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Protein Targetting
Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
AP Biology
Unit 2
Protein Targetting
• Secretory proteins have
molecular tags that help
direct them to the ER =
signal peptide
• Signal peptide = sequence
of amino acids at beginning
of protein that binds to the
SRP (signal recognition
Protein Targetting
1. Ribosome begins translating protein and the amino
acids of the signal peptide.
2. Signal peptide is recognized by SRP and bound by it.
3. The SRP and ribosome bind to the receptor on ER.
4. The protein is fed into the ER as it is made.
5. Signal sequence is removed by enzyme inside the
Protein Synthesis in Eukaryotes
• Between transcription and
translation there is an
extra step = RNA
– RNA is modified before it
is translated
– Pre mRNA = the RNA
before RNA processing
RNA Processing
• 3 main things happen in RNA processing:
– 5’ (G) cap is added
– Poly A tail added
– Introns removed
• Step 1:
– Modified G nucleotide is added to the 5’ end of
the pre mRNA
– Helps mRNA bind to ribosome
– Prevents RNA from being broken down by
RNA Processing
• Step 2:
– Poly A tail is added to the 3’ end of the pre
mRNA (100-300 A nucleotides)
– NOT the same thing as the termination
– Helps direct the mRNA out of the nucleus
– Makes the RNA more stable
RNA Processing
• Step 3: RNA splicing
– Introns are noncoding
regions (“junk” DNA)
– Exons are sections that
code for part of protein
– Introns are cut out of the
pre mRNA and exons are
joined together.
• What kind of molecules are doing all of
these tasks (adding poly A tail, cutting out
introns, etc.)?
– Accomplished by many different enzymes
Protein Synthesis in Prokaryotes
• In prokaryotes,
translation can start
even as transcription is
still occurring.
• What characteristic of
prokaryotic cells allows
this to happen?
– Absence of a nucleus– it
can all happen in “one
• A change in the DNA
• Could be due to a
substitution, insertion or
deletion of nucleotide(s)
• Wildtype = “normal”
– NOT a mutation!
Point Mutation
• When a nucleotide is substituted for another
• a variety of things can occur depending on
the specific substitution
Point Mutation: Silent Mutation
• DNA sequence changes
 RNA sequence
changes  still codes
for the same amino
• No effect on the amino
acid sequence
Point Mutation: Missense Mutation
• DNA sequence changes 
RNA sequence changes 
codes for a different amino acid
• Could affect the functioning of
the protein
• Under what conditions might
the protein not be affected much
by a missense mutation?
– If the amino acid has similar
properties as the wild type amino
acid (+ charged  + charged)
Point Mutation: Nonsense
• DNA sequence changes
 RNA sequence
changes  early stop
codon introduced
• Translation stops 
Protein is incomplete
Frameshift Mutations
• Caused by the insertion or
deletion of nucleotide(s)
• Can cause nonsense,
extensive missense, or the
insertion/deletion of single
amino acids
• Why would a frameshift
mutation cause a protein to
lose its function?
– If primary sequence is wrong,
then sequence will also be
wrong shape changes 
function lost