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116 Day of School
Learning goal (7.L.2.1): I will be able to explain why
offspring that result from sexual reproduction (fertilization
and meiosis) have greater genetic variation than offspring
that result from asexual reproduction (budding and mitosis).
Due Today: Meiosis diagram and progress reports
Evening Assignment: Finish vocabulary flashcards or chart;
Study for Test
On the slip of paper write your name and answer the
following questions:
Which type of reproduction leads to more genetic
variation? Explain why.
Use the pictures below as part of your explanation.
Asexual reproduction
Do Now
Sexual reproduction
Meiosis is the process by which the number of
chromosomes is reduced by half to form gametes
(reproductive cells: sperm & egg in humans and
animals or pollen & ovule in plants).
This Punnett square shows
how alleles separate when
sex cells form during
meiosis. It also
shows the possible allele
combinations that can
after fertilization occurs.
(READ pages C98-100 in the
green Prentice Hall
Meiosis and Punnett Squares
Fertilization is the process that takes place when a male
gamete (sperm) and a female gamete (egg) combine to
form one new cell. In humans, an egg cell with 23
chromosomes joins a sperm cell with 23 chromosomes to
form a new 2n cell with 46 chromosomes. (READ pages
C117-119 yellow McDougal book).
Why does sexual reproduction require meiosis?
As you watch and listen, write in your science notebook
some sources of genetic variation (i.e. things that lead to
differences in traits and individuals).
Source of Genetic Variation:
Mutation & Reproduction (Recombination)
In your science notebook, READ and take NOTES on
the differences between asexual vs. sexual
reproduction. Think about how genes (traits) are passed
from parent to offspring for each. Also note some examples
of each type.
Which type of reproduction leads to more genetic variation
and why?
Genetic Variation:
Sexual vs. Asexual Reproduction
McDougall pgs. C102-103
Homologous Chromosomes (from father & mother)
Sister chromatids (replicated chromosomes)
Key Terms
Homologous Chromosomes (from father & mother)
Sister chromatids (replicated chromosomes)
Meiosis: process of cell division where DNA is replicated (copied) then
separated and divided twice to produce new cells called gametes
(reproductive cells)
Key Terms
Read McDougall pages C120-121
about Meiosis.
Then watch the Meiosis animation
detailed on the next slide.
Use the two resources to create a
labeled diagram showing and describing
what happens to the chromosomes in
each stage of meiosis.
Watch the Meiosis (Narrated) animation and take notes on what happens to the
DNA (genes) and chromosomes during each stage of meiosis. Turn on show text
to help you take notes.
On the FRONT
Acquired Trait
On the BACK
Definition/characteristics: A trait or
characteristic that is developed or
learned through life. Traits you aren’t
born with. Traits GENERALLY not
controlled by DNA.
Walking, speaking English,
dyed hair, pierced ears,
Glasses, skin cancer?
Acquired trait
Inherited trait
Sexual reproduction
Meiosis & Stages
Gregor Mendel
Pea Plants
Genetic Variation
Asexual Reproduction
Punnett Square
Monohybrid cross
Homozygous (Purebred)
Heterozygous (Hybrid)
Genetic Disorder
Sickle Cell Anemia
Genetics Vocabulary chart or flashcards due 3/12/14
Choose ONE of the following projects to do as a summative MAJOR assessment for the
Genetics Unit. Do detailed, quality work to get full credit.
Selective Breeding vs. Genetic
Corn is one of the most
manipulated crops. Create a
Presentation or Poster
comparing traditional selective
breeding vs. genetic
modification (GMO). Explain
the two methods and then show
some specific corn
varieties/cultivars that were
created with each method and
Genes associated with
inherited traits
We learned about several
common inherited human traits.
Pick at least 10 traits to research
and which genes control these
traits. Include pictures of the
traits phenotypes as part of your
presentation. You may complete
as a Word document or
Inheritance of Eye Color
Create a Powerpoint
presentation about the genetics
of eye color. Include information
about the different types of eye
color, any genes that are
associated with eye color, and
how eye color is inherited. In
your final slide, explain how
YOU inherited your eye color.
Myths of Human Genetics
Dr. John McDonald from the
University of Delaware has
written that many of the
inherited traits students learn in
genetics class AREN’T really
inherited in a simple dominant
vs. recessive pattern that is
taught. Create a Powerpoint to
review his arguments and
compare it to what MOST
genetics students learn.
Meiosis Game
Create a game to help students
learn the steps of meiosis.
Students must answer questions
about chromosomes, genes,
DNA, and meiosis to advance
through the stages of meiosis I
and meiosis II. You win when
you reach the final gamete stage.
Plant Genetics
Grow two different species of
plants and create a digital
comparison of their phenotype
similarities and differences
(appearance, size, growth rate,
etc). Then research the genetics
of the two species summarizing
what you find. Include the
number of chromosomes and
genome size
Expanded Traits Survey
Create YOUR OWN survey of
ten inherited traits. You may use
5 of the ones we did but must
include 5 new ones. Sample at
least 50 people. Write up your
finds as a Research Investigation
Article – but with more detailed
and thorough sections than we
did as a class.
Genetic Disorders
Create a Presentation about a
specific genetic disorder. You
must include the following
information about that disorder:
description, signs/symptoms,
how it’s inherited or acquired,
genes affected (including the
mutation if known), incidence,
and treatment.
GMOs in the News
Farmers and scientists use
GMOs to create better crops.
Write a news article picking a
specific GMO and discuss the
process, the benefits, and risks
of using that GMO
History of Genetics
Create a timeline about the
history of genetic knowledge
starting with ancient times (ex.
Biblical times) through the
present. You must have at least
15 descriptions along the
Selective Breeding in Dogs
Dog Breeders use selective
breeding to improve dog breed.
Create a brochure to explain the
selective breeding process and
use specific examples to show
how breeders have gotten new
dog breeds.
Pedigree Analysis
Create a pedigree of at least
three generations using a single
inherited trait. You must use a
REAL family either your own or
one you research. Include a
Punnett square from each
generation to show how that trait
was inherited (3 total)
Genetics Projects – due 3/21/14
This evening…
1. Finish vocabulary.
2. Test Wednesday over
Punnett squares
Evening Assignment