Download Dental Plaque Biofilms - Ministry of Public Health

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Dental Plaque Biofilms
Teradaj Aticharoenkul
Periodontal disease
chronic imflammatory lesions
 destruction
 supporting periodontal tissues
 associated with specific microbial complexes
in subgingival biofilms
Bacterial species
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
 Actinomyces odonlyticus
 Actinomyces naeslundii
 Capnocytophaga gingivalis
 Fusobacterium nucleatum
Bacterial species
Streptococcus mitis
 Eubacterium nodatum
 Propionibacterium acres
 Porphyromonas gingivalis
 Treponema denticola
Treponema denticola
Gram negative oral spirochete
 predominant of human periodontal disease
 infection and inflammation of gingiva
 occurs in 80% of the adult population
 lives and can evolve to severe
Treponema denticola
refractory periodontitis
 acute necrotizing gingivitis
 bone resorption and tooth loss
Biofilm communities
Comprises : bacterial microcolonies,
extracellular slime layer, fluid channels and
primitive communication system
Biofilm communities
• bacteria attach to a surface
• mushroom-shaped
• different microcolonies may
contain different combinations
of bacterial species
• the slime layer protects the
bacterial microcolonies from
host defense mechanisms
Biofilm communities
• bacteria in the center of a
microcolony may live in a
strict anaerobic environment
• while other bacteria at the
edges of the fluid channels
may live in an aerobic
Biofilm communities
• the biofilm structure provides
a range of customized living
environments (with differing
pHs, nutrient availability, and
• within which bacteria with
different physiological needs
can survive
• fluid channels penetrates the
extracellular slime layer
Biofilm communities
• fluid channels provide
nutrients and oxygen for the
bacterial micro colonies and
facilitate movement of
bacterial metabolites, waste
products, and enzymes within
the biofilm structure
• Each bacterial microcolony
uses chemical signals to
create a primitive
communication system used
to communicate with other
bacterial microcolonies
Phases of plaque formation
Phases of plaque formation
The pattern of biofilm development
Cell division of the attached cells
to produce confluent growth,
and a bioflim.
secondary or late-colonisers
attach to primary colonisers
irreversible adhesion
adhesins on the cell surface and
receptors in the acquired
shorter-range (10-20nm)
result in reversible adhesion to
the surface.
long-range (>5Onm), nonspecific interaction of microbial
cell surfaces with the acquired
absorption of salivary proteins
and glycoproteins
some bacterial molecules, to the
tooth surface (the acquired