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Aim: What is the composition of
Earth’s atmosphere?
Do Now:
• Which material do you think
best represents the
thickness of the atmosphere
around the Earth?
– The thickness of a sponge?
– The thickness of a stack of
paper plates?
– The thickness of a plastic
1. What is atmosphere?
• The very thin layer of gases that surrounds the
• The atmosphere is about 60 miles thick
• Most of the gases are found within 7 miles of
Earth’s surface.
The atmosphere thins out: as you get farther from
the Earth, there are fewer molecules of gas .
2. How does the atmosphere
stay in place?
• Earth’s gravity keeps the atmosphere from floating
3. What does the atmosphere do?
Traps energy from sun to keep Earth warm
Provides temperatures suitable for life
Provides gases for organism respiration
Protects Earth from ultra violet (UV)
radiation from the sun
• Protects meteoroids from hitting Earth
4. What is the atmosphere
made of?
• 78% Nitrogen
• 21% Oxygen
• 1% all others
Argon (.9%)
Carbon dioxide (.04%)
Water vapor
Aerosols (dust, soot,
ash, smoke, sea salt)
Nitrogen (N2) – 78%
N2 – bacteria –
plants – animals – proteins
N2 can’t be used directly
by humans.
Bacteria “fix it” so it can
be used by plants and
animals in the nitrogen
Oxygen (O2) – 21%
• Oxygen (O2)
– Used by animals for respiration
– Released by plants as waste from cells
– Reacts with UV radiation to become ozone (O3)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
– Released by animals as waste from cells,
used by plants for photosynthesis
– Major greenhouse gas* = traps heat to
warm the Earth
- Also a pollutant from the burning of fossil
fuels that causes excess global warming
Carbon/Oxygen Cycle
Water Vapor (H2O)
– Gas form of water affects condensation of
clouds and weather events (rain, snow)
– Part of the water cycle
Water Cycle
– Particles of dust, smoke,
soot, sea salt
– Blocks some incoming
radiation from the sun,
decreasing the
temperature of Earth
– Needed for condensation
of water into rain or snow
(vapor must condense into
a liquid onto a solid
particle like dust)
Brainstorm: Think, pair, share
• Where do aerosols come from?
• Which gases are consumed by
• Which gases affect climate and weather?
• Which gases are easily changed by
human activities?
HW: Where did the atmosphere
come from?
• Submit a short, typed summary paragraph
or 2 that describes how the original
atmosphere formed, where oxygen
originated from, and according to the
ESRT, when did the oceanic oxygen start
entering the atmosphere?