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APES Unit 2 Abiotic and Biotic Parts of Ecosystems La Cañada High School Living in the Environment by Miller, 11th Edition Chapter 3 Matter and Energy Resources Matter and Energy Resources: Types and Concepts 3-1: Matter: Forms, Structure, and Quality 3-2: Energy: Forms and Quality 3-3: Physical and Chemical Changes and the Law of Conservation of Matter 3-4: Nuclear Changes 3-5: The Two Ironclad Laws of Energy 3-6: Connections: Matter and Energy Laws and Environmental Problems Matter Forms, Structure, and Quality Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter is found in two chemical forms: elements and compounds. Various elements, compounds, or both can be found together in mixtures. Solid, Liquid, and Gas Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Atoms: The smallest unit of matter that is unique to a particular element. Ions: Electrically charged atoms or combinations of atoms. Molecules: Combinations of two or more atoms of the same or different elements held together by chemical bonds. What are Atoms? The main building blocks of an atom are positively charged PROTONS, uncharged NEUTRONS, and negatively charged ELECTRONS Each atom has an extremely small center, or nucleus, containing protons and neutrons. http://zebu.uoregon.edu/~js/ast123/images/atom.jpg Atomic Number and Mass Number. Atomic number The number of protons in the nucleus of each of its atoms. Mass The number total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. Elements are organized through the periodic table by classifications of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids Inorganic Compounds All compounds not Organic Ionic Compounds Sodium chloride (NaCl) Sodium bicarbonate (NaOH) Covalent compounds Hydrogen(H2) Carbon dioxide (CO2) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Ammonia (NH3) Formation of Ionic Compounds Transfer of electrons between the atoms of these elements result in drastic changes to the elements involved Sodium and chlorine serves as a example Sodium is a rather "soft" metal solid, with a silver-gray color Chlorine is greenish colored gas Sodium chloride, commonly called table salt -- a white, crystalline, and brittle solid Inorganic Compounds The earth’s crust is composed of mostly inorganic minerals and rock The crust is the source of all most nonrenewable resource we use: Various combinations of only fossil fuels, metallic eight elements make up the bulk of most minerals. minerals, etc. Nonmetallic Elements. Carbon (C), Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Sulfur (S), Hydrogen (H), and Phosphorous (P) Nonmetallic elements make up about 99% of the atoms of all living things Covalent Bonds The individual atoms are atoms of chlorine with only their valence electrons shown. Note that each chlorine atom has only seven valence electrons, but really wants eight. When each chlorine atom shares its unpaired electron, both atoms are tricked into thinking each has a full valence of eight electrons. Notice that the individual atoms have full freedom from each other, but once the bond is formed, energy is released, and the new chlorine molecule (Cl2) behaves as a single particle. A covalent bond is typically formed by two non-metals Non-metals have similar electronegativities Neither atom is "strong" enough to steal electrons from the other Therefore, the atoms must share the electrons. Organic Compounds Compounds containing carbon atoms combined with each other with atoms of one or more other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, etc. Hydrocarbons Chlorofluorocarbons Compounds of carbon and hydrogen Carbon, chlorine, and fluorine atoms Simple carbohydrates carbon, hydrogen, oxygen combinations Organic Compounds Hydrocarbons Chlorofluorocarbons Biological Organic Compounds Carbohydrates (Glucose) Protein (Cytochrome P450) Biological Organic Compounds Lipid (Triglyceride) Nucleic Acid (DNA) Earth’s Crust Matter Quality Matter quality is a measure of how useful a matter resource is, based in its availability and concentration. High quality matter is organized, concentrated, and usually found near the earth’s crust. Low quality is disorganized, dilute, and has little potential for use as a matter resource. Quality Counts HIGH QUALITY LOW QUALITY Energy Energy is the capacity to do work and transfer heat. Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy that matter has because of its mass and its speed or velocity. It is energy in action or motion. Wind, flowing streams, falling rocks, electricity, moving car - all have kinetic energy. Potential Energy Potential energy is stored energy that is potential available for use. Potential energy can be changed to kinetic energy. Electromagnetic Spectrum The range of electromagnetic waves, which differ in wavelength (distance between successive peaks or troughs) and energy content. Energy Quality Very High High Hydrogen gas, Natural gas, and Coal. Moderate Electricity, Nuclear fission, and Concentrated sunlight. Normal sunlight, and wood. Low Low-temperature heat and dispersed geothermal energy. Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy In any nuclear change, the total amount of matter and energy involved remains the same. E = mc2 The energy created by the release of the strong nuclear forces for 1 kilogram of matter will produce enough energy to elevated the temperature of all the water used in the Los Angeles basin in one day by 10,000oC Natural Radioactive Decay Natural radioactive decay is a nuclear change in which unstable isotopes spontaneously emit fast moving particles, high energy radiation, or both at a fixed rate. Alpha, Beta, Gamma Rays. Nuclear Fission Nuclear fission is a nuclear change in which nuclei of certain isotopes with large mass numbers are split apart into lighter nuclei when struck by neutrons, each fission releases two or three more neutrons and energy. What is Nuclear Fusion? Nuclear Fusion is a nuclear change in which two isotopes of light elements, such as hydrogen, are forced together at extremely high temperatures until they fuse to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy in the process. The First Law of Thermodynamics In all physical can chemical changes, energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it may be converted from one form to another. The Second Law of Thermodynamics. Physical, chemical, and electrical energy can be completely changed into heat. But the reverse (heat into physical energy, for example) cannot be fully accomplished without outside help or without an inevitable loss of energy in the form of irretrievable heat. This does not mean that the energy is destroyed; it means that it becomes unavailable for producing work. High Waste or High-Throughput Societies Most of today’s advanced industrialized countries are high waste or high throughput societies They attempt to sustain ever-increasing economic growth by increasing the throughput of matter and energy resources in their economic systems. Matter Recycling Societies A stopgap solution to this problem is to convert an unsustainable high-throughput society to a matter-recycling society. Low Waste Societies The three scientific laws governing matter and energy changes indicate that the best long-term solution to our environmental and resource problems is to shift from a society based on maximizing matter and energy flow to a sustainable low waste society. Chapter 4 Ecology, Ecosystems, and Food Webs Chapter 4 Ecology, Ecosystems, and Food Webs 4-1 Ecology and Life 4-2 Earth’s Life-Support Systems 4-3 Ecosystem Concept 4-4 Food Webs and Energy Flow in Ecosystems 4-5 How do Ecologists learn about Ecosystems? 4-6 Ecosystem Services and Sustainability 4-1 Ecology and Life Ecology- study of relationships between organisms and their environment Ecology examines how organisms interact with their nonliving (abiotic) environment such as sunlight, temperature, moisture, and vital nutrients Biotic interaction among organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, and the ecosphere Distinction between Species Wild species- one that exists as a population of individuals in a natural habitat, ideally similar to the one in which its ancestors evolved Domesticated speciesanimals such as cows, sheep, food crops, animals in zoos Vocabulary Population- a group of interacting individuals of the same species that occupy a specific area at the same time Genetic diversity- populations that are dynamic groups that change in size, age distribution, density, and genetic composition as a result of changes in environmental conditions Habitat – the place where a population or individual organism naturally lives Community – a complex interacting network of plants, animals, and microorganisms Ecosystem – community of different species interacting with one another and with their nonliving environment of matter and energy Ecosphere or Biosphere – all of earth's ecosystems What is Life? All life shares a set of basic characteristics that enable growth, survival, and reproduction Living organisms are made of cells that have highly organized internal structure and functions Living organisms have characteristic types of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules in each cell Living organisms capture and transform matter and energy from their environment to supply their needs for survival, growth, and reproduction Living organisms maintain favorable internal conditions, despite changes in their external environment through homeostasis, if not overstressed Living organisms perpetuate themselves through reproduction Living organisms adapt to changes in environmental conditions through the process of evolution 4-2 Earth’s LifeSupport Systems The Earth contains several layers or concentric spheres Core- innermost zone, mostly iron, solid inner part, surrounded by a liquid core of molten material Mantle- surrounded by a thick, solid zone, largest zone, rich with iron, silicon, oxygen, and magnesium, very hot Crust- outermost and thinnest zone, eight elements make up 98.5% of the weight of the earth’s crust Lithosphere- earth’s crust and upper mantle Atmosphere- thin envelope of air around the planet Troposphere- extends about 17 kilometers above sea level, contains nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and is where weather occurs Stratosphere- 17-48 kilometers above sea level, lower portions contains enough ozone (O3) to filter out most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation Hydrosphere- consists of the earth’s liquid water, ice, and water vapor in the atmosphere What Sustains Life on Earth? Life on the earth depends on three interconnected factors One-way flow of high-quality energy from the sun Cycling of matter or nutrients (all atoms, ions, or molecules needed for survival by living organisms), through all parts of the ecosphere Gravity, which allows the planet to hold onto its atmosphere and causes the downward movement of chemicals in the matter cycles Solar Energy Sun Fireball of hydrogen (72%) and helium (28%) Nuclear fusion Sun existed for 6 Billion years. Sun will stay for another 6.5 billion years. 