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Name____________________________Date_____________________Period/teacher_____________________ Chapter 8 Vocabulary Study Guide 1. Alfred Wegner hypothesized that continents move. What did he call this? __________________________ 2. The ________________________ is located directly under the lithosphere. This is a layer of hotter and softer rock in the mantle. 3. The switch in the Earth’s magnetic field is called: _______________________________________ 4. A solid sphere of metal at the Earth’s center: _________________________________ 5. This deep valley is formed as tectonic plates move apart and is found along a mid-ocean ridge: _________________________. 6. What type of boundaries push together? _______________________________ 7. This layer of Earth is where we live. ______________________________ 8. __________________________ are places where heated rocks rise from the mantle in plumes or columns. The Hawaiian islands were formed by this. 9. When two plates carrying continental crust push together, this is __________________________________. 10. The ______________________is Earth’s thickest layer and it surrounds the outer core. 11. _________________ means “all lands”. A supercontinent that included all of Earth’s landmasses. 12. The transfer of heat by the movement of material: ____________________________ 13. A _______________________________ is a long line of sea-floor mountains where new ocean crust is formed by volcanic activity. 14. The theory that states that Earth’s lithosphere is made up of huge plates that move over the surface of the Earth is: _____________________________________________________. 15. ________________________ is the process by which an oceanic tectonic plate sinks under another plate. 16. _______________________________________ occurs where one plate with oceanic curst sinks under another place is oceanic crust. 17. This boundary is found in the ocean and the plates move apart: ________________________________ 18. The ______________________ is the layer of Earth that includes the very top of the mantle. 19. A layer of molten metal that surrounds the Earth’s inner core: ____________________________ 20. ________________________________ occurs when oceanic crust sinks under a continental crust. 21. Large moving pieces on which Earth’s lithosphere is broken and carries oceanic and continental crust:________________________________. 22. The San Andreas Fault is an example of :_______________________________ 23. A motion that transfers heat energy to a material: ________________________________ inner core outer core mantle crust lithosphere asthenosphere tectonic plates continental drift Pangaea mid-ocean ridge convection convection current theory of plate tectonics divergent boundary convergent boundary transform boundary rift valley magnetic reversal hot spots subduction continental-continental collision oceanic-oceanic subduction oceanic-continental subduction