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2- Getting and using energy:
a- Nutrition plants: Green plants make own
food. Through the processes of photosynthesis
* Photosynthesis: plants use energy from the sun and
change carbon dioxide CO2 and water H2O into sugar
C6H12O6. Energy from the sun is therefore stored in
*Photosynthesis produces oxygen O2.
*Chlorophyll green pigment in leaves
contains chloroplast needed for
b-Nutrition Animals: get energy “nutrition” by
eating other plants or animals. The original source
of energy is the sun. “Water” is also an important
part of nutrition in plants and animals.
c- Respiration: is the processes that organisms use
to release “burn” energy stored in food. Respiration
is the opposite of Photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis: energy + carbon dioxide + water = sugar +
Respiration: sugar + oxygen = energy + carbon dioxide + water
All organisms get energy directly or
indirectly from the SUN
3- Getting ride of wastes : “Excretion”
process of removing waste from the body.
Filtered out of blood.
a-Wastes = Carbon dioxide, urea, salt &
excess water.
b-Wastes are removed by exhaling,
perspiring, and urinating in animals, and
transpiration in plants.
4-Responding to changes in the environment:
regulation Organisms
and external changes
known as Stimuli.
respond to internal
in their environment
a- Examples = migration, drinking,
perspiring, hibernation, growing of fur etc..
b- Regulation helps organisms maintain
“homeostasis” the maintenance of a
constant internal environment.
5-Reproduction: Organisms reproduce to
ensure the survival of species.
a- Two Types of reproduction:
1) Asexual Reproduction: process of
producing a new organism with only
one parent. The new organism has the
exact same DNA as the parent.
b- Types of Asexual Reproduction:
Fission or Binary Fission: one cell splits to
form two cells with the same DNA
Budding: a new organism grow from the
body of the parent. The bud can stay on to form
a colony, or break apart
Regeneration: A new organism forms
from a piece of the parent or the
parent re-grows the missing piece
Sporulation: Some organisms
produce reproductive cells in a
protective covering called a Spore.
2) Sexual Reproduction involves the
combination of DNA from two parents.
Fertilization is the joining of DNA from The male
(SPERM, POLLEN) and DNA of the female
(EGG). The new organisms is a combination of
both parents.