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We need a constant supply of energy,
even at rest.
During exercise more energy will be
The energy needed will vary with the
demands of the activity.
Three Forms of Energy
Light from the sun is converted by plants into
stored chemical energy.
Humans consume the plants or animals who
eat the plants, this is then stored as potential
energy (ATP).
Muscles use this energy for movement this is
Kinetic Energy.
Energy = The ability or capacity to perform
ie muscle contractions
Measured in Joules
Work done is done when a force is applied to
a body to move it over a distance.
Work = force x distance moved
Power = The rate at which we perform work
Power = work (force x distance )
------Time (seconds)
Power is measured in Watts
Only 1 usable form of energy:
All food needs to be converted into ATP before potential
energy can be used.
= High-energy simple phosphate compound
= 1 molecule of Adenosine and 3 phosphates
When a compound is BROKEN DOWN energy is released.
Exothermic reaction
The enzyme that breaks down ATP is ATPase
ATP is broken down to
Adenosine Diphosphate
(ADP) and a free phosphate
releasing the stored energy
ADP + P + Energy
When a compound is BUILT UP, energy is
needed to restore the bonds between the
Endothermic reaction
ADP + P + Energy
1. Phosphocreatine system
(Alacticacid system)
2. Lactic Acid system
(Anaerobic Glycolysis)
3. The Aerobic System
We don’t want to run out of ATP!
Therefore all three systems work
They are good at supplying energy for
different intensities and for different
durations of activity.
Systems 1 & 2 = Anaerobic
System 3 = Aerobic
• ATP Found in sarcoplasm (equivalent to cytoplasm)
• Potential energy stored in bonds of the compound
• Enzyme creatine kinase breaks down PC
• Creatine kinase is activated when ATP stores start to
diminish and there is a high level of ADP in the muscle cell
creatine kinase
Phosphocreatine (PC)
P + Creatine + Energy
The energy created by the breakdown of PC
is used to resynthesis ATP from ADP.
This is known as a
coupled reaction
Reaction 2 relies on reaction1
P + C +Energy
Energy + ADP + P = ATP
• The stores of PC in the muscle is enough to
sustain maximum effort for 10 seconds.
• This is the only system that can produce ATP
quick enough in events where we are working
maximally, ie triple jump and sprinting
• PC is a very easy compound to break down. As it
is stored in the muscle cells, it is readily available
and does not need oxygen.
• ATP can be made quickly with no fatiguing waste
Training Adaptations
• Need to do anaerobic training
• Overloaded ATP/PC system
• Increases muscle store of ATP/PC
• Delays threshold between ATP/PC and lactic
acid system
• Increases potential of duration 1-2 seconds
Give the advantages and disadvantages of
ATP/PC system using pg 370
Aim to provide energy to allow ADP to
resynthesise into ATP
Coupled reaction
Also takes place in the Sarcoplasm
Partial breakdown of glucose (need oxygen for full
Glycolysis = breakdown of glucose/glycogen into
pyruvic acid
Carbohydrate stored as glycogen in the liver and muscle
Glycogen phosphoryla
Pyruvic Acid
Lactate dehydrogenase
Lactic Acid
• Provides energy to resynthesise ATP for first 2-3
minutes of high intensity short duration anaerobic
• Flat out intensity it may only last for 30 seconds.
• Its limitation is due to onest of blood lactate
accumulation (OBLA).
• Build up of lactic acid decreases ph of muscle
which then inhibits enzymes needed for glycolysis
• Muscle fatigue occuirs.
Onset Of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA)
Onset of blood lactate
accumulation is the point
at which blood lactate
becomes extensive
enough to suppress
OBLA depends on the
level of training.
Regular anaerobic training
which overload LA system
increases body's tolerance to
lactic acid and increases
stores of glycogen.
Delays OBLA.
Delays fatigue.
Give the advantages and disadvantages
of the LA system, You may find pg 372
table 3 helpful.
Break down of glycogen, glucose and fats to
provide energy, via coupled reactions to
resynthersies ADP into ATP.
3 stages:
a)Aerobic Glycolysis
b) Krebs’ Cycle
c) Electron Transport Chain
a) Aerobic Glycolysis
Similar to lactic acid system BUT:
Glucose is fully broken down due to the presence of
PYRUVIC ACID moves in to the
No build up of lactic acid.
