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Most organic molecules are made up of 3 types of atoms:
Carbon Chemistry
Carbon can form single, double, and triple bonds.
Carbon has four places it needs to bond.
Carbon can form isomers.
Isomers are molecules that have the same
chemical formula but different shapes.
Example: glucose and fructose both have
chemical formulas of C6 H12 O6 BUT
their shapes are different!
-Silly analogy of understanding…isomers are like Eggs! Eggs can
be scrambled, fried, or hard boiled so even though they are
made up of the same substance (the egg = C, H, and O) they will
have a different physical appearance (texture, appearance, etc.
in other words, properties).
Fructose has a
basic shape of a
Glucose has a
basic shape
of a
Macromolecules are important to the STRUCTURE AND PROCESSING
of cells
Four Principle macromolecules
2. Lipids
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic Acids
Things these 4 macromolecules have in common:
All are organic molecules…
….that have Carbon atoms as the basis of the molecule
….that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms
…that are made by chemically bonding smaller molecules called
Subunits (building blocks) together
Carbohydrates store energy and provide support.
The BUILDING BLOCKs of carbohydrates are monosaccharides.
There are different types of monosaccharides. Here are 3:
galactose (another isomer of glucose)
We will use glucose most often.
The shape of the glucose molecule is:
a hexagon
The chemical formula is:
C6 H12 O6
Glucose is produced in plants by the process of photosynthesis.
-Glucose stores energy from the sun in chemical bonds, between atoms
within the molecule.
(We will find that whenever bonds are broken, it uses energy and when
new bonds are formed, it releases energy!!! )
Simple sugars (monosaccharides) link together with covalent
bonds to make bigger molecules called polysaccharides.
*There are 3 types of Glucose chains.
1. Starch
- found in plants
- long term glucose
storage for plants
- digestible by humans
(source of calories for us)
2. Glycogen
- found in animals
- short term glucose storage in
-digestible by humans
3. Cellulose
- found in plants
- used by plants for structural
- not digestible by humans = Fiber
A one sugar molecule is a
Ex: glucose
A two sugar molecule is a
disaccharide. Ex: sucrose
A “MANY” sugar molecule is a
polysaccharide. The prefix
“poly” means many.
Ex: starch, glycogen,
and cellulose
Lipids store energy and are a component of cell membranes.
Lipids do not dissolve in water. They are non polar = hydrophobic.
Remember, polar dissolves in polar. So, non polar dissolves
in non polar.
Lipid’s Structure:
Hydrogen-Carbon chains linked to a “backbone” molecule
called glycerin.
Lipids are composed of the same elements as
carbohydrates (C, H, O) BUT they have many many many
more C-H bonds.
Beef fat
The building blocks (subunit) of a lipid are
fatty acids with a glycerol backbone.
A special kind of lipid - called a phospholipid, is a
major component of your cell membrane.
this lipid
the foodtype
has only
2 Fatty
Other common lipids besides food lipids are
waxes and steroids.
Proteins - Important for cell structure and cellular activities.
-Proteins are long, twisted chains of amino acids.
-Contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms
-Major cellular functions:
* Structure of cells and tissues
* Enzymes: control chemical reactions of the cell
* Identification by immune system
Amino Acids
Actual amino acid looks like…..
- There are 20 different kinds of amino acids
The R
stands for
an H or an
group, such
as CH3,
- One long straight chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide
- One or more twisted polypeptides is a protein.
Nucleic Acids - Contain cell’s genetic information
- Long chains of subunit called a nucleotide
A Nucleotide is made of:
Phosphate Group
N-Containing Base
Bases in DNA are:
adenine, guanine,
cytosine, and thymine
5C Sugar (deoxyribose in DNA)
Two types of Nucleic Acids
1. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
- Carries the code for making
2. RNA (Ribonucleic Acid)
- Important in the process of making proteins
The Cells Fuel - The ATP Molecule
- ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)
* Formed during cellular respiration
* Stores energy released from carbohydrates and fats
** Attaches a phosphate to store energy (3 phosphates)
** Releases a phosphate to release energy (2 phosphates)
** Cell uses the energy from
the ATP molecule to run
chemical processes of the
ATP Molecule Model:
Molecule storing energy-
Molecule not storing energy-
How is the structure of the ATP molecule similar to the Nucleotide
They both have three basic parts, when
comparing a Nucleic Acid subunit and an ATP
molecule: phosphate (or 2 or 3), a sugar, and a
N-containing base.
How is the function of ATP similar to Glucose?
Both are a source of stored energy
(stored in the bonds).