72% of solar energy warms the lands 0.023% of solar energy is captured by green plants and bacteria Powers the cycling of matter and weather system Distributes heat and fresh water www.bom.gov.au/lam/climate/levelthree/ climch/clichgr1.htm Type of Nutrients Nutrient – Any atom ion, or molecule an organism needs to live grow or reproduce Macronutrient – nutrient that organisms need in large amount Ex: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen… etc Ex: phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, iron … etc Micronutrient – nutrient that organism need in small amount Ex: zinc, sodium, copper… etc Climate long-term weather; main factor determining what type of life will be in a certain area. Biomes Large regions characterized by distinct climate, and specific lifeforms Ecosphere Separation The Ecosphere and it’s ecosystem can be separated into two parts Abiotic- nonliving, components Ex: air, water, solar energy Physical and chemical factors that influence living organisms Biotic- living, components Ex: plants and animals Range of Tolerance The existence, abundance, and distribution of a species in an ecosystem are determined by the levels of one or more physical or chemical factors Differences in genetic makeup, health, and age. Ex: trout has to live in colder water than bass Limiting Factor Principle Too much or too little of any abiotic factor can limit growth of population, even if all the other factors are at optimum (favorable) range of tolerance. Ex: If a farmer plants corn in phosphorus-poor soil, even if water, nitrogen are in a optimum levels, corn will stop growing, after it uses up available phosphorus. Dissolved Oxygen Content Amount of oxygen gas dissolved in a given volume of water at a particular temperature and pressure. Limiting factor of aquatic ecosystem Salinity Amount of salt dissolved in given volume of water Living Organisms in Ecosystem 1. Producers or autotrophs- makes their own food from compounds obtained from environment. Photosynthesis- ability of producer to convert sunlight, abiotic nutrients to sugars and other complex organic compounds. Chlorophyll- traps solar energy and converts into chemical energy. Carbon dioxide+water+solar energy glucose + oxygen Producers transform 1-5% of absorbed energy into chemical energy (glucose), which is stored in complex carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acid in plant tissue Chemosynthesis Bacteria can convert simple compounds from their environment into more complex nutrient compound without sunlight Ex: becomes consumed by tubeworms, clams, crabs Bacteria can survive in great amount of heat Consumers or Heterotrophs Obtain energy and nutrient by feeding on other organisms or their remains 2. Herbivores (plant-eaters) or primary consumers- they feed directly on producers 3. Carnivores (meat eater) or secondary consumers-feed only on primary consumer Lion, Tiger 4. Tertiary (higher-level) consumer- feed only on other carnivores Deer, goats, rabbits Wolf 5. Omnivores- consumers that eat both plants and animals Ex: pigs, humans, bears 6. Scavengers- feed on dead organisms 7. Detritivores- live off detritus Vultures, flies, crows, shark Detritus parts of dead organisms and wastes of living organisms. 8. Detritus feeders- extract nutrients from partly decomposed organic matter plant debris, and animal dung. 9. Decomposers- Fungi and bacteria that breaks down and recycles organic materials from wastes of all organisms. Dead organisms waste to nutrients Food sources for worms and insects Biodegradable- can be broken down by decomposers Respiration Aerobic respiration- uses oxygen to convert organic nutrients back into carbon dioxide and water Glucose + oxygen Carbon dioxide + water + energy Anaerobic respiration or fermentation-form of cellular respiration, decomposers get energy they need through breakdown of glucose in oxygen Decomposers complete the cycle of matter by breaking down organic waste, dead animal. Plant litter and garbage. Whether dead or alive organisms are potential (standard) sources of food for other organisms. Food Chain-Series of organisms in which each eats or decomposes the preceding one Second Law of Energy Organisms need high quality chemical energy to move, grow and reproduce, and this energy is converted into low-quality heat that flows into environment Trophic levels or feeding levels Producer is a first trophic level primary consumer is second trophic level secondary consumer is third Decomposers process detritus from all trophic levels. Food web-complex network of interconnected food chains. Food web and chains are oneway flow of energy and cycling of nutrients through ecosystem. Food Webs Grazing food webs: energy and nutrients move from plants to herbivores, then through an array of carnivores, and eventually to decomposers Detrital food webs: organic waste material or detritus is the major food source, and energy flows mainly from producers (plants) to decomposers and detritivores. Biomass Dry weight of all organic matter contained in organisms. Biomass is measured in dry weight because water is not a nutrient or a source of energy Ex: biomass of first trophic levels are dry mass of all producers On successive trophic level, biomass is neither eaten, digested, nor absorbed; it simple goes through the intestinal tract of consumer and is expelled as fecal waste. Useable energy transferred as biomass varies from 5%-20% Pyramid of Energy Flow More steps or trophic levels in