Krebs’ Cycle
Mitochondria (matrix)
b) Krebs’ Cycle Pyruvic Acid
Coenzyme A
Acetyl CoA
Oxaloacetic Acid
Citric Acid
Krebs’ Cycle
Carbon Dioxide
c) Electron Transport Chain
Hydrogen Ions
(Charged with potential energy)
Energy is released in a step by step manner.
The hydrogen ion-electron pairs are passed down
from a
high level of energy to a lower level of energy.
Thus producing
34 ATP
3 stages:
a) Aerobic Glycolysis =
b) Krebs’ Cycle =
c) Electron Transfer Chain =
38 ATP
34 ATP
For better diagram see pg 373-374
Give the advantages and disadvantages of the LA
system, you may find pg 375 table 4 helpful.
Summary of Aerobic system
Uses oxygen
Fuels used – carbohydrate and fats
Dominant during low intensity / long duration activities.
Involves the complete breakdown of glucose and fats
with the presents of oxygen.
Which yields more energy break down of fats or
glycogen? Why? (Pg 376)
Training Adaptations
Aerobic training causes adoptions to be made
which help to improve the efficiency of the aerobic
• Increases storage of muscle and liver glycogen
• Increases mobilisation of aerobic enzymes
• Is able to use free fatty acids (broken down
triglycerides by lipases) earlier, this conserves
glycogen stores.
Look at the following activities, what is the difference in the
rate of energy needed to complete these athletics events?
Two keywords can be used to describe the difference an
activity needs:
Anaerobic or Aerobic?
Anaerobic activities:
High intensity
Short duration
Aerobic activities:
Low intensity
Long duration
Anaerobic Systems
PC or alactic system
Dominant during flat out activities lasting
Lactic acid or anaerobic glycolysis
Dominant during high intensity activities
lasting 30seconds -3minutes
Give a definition for each of the following key words
Alactic / PC System
Lactic Acid / Anaerobic Glycolyis System
Aerobic System
Enzyme, Coupled reaction, Threshold
Dominant system, Energy yield
ATP = Adenosine Triphosphate
Adenosine -- Phosphate -- Phosphate -- Phosphate
(energy within the bonds)
Only useable source of potential energy
Enough stored for 2 seconds of energy production
Energy released by breaking one of the phosphate
bonds by ATPase
ADP + P + Energy
This is an exothermic reaction (energy released)
After 2secs all the ATP will have been broken down
to ADP
Since it is the only source of energy ATP must be
ADP + P + Energy = ATP
(endothermic reaction)
This reaction relies on energy being available.
This energy is provided by the ENERGY
All examples of COUPLED reactions
Potential Energy source
Creatine Phosphate (PC)
Site of Reaction
Sarcoplasm of muscle cell
Enzyme used
Creatine Kinase
Energy Produced
P + C + Energy
Energy used to reform ATP
1 ATP reformed
10 seconds
Explosive, 100m sprint etc
Energy Source
Site of Reaction
Breakdown of Glycogen
Glycogen / Glucose
Sarcoplasm of muscle cell
Glycogen / Glucose
Enzyme used
Breakdown of Glucose
Enzyme used
Enzyme used to convert to
lactic acid
Glycogen phosphorylase
Glucose split – pyruvic acid
Phosphofructose kinase
Lactate Dehydrgenase
Energy produced
2 ATP’s
60 secs
Aerobic Glycolysis
Similar as anaerobic glycolysis
Full breakdown of glucose
Energy yield
Net result
Production of pyruvic acid
which in the presence of
oxygen is transported to the
mitochondria (stage 2)
Site of Reaction
Net result
Pyruvic acid combines
with oxaloacetic acid to
form citric acid, enters
Kreb’s cycle
Matrix of the
Carbon dioxide produced
2 ATP’S reformed
Hydrogen given off
Site of reaction
Hydrogen is charged
H+ + eElectrons passed down a chain of
reactions which releases a lot of
Cristae of mitochondria
Net result
38 ATP’s produced
Water produced
Overall energy yield
Stage 1 = 2ATP’S
Stage 2 = 2ATP’s
Stage 3 = 34ATP’S