “all earth”
Began over 225-245
million years ago
Panthalassa: “all sea”
Both Greek terms
65 million years ago
Further breakup
Process by which new
oceanic lithosphere is
Occurs at mid-ocean ridges
Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Underwater mountain
chains that run through
Earth’s ocean basins
Sea floor spreads as
tectonic plates spread
Magma rises to fill gap
newly created gap
Newest crust is found
along ocean ridges
Oldest found near
edges of continents
New lithosphere
Process in which Earth’s magnetic poles
change place
Provides evidence of sea-floor spreading
Molten rock contains tiny grains of magnetic
minerals (act like compasses)
Once molten rock cools minerals are “set in stone”
Magnetic fields reverse each time a new band starts