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Name: _____________________________________________
1. Label the phases of the cell cycle on the diagram below.
Word bank: Anaphase, Cytokinesis, G1, G2, Interphase, Metaphase, Mitosis, Prophase,
S phase, Telophase - use each word only once!
2. What happens during S phase?
a. Cells divide
b. DNA replicates
c. The cell grows
d. Cells stop growing
3. Daughter cells made in mitosis are NOT identical.
a. True
b. False
4. What is cancer?
a. A mutation in the genes
b. An overgrowth of fungus
c. Uncontrolled cell growth
d. None of the above
5. Label the phases of mitosis in each of the following pictures.
Word bank: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
Name: _____________________________________________
6. What type of cell do the images above belong to? ____________________________
7. Fill in the blanks. Use the words below to
Diploid, Haploid, Mitosis, Sexual reproduction, Asexual reproduction, Genetic variation
_________________________: production of offspring from one parent
_________________________: half the set of chromosomes, also known as 1n (23 for humans)
_________________________: production of offspring from two parents
_________________________: two new daughter cells formed that are identical to the mother
_________________________: two sets of chromosomes, also known as 2n (46 for humans)
_________________________: genetic diversity in a species or group as a result of new gene
combinations produced during sexual reproduction.
8. In the diagram below, label the following: Meiosis I, Meiosis II
9. In the diagram, label 1n or 2n at each short line.
Name: _____________________________________________
10. Label the gametes. What are two types of gametes? _________(male) and __________(female)
11. How do the chromosomes change from meiosis I through meiosis II?
a. Start with 2 sets (2n) and end with 1 set (1n) in the gametes
b. Start with 1 set (1n) and end with 2 sets (2n) in the gametes
c. There are 2 sets all the way through
d. There is 1 set all the way through
Short Answer:
Name: _____________________________________________
For the short answer questions, write a few sentences regarding the question. ONLY
ANSWER 2 OUT OF THE 3 QUESTIONS! You may answer the third question for extra
credit. If you need more paper, feel free to use lined paper and staple it to the test.
12. A friend comes to you and explains that his dad has cancer, but he doesn’t know
anything about it. You have recently learned about cancer in your biology class. Explain to
your friend what cancer is. Define what cancer is and what can cause it.
13. What are some advantages to sexual reproduction? What are some advantages to
asexual reproduction? What is a disadvantage to asexual reproduction?
14. What is happening in the picture below? How does it result in genetic variation?