food chain or web, greater loss of usable energy as energy flows through trophic levels More trophic levels the Chains or Webs have more energy is consumed after each one. That’s why food chains and webs rarely have more than 4 steps Pyramid of biomass- storage of biomass at various trophic levels of ecosystem NOTE: After every trophic level less and less energy is transferred Producer gets the most amount of energy, that’s why there is a lot of producers, herbivores consume producers however they need to consume they get less energy then producers by consuming them Carnivores get much less energy than herbivores, that’s why there are more herbivores than carnivores, and carnivores Pyramid of Numbers Number of organisms at each trophic level Gross primary productivity (GPP)- rate in which producers convert solar energy into chemical energy as biomass in a given amount of time Net primary productivity (NPP)- Rate in which energy for use by consumers is stored in new biomass. Measured in kilocalories per square meter per year or grams in biomass NPP is limit determining the planet’s carrying capacity for all species. 59% of NPP occurs in land / 41% occurs in ocean Ecological Efficiency Percentage of energy transferred from one trophic level to another. 10% ecological efficiency green plants transfer 10,000 units of energy from sun only about 1000 energy will be available for herbivores 100 units for primary consumer 10 units for secondary consumer Ways to unravel workings of ecosystem Field research- going into nature and observing ecosystem Laboratory research- observe and making measurements under laboratory condition System analysis- view ecosystem and study their structure and functions (1960s) FIELD RESEARCH Going into nature and observing/measuring the structure of ecosystems Majority of what we know now comes from this type Disadvantage is that it is expensive, timeconsuming, and difficult to carry out experiments due to many variables LABORATORY RESEARCH Set up, observation, and measurement of model ecosystems under laboratory conditions Conditions can easily be controlled and are quick and cheap Disadvantage is that it is never certain whether or not result in a laboratory will be the same as a result in a complex, natural ecosystem SYSTEMS ANALYSIS Simulation of ecosystem rather than study real ecosystem Helps understand large and very complicated systems Why is the Ecosystem important? Ecosystem services: natural services or earth capital that support life on the earth and are essential to the quality of human life and to the functioning of the world’s economies Ecosystem services include: Controlling and moderating climate Providing and renewing air, water, soil Recycling vital nutrients through chemical cycling Why is the Ecosystem important? Providing renewable and nonrenewable energy sources and nonrenewable minerals Furnishing people with food, fiber, medicines, timber, and paper Pollinating crops and other plant species Absorbing, diluting, and detoxifying many pollutants and toxic chemicals Helping control populations of pests and disease organisms Slowing erosion and preventing flooding Providing biodiversity of genes and species Why Is Biodiversity So Important? Biodiversity is the variety of different species, genetic variability among individuals within each species, and variety of ecosystems Gives us food, wood, fibers, energy, raw materials, industrial chemicals, medicines, and provides for billions of dollars in the global economy Why Is Biodiversity So Important? Provides recycling, purification, and natural pest control Represents the millions of years of adaptation, and is raw material for future adaptations What are the two principles of ecosystem sustainability? Use renewable solar energy as energy source Efficiently recycle nutrients organisms need for survival, growth, and reproduction Chapter 5 Nutrient Cycles and Soils Matter Cycling in Ecosystems Nutrient cycles or Biogeochemical cycles, involve natural processes that recycle nutrients in various chemical forms in a cyclic manner from the nonliving environment to living organisms and back to non living environment again. Major Types of Nutrient Cycles Hydrologic Atmospheric Water in the form of ice, liquid water, and water vapor cycles Operates local, regional, and global levels Large portion of a given element (i.e. Nitrogen gas) exists in gaseous form in the atmosphere Operates local, regional, and global levels Sedimentary The element does not have a gaseous phase or its gaseous compounds don’t make up a significant portion of its supply Operates local and regional basis Nutrient Cycling & Ecosystem Sustainability Self Contained Energy flow and nutrient cycling seem to imply that ecosystems are virtually selfsustaining, closed systems, at the ecosphere level As long as they are not disturbed by human activates such as clearing Forest can have a minimal lost Nutrients lost form one ecosystem must enter one or more other ecosystems Nutrient Cycling & Ecosystem Sustainability Nutrient Cycling and Sustainability Given time natural ecosystems ten to come into a balance, wherein nutrients are recycled with reasonable effici3ency Humans are accelerating rates of the flow of mater, causing nutrient loss from soils Scientist warn that this doubling of normal flow of nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle is a serious global problem that contributes to global warming, ozone depletion, air pollution, and loss of biodiversity Isolated ecosystems are being influenced by human actives