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The Chemistry of Life
What is Needed for Life?
• Matter
– Takes up space and has mass
• Energy
– Used to organize matter
– Used to change matter
Organization of Life
• Simple to complex
Molecules and Compounds
• Examples of atoms
• Examples of molecules
– Oxygen (O2)
– Nitrogen (N2)
– Hydrogen (H2)
• Compounds
– H20, H2O2
Physical vs. Chemical Changes
• use energy
Acids and Bases
• pH – a measure of
• pH balance of our body
is important in
A Whole Lot of Energy
Why eat?
• Growth and repair of body
• maintenance of homeostasis
• Forming compounds (making new cells)
stores energy in the chemical bonds
• Breaking compounds (digestion) releases
energy stored in the chemical bonds
How to build life
• Inorganic compounds
– Water (H2)
– minerals
• Organic compounds
Nucleic Acids
Building compounds
• It takes energy to form energy
• Chemical bonding puts simple compounds
• All compounds are built from small
building blocks called monomers
• Bonded monomers build polymers
Organic Compounds
• Carbon is the basis of life
• Carbon loves to bond – rings or chains
Organic Compounds
• Carbohydrates
– C, H, and O
– Monomer is a monosaccharide
• glucose, fructose, galactose
– Sugars vs. Starches
• Complex – long C chains
• Simple – short C chains
What do you need carbohydrates
Organic Compounds
• Lipids
Monomor is a fatty acid & alcohol
Fats, oils, and waxes
Hold more energy than the other organic
What do we need lipids for?
Organic Compounds
• Proteins
– Monomer is amino acids
– The body made of 1000s of proteins from
only 20 amino acids!
Why do we need Proteins?
Organic Compounds
• Nucleic Acids
CHON and sulfur
Monomer is a nucleotide
Control the cell
Contains hereditary information
• DNA and RNA
Why do we need Nucleic Acids?
Healthy Diet includes:
• Organic
• Carbo’s
• Lipids
• Proteins
• Vitamins
• Inorganic
• Water
• Minerals
How do we get the energy from
our food?
Water – universal solvent
Breaks bonds
Breaking bonds releases energy
Our bodies are stored energy (we are
put together from organic compounds)
• Ingestion
• Physical change
• Chemical changes
– Enzymes
– Stomach acid
• Re-absorb water and nutrients
• Excretion
Atom Review
• Smallest particle of matter that still
has properties
• Protons – Positive Charge
• Neutrons – Neutral Charge
• Electrons – Negative Charge
• Diatomic – Made of 2 atoms (O2)