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Chapter 15: Human Genetics
• Karyotypes, Down Syndrome, sex
chromosomes, abnormalities, autosomal
genes, sex-linked genes, and polygenic
inheritance are covered in this Chapter.
Inheritance 0f Chromosomes
• Somatic cells - 22
pairs of autosomes, 1
pair sex chromo
• Karyotype - shows
chromo’s paired by
size, shape, &
appearance in
• members in a pair
have same banding
Inheritance 0f Chromosomes
• Nondisjunction occurs during meiosis,
causing abnormal
chromo #
• Nondisjunction is the
failure of one or more
chromo’s to separate
during MI or when
daughter chromo’s fail
to separate during MII.
Inheritance 0f Chromosomes
• Down Syndrome common autosomal
• 3 copies of chromo 21
• 23% cases sperm had
extra chromo 21
• chance of woman
having down
syndrome child
increases w/ age.
Abnormal Sex Chromosomal
• Turner (XO)
syndrome - females
have only one X
• Females are short,
broad chest, folds of
skin on neck
• Ovaries never
functional, never
undergo puberty
Abnormal Sex Chromosomal
• Klinefelter syndrome males have one Y and
2 X chromos
• individuals have large
hands and feet and
long arms and legs.
Abnnormal Sex Chromosomal
• Triplo-X females
• Jacob syndrome (XYY)
• Males w/Jacob’s syndrome are taller than
average, have persistent acne, tend to have
lower intelligence
Abnormal Sex Chromosomal
• Fragile X Syndrome X chromo nearly
broken, most often
found in males
• hyperactive or autistic
children, delayed
• Traced to excessive
copies of CGG triplet
Autosomal Genetic Disorders
• Males=squares,
• Carrier- Has no
apparent abnormality
but can pass on allele
for recessively
inherited genetic
Autosomal Dominant Disorders
• Neurofibromatosis have tan skin spots at
birth that turn to
benign tumors
• 1 in 3,000 people
• Neurofibromas are
lumps under the skin
of nerves and other
Autosomal Dominant Disorders
• Huntington Disease
effects 1 in 20,000
• leads to degeneration
of brain cells
• Death in 10-15 years
from onset
• Gene for disease on
chromo 4; contains
repeats of CAG
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
• Cystic Fibrosis - most
common lethal genetic
disease in Caucasions
• 1 in 20 is a carrier, 1
in 2,500 has disorder
• Production of mucus
in lungs and pancreas
• Gene on Chromo 7
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
• Tay-Sachs Disease - in
Jewish people
• Symptoms not
apparent, child
becomes blind &
helpless, develops
• Death by 3-y yrs.
• Lack of enzyme
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
• Phenylketonuria(PKU)
• 1 in 5,000 births
• Lack of enzyme
needed to metabolize
aa phenyalanine
• Mutated gene on
chromo 12
• Child placed on low
phenyalanine diet till
age 7.
Beyond Simple Mendelian
• Polygenic Inheritance
- 1 trait governed by 2
or more sets of alleles
• Includes diabetes,
allergies, and cancers
Beyond Simple Mendelian
Sickle-cell disease
controlled by
incomplete dominant
• Blood cells irregularly
shaped (abnormal
hemoglobin), clog
vessels and break
• poor circulation,
anemia, low resistnce
to infection, jaundice...
Sex-linked Genetic Disorders
• Traits controlled on sex chromo are sexlinked
• Y-chromo smaller, most sex linked are on
the X-chromo
• Males get X-linked traits from mom
• Daughter must have a carrier mom and an
expressed dad.
Sex-linked Genetic Disorders
• Color Blindness recessive disorder
involving mutations of
genes coding for green
or red sensitive cone
• Cannot see red or
green respectively
Sex-linked Genetic Disorders
• Muscular Dystrophy characterized by wasting
away of muscles,
eventually leading to
• 1 in 3,600 births
• fails to produce protein
• waddling gait, toe
walking, frequent falls,
difficulty rising.
• Death by 20 yrs old
Sex-linked Genetic Disorders
• Hemophilia - impaired
ability to clot
• 1 in 10,000 males
• Hemophiliacs bleed
externally after an
injury and also suffer
internal bleeding
around joints
• Need blood
transfusions or conc.
of clotting protein