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7th Grade
TEKS Review
 Radiant energy from the sun is converted to chemical energy
during the process of photosynthesis.
 T/F- Only plants perform photosynthesis.
 Photosynthesis is performed mainly in the leaves of plants.
 Chlorophyll (found in the chloroplasts) is green in color, and is
where photosynthesis occurs.
 Sunlight + Carbon Dioxide + Water
Glucose + Oxygen
 Phototropism- response to light
 Geotropism- response to gravity
 Hydrotropism- response to water
 Thigmotropism- response to touch
Living vs. Non-Living
 Biotic- living, or once living
 Exs: Trees, birds, decomposing leaves, fungus, people
 Characteristics of Living Things:
 Have cells
 Have DNA
 Grow and develop
 Reproduce
 Require energy
 Sense and respond to stimuli
 Abiotic- non-living
 Exs: Sand, water, rocks, wind
Energy Transformation & Pyramid
 Producers- plants; organisms that make their own food
(usually by photosynthesis)
 Consumers- an organism that eats producers or other
organisms for energy
 Primary consumers: herbivores
 Secondary consumers: eat other consumers (& plants)
 Tertiary consumers: consumer at the top of the food pyramid
Energy Transformation & Pyramid
 Omnivore- consumer that eats plants & animals
 Herbivore- consumer that eats plants
 Carnivore- consumer that eats other animals
 Decomposer- organism that gets energy by breaking down
the remains of dead organisms or animal wastes
Energy Pyramid
Primary Consumer
Food Web
Food Chain
 Community- all the populations in an ecosystem
 Species- all organisms of the same kind that adapted to a
particular set of resources (called a niche) in the environment
 Ecosystem- smaller part of the biosphere consisting of the
organisms & non-living features that interact in an area
 Population- made up of all the organisms in an ecosystem
that belong to the same species
Biome- large geographic areas
with similar climates and
ecosystems (desert, tundra, etc.)
 Plants & animals adapt (change, adjust) to their environments in
order to survive.
 Adaptation examples:
 Growing fur in cold environments
 Coloring to blend into environment
 Teeth designed for types of food (for tearing meat, grinding plants)
 Eyes located on top of or on the sides of the head
Ecological Succession
 Succession- the orderly changes an ecosystem goes through as it
develops or regrows (happens over time)
Primary Succession- begins in an area that has not been previously
occupied by a community (exs-exposed rock); there is no soil
Secondary Succession- begins on an area where a community has
previously existed; is on soil
Pioneer Species- first species to begin growing in an area (moss &
Climax Community- the end of succession; it is in equilibrium
with the environment
 Homeostasis- maintaining a stable internal environment
 Our bodies respond to internal stimuli by vomiting and
causing fever. This happens to maintain homeostasis.
 In order to cool the body, we sweat.
 In order to warm up, our body shivers.
Parts of a Flower
Asexual Reproduction
 Needs only 1 parent
 Genetic information isn’t mixed, so offspring are genetically
identical to parents
 Problems will always be passed on b/c offspring are clones of
the parents
 Examples:
 Cuttings
 Runners
Sexual Reproduction
 Requires two parents
 New individuals (offspring) are varied from parents b/c they
are a mix of genetics from both parents
 More genetic variation
 Examples:
 Fruit
 Seeds
 Dominant trait-trait that, when present, will appear
(represented in genotypes by capital letters)
 Recessive trait- trait that does not appear when dominant
traits are present (represented in genotypes by lower case
 Genotype- (AA, Aa, aa) alleles of a gene
 Phenotype- (tall, short) an organism’s